On The Other Side

Behind The Limelight


Hyuk Jae’s POV

The way Dong Hae moved his eyes away from my stare made me want to laugh out loud. I knew he was jealous of the girl who bought me a box of cake. He was making it way too obvious. From the start, I already realized that he was attracted to me. I made oblivious of that thought, so as not to stay from him. I was busy watching his every move and how he reacted when I’m with others. There were times when he wanted to say that he loves me, but fear took over him, making him back off. For me, it wasn’t a big deal. So what if he loves me more than a friend? I wouldn’t judge him though.

But if he really did, I wouldn’t know what to do.

I was pretty sure that things between us would change. We would no longer be best friends like we once were. We would each feel awkward when we’re together. And I don’t want that to happen.

With that in mind, I called everybody to resume the shooting. The next scenes required much hard work.


During one of those vacant days, I stopped by Dong Hae’s apartment just to hang out and relax. He also had a lot of free time. We were seated at the sofa while watching a movie, and I broke the silence by saying something.

“I was about to give you half of the cake that girl brought for me yesterday.”

“Never mind. I’m sure you ate it all by yourself.” he said bitterly. He lay his head on the back rest and closed his eyes. I watched his sleeping form. From his long nose line, calm face and thin, soft lips, I found myself in a different kind of world. I was urgent to kiss him and make him mine.

But in the real world, we were lifetimes apart.

Dong Hae was a famous star, and I was a budding director. We were just friends. And I wouldn’t fall for him.

He woke up and caught me staring at him.

“What?” he asked. There was still a hint of bitterness in his voice.

“Nothing. Go back to sleep. You must be tired.” I said and smiled.


Honestly, I didn’t know how to handle the fact that Dong Hae was in love with me. I knew it since we were in high school, and I too felt a surge of emotions for him. I was his best friend, and I struggled to remain it that way. His simplicity and humility captivated me. When he smiled, it seemed to light up my whole world, and every move he made was recorded in my mind.

We perfectly planned out everything. After our college graduation, we would still be together, get married with our girlfriends and make our own families.

But I broke my promise because I was madly in love with him.

Just to forget what I had felt, I flew to US to pursue my dreams of becoming a director, and it paid me off. I became successful and had several girlfriends, and despite that, Dong Hae’s image was still tattooed in my mind. At first it was denial. I kept on convincing myself that I was hallucinating, and everything was just one big nightmare. But every time I saw him, my heart stopped form beating and my eyes are totally laid on him. I finally accepted the fact that I love him. Right now, he meant the whole world to me.

I glanced at him again, somehow feeling the same emotion over and over again. I lightly caressed his hand. The softness of it tightened my touch, and with his hand beneath mine, I felt like lying on the tranquil seas. I couldn’t help but smile at myself in happiness. I love him, and I wouldn’t deny that.

And when he woke up, our eyes met and lingered on each other.

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Chapter 32: This was such a nice story~ a lot of happened and I didn't know how this story would end like but I'm so glad eunhae had a happy ending in te end. This was a really interesting story, I enjoyed reading it! ^^
Yahooooo!!~ do you remember me? I use to be SilverRose and well I felt kinda bad for not commenting or subscribing so here I am :) and I totally like your story keep up the good work and hope to see future fics of yours :D
splendid-times #3
They are together at the end <3 EunHae!
Thank for this fic! I came across to ...
You have no idea how frustrated I am to see Hae in this kind of state and treated Hyuk like that .... =.=' he was so...... -.-
Hae should be the one who know Hyuk clearly more than others, but how come?
Lol and I'm thankful to Hyuk that always be so patient and did not give up on Hae.... :)

Anyway, the fic has finished already, and glad EunHae get back together, one of the most beautiful thing to see, to know. Their love is pure <3
Thank for this! ~^^
whoaaa, the plot r awesome! no kidding just like real drama ><
nabzxs #5
Eventhough I thought Siwon was a er in the first few chapters, at the end of the story I feel kinda bad for him. I mean, noone in this world deserves to be a rebound guy/girl & Hae was pretty much an to be doing that to Siwon (no matter how much I love Hae, I'm still angry he did that and let his emotions get the best of him without using his head.) But in the end, they're all buddies & everything's eunhae and so everything's okay again! wheee~
Congrats on the completion of this fic! :)
Thank you for sharing this story.. My apologies if my comments were "off" at times but I just hate EunHae in such a sad mode.. Hehehe.. Keep writing, okay? ^^
Okay, did my ninja skills and finished everything! ^^

Am glad that Hae came to his senses, broke it off with Siwon and went back to Hyuk..

Hae's lucky that despite what he did, Hyuk never gave up on him..
I hate you Lee Donghae! You and Siwon and your brother are s! How can you all hurt Hyukjae like that!

I pity Hyuk.. All this time, he wanted to be with Hae even if he got beaten up for it but the latter chose to move on and hurt him! Not even gave him the chance to hear out his side of story or show concern over the bad things that happened! Well yeah, I hope Hyuk will be able to show what Hae have let go! But please, put them back together! Please! I hate this!
supershinee4 #9
New reader :) .
I agree with @brattygurl 100% .
He didn't try to call him to know
What happened or why !!!
Is that what he call it 'Love' ?
agnes_yunita #10
same [email protected] hope u can find someone that can offer his life for u...