My New, Shinee Love

Hae Won's P.O.V.

I sigh as I plop down on a railing and stare at my hands.

Minho is pushing Jae Sun on the swings.

Kinda creepy how he just happened to have him, but oh well!

"Having fun?" a voice tickles my ear.

"What are ya doing here?" I ask Onew.

He sits next to me.

"Just saw you guys, so I decided,"Why not?"

I smile slightly and look up from my hands and am surprised to see him looking at me.

"Whaaat?~" I cross my arms over my chest selfconciously.

Onew pauses,"You seem distracted."

"Me? I never get distracted! I'll have you know-" an ice cream truck song cuts me off.


I jump up and jog towards the truck.

"One vanilla please!" I hold up a finger.

The man hands me the cone, but Onew gives him the money.

"You were saying?" he raises an eyebrow and is fighting to keep a smile off his face.

I flick my finger across the top of my ice cream and dab it on his nose.

I laugh as he tries to it off with his tongue, but he definitely can't reach it.

"So what were you thinking about?" Onew leans against the tree.

"Mmmmmmm what do you mean?" I tilt my head.

"I'm 100% sure that you are worried about something!" his voice is still light.

My brows furrow,"I don't think you would want to know."

"Oh, but I do," he leans close to me.

"Awww alright!"

I stand on my tiptoes and cup my hands around his ear, but drop the dessert on my shirt.

"Maaan! This was my favorite shirt!" I swipe at it.

He hands me his jacket,"Here just go change into this."

I dejectedly go to a bathroom and throw on the jacket.

Onew inspects me for a second,"I like how you look in it!"

"Are you saying I look like a guy?" I feel my cheeks warming up.

"If that were the case... You'd be a really pretty dude."


Not really sure what to say to that.

A sudden shaking pitches me to the floor.

He helps me up while struggling to stand up himself.

"Oww. What was that?" I rub my arm.

"I don't-"

This time we're both thrown to the ground.

The buildings surrounding us shake along with the earth.

My eyes widen and we both look at each other.

A scream rips through the air,"EARTHQUAKE!!!!"

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I just finished reading your story and I love it! It's cute! especially the ending! :3
MinGwen18 #2
@mei-chan. oh okay.
mei-chan #3
Eh, Lumpy and I are amateur writers, we didn't really think it through xD but thanks~
PS: Since when did I have 57 subscribers. 0.e ... *feels famous*
:L Happy Khmer New Years~ { even though it was yesterday }
Keep an eye out for our next joint project. :)
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #4
Good ending!! 2 thumbs up!! Loved how onew proposed!
I liked the story but I just have something to say about Hae Won's family: first off, the whole family is heartless and should die. Second; her older brother found out she got abused and left her there with those monsters? And now he acted like nothing happened? What kind of sick person is he? Ah well at least she's got her happy ending now
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #6
Really ending that soon? T.T he's her brother!! For both of them lol! Update soon pretty please.
mei-chan #7
@MinGwen18 HAH! I checked before I wrote the chapter. This is her REAL mom. :)
MinGwen18 #8
ohhh. i thought taemin already knew eunmi's mom from the prologue?
mei-chan #9
@TaeJumble : Pfft, ikr ? :3 That was a good anime ^ 0 ^
WOO Angel Beats :D