My New, Shinee Love

Hae Won's P.O.V.

My hands scrabble against the wall to find something to grab onto.

I fell asleep in the shower, again.

Bah I'm clean enough.

The water gets shut off.

I see and hear Eun Mi under her sheets and crying.

There's a few sniffles.

I quickly throw on some clothes.

"I'm going to the market ok?" I whisper.

Not sure why, but I do.

She shuffles around but doesn't say anything.

I take it as an alright.

The place isn't far from here and I'm glad that I remembered some money.

It's about 7 so there really isn't many people here.


Ice cream section.

I throw some ice cream and chocolate in a basket.

Some cheesy movies for good luck.

A magazine and some sharpies.

Girls would never turn down ice cream or chocolate in a dire need.

I could use some too :/


Hmmm this looks good too!


God. Who's kid is that?

I scowl.

Someone tackles me and throws their arm around my waist.

"Noona!" a kid is gripping onto me.

"I'm not your noona," I gently push him off of me.

"Yes you are," he grabs onto me again.

"Ok where's your mom, kid?"


I put my hand on top of his head and lead him to the managers.

"Can you help me find his mother?" I ask.

They proceed to call on the intercom.

I stay with him for about 30 minutes before I start to get impatient.

"Look I have to go. Will you tell me if he finds her?" I ask the people.

"I'm afraid we can't keep him."

"What? I can't take him either!" I protest.

He looks about 4 or 5.

I don't want to take care of him!

"Sorry ma'am."

I sigh and take his hand.

Eun Mi is going to kill me.

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I just finished reading your story and I love it! It's cute! especially the ending! :3
MinGwen18 #2
@mei-chan. oh okay.
mei-chan #3
Eh, Lumpy and I are amateur writers, we didn't really think it through xD but thanks~
PS: Since when did I have 57 subscribers. 0.e ... *feels famous*
:L Happy Khmer New Years~ { even though it was yesterday }
Keep an eye out for our next joint project. :)
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #4
Good ending!! 2 thumbs up!! Loved how onew proposed!
I liked the story but I just have something to say about Hae Won's family: first off, the whole family is heartless and should die. Second; her older brother found out she got abused and left her there with those monsters? And now he acted like nothing happened? What kind of sick person is he? Ah well at least she's got her happy ending now
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #6
Really ending that soon? T.T he's her brother!! For both of them lol! Update soon pretty please.
mei-chan #7
@MinGwen18 HAH! I checked before I wrote the chapter. This is her REAL mom. :)
MinGwen18 #8
ohhh. i thought taemin already knew eunmi's mom from the prologue?
mei-chan #9
@TaeJumble : Pfft, ikr ? :3 That was a good anime ^ 0 ^
WOO Angel Beats :D