Oh It's my turn then

Made from Heaven


Kyuhyun’s POV


She’s still going to Australia tomorrow. And she still doesn’t want to marry me; even if I asked her a thousand of times. She still won’t believe that I wanted to marry her. I don’t know why when Donghae hyung asked her to get married she said yes but now that I asked not once but a lot of times she said no. What’s with this? She loves me but doesn’t want to marry me.


She’s leaving tomorrow. If I can’t marry you before you leave; I will make sure you’re engaged to me so that no fish I mean no one can steal you away from me. Hahahaha you can never say no to me tonight. But how can we leave here at dorm. When all my hyung surrounded her; I can’t even get to sit next to her and Teukie hyung how many times you have to kissed her and hugged her I know it’s your birthday but that’s my future wife you know?


“yah! Yah! That’s enough we have to go. Minheeya’s flight is tomorrow.” I told Yesung hyung who still talking with Minheeya.


“Wae? Another protective boyfriend.” Yesung hyung said.


“Hyung. You have been talking with her for hours now.” I said.


“Wae? Wae?” he said.




“Okay, Okay.” He said then hug Minheeya.


“Teukie Hyung. We’re leaving.” I called Teukie hyung.


“You’re leaving its early.” Ryeowooka said.


“Minheeya’s flight is the morning.” I told them.


“Kamsahamnida.” Minheeya said then bow to them.


“We will miss you Minheeshii.” Sungmin hyung said.


“Group hug! Group hug!” Eunhyuk hyung scream.


Then all of them went to hug Minheeya excluding me. Minheeya just looked at me and smiled.


“yah! Yah! Yah! That’s enough.” I broke them off one by one like taking off an insect from a flower.


We leave the dorm. Donghae hyung and Teukie hyung walk us at the lobby. And hug Minheeya one last time.



Then we went to my car which is park outside the building. As we get on the car Minheeya saw a gift that she supposed to give to Donghae Hyung as a farewell gift to him sort of gift for a best friend.


“Aish! I forgot to give this to Donghae Oppa.” She said while scratching her head.


“I’ll go back. I’ll give it to him. Just wait for me here. Okay?” I told her then get off my car then go back to inside the building.


I’m waiting at lobby for the elevator when I heard someone scream outside. Then people at the lobby rushed outside to see what happened.


“There’s a girl inside! There’s a girl inside!” I heard someone scream.


I immediately run outside to see what happened. I saw a truck and my car crashed. My car is hit by a big truck then crashed to a post.


“Minheeya!” I shouted as I rushed to my car.


“Minheeya! Minheeya! Minheeya!”


I opened the door then I saw her. She’s unconscious. I held her up her face is full of blood.


“Oh God! No! No! NO! Minheeya! Minheeya! Minheeya!”


Minhee’s POV


There was a flash of light. Then I was here. I saw my umma and my granny with uncle. They were running. Then I saw Kyuhyun Oppa. He was crying when umma approach him. Umma hugs him while my uncle hugs granny. Then Teukie Oppa came with Donghae, yesung and Ryeowook they all rushed to Kyuhyun Oppa. Teukie Oppa hug Kyuhyun they were crying. Donghae Oppa is crying also while Ryeowook Oppa and Yesung Oppa just stand there looking at them.


“What’s happening?” I thought to myself


Then a guy came out from the door. I looked at the sign where he came from it says EMERGENCY

He’s a doctor. I guess.


The doctor went to talk to Kyuhyun Oppa and my umma. The doctor said something but I can’t understand him or I can’t hear him. But it made my umma cry then hug Kyuhyun Oppa while Kyuhyun oppa didn’t react he just stare there blankly.


“What’s really happening here?”


I went to Kyuhyun oppa to ask him what happened but he just ignored me. Then I went to umma she also ignore me.


“Why does everybody ignoring me? Hello? I’m here. Can’t you tell me what’s happening and why are you all crying?”


I went to uncle to ask him. He just stare me blankly then hug granny again.


“You too! Uncle!”


The doctor asked them to go inside so I followed them.


Then I saw someone’s lying on the bed. I saw myself with tube on my mouth.


“wa…. Wait. What’s happening here? I’m not dead.”


I was stepping back because of what I saw when someone tap me on my shoulder.




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This story is fun !! XD
livihwang #2
Chapter 39: Aaa.. Really love your story! <3
Chapter 39: Damn this is a good story. Authornim, this story made me cry and I can assure you that's a good thing.
iloveyou_saranghae #4
Reading this for the third time, still loving it. Seriously, this story is JJANG!<br />
oh my... sorry to make my readers cry. I don't want you to cry. Thank you for reading and for posting great comments here. Hope to see you at made from heaven part 2. Thank you again. ELF Fighting! ^^
You made me and my co-worker...I mean another ELF cry ;(<br />
but because this fanfic is EPIC!<br />
I can't wait for you to finish made from heaven part 2 :D
iloveyou_saranghae #7
I've read this months ago but I read it again. Omo~! I'm crying again. Totally love this fic ^^,
@ayenshoo12: sorry if I made you cry... to tell you the truth i cried to when I'm writing this ff.<br />
@mashiiimaroo: thank you for your comment.
this is CRAP. really really crap<br />
WHY?<br />
'cause you made me cry soooooo hard. I MEAN it. SOOOO HARD. T.T<br />
you don't know how this story made me realize how much i love someone. ><