I'm in love with...

Are we destined for each other?

*Author’s POV*

After the ‘ice skating’ incident Sonya although felt happy that she was able to stand up for herself with her friends’ support against Scarlet, Chaerim and So Min, she felt scared that they would bully her even more as Sonya had made them look foolish in the ice skating arena.


Scarlet and her gang were even more determined for Sonya to stay away from the guys that were meant to be for them.

“Girls we have to openly bully her now since she’s been protected,” Scarlet said decidedly.

“Arraso we shall bully her until she can’t take it anymore and leave our guys alone!” Chaerim said angrily, thinking about how she was threatened in the ice arena by one of Sonya’s dongsaengs. They didn’t think about the consequences of how ‘their guys’ would think of them if they continued to bully Sonya especially if it was done openly.


*Sonya’s POV*

I walked into school keeping a close lookout for anyone to bully me. Luckily I was with my oppas so not many people came close to me.

“Sonya did you have a good birthday?” asked Hyun Joong grinning at me at break time.

“De I did,” I smiled back.

“Well because we didn’t prepare anything for you on your birthday we each have some belated birthday presents,” he continued.


All of my oppas placed a present on the cafeteria table which we always ate at.

“Happy sixteenth birthday Sonya!” they chorused.


“Gumawo oppas,” I said softly.

I was touched by their sincerity.

“Mianhae we couldn’t give you the presents on your birthday but after it,” apologised Young Saeng softly.

“Aniyo oppa, don’t apologise you guys have already brought me a present everyday,” I said, blushing a little.

“What do you mean Sonya? What presents have we given you?” asked a confused Jung Min.

“What I mean is the friendship you guys are giving me are like presents and I think I’m very blessed to be friends with you guys,” I blushed even more as I was feeling very embarrassed that I was telling them what I felt in my inner heart.

My oppas smiled at me, they looked pleased to hear what I said.


“Open the presents now,” said a very excited Hyung Jun.

“Yah let Sonya decide when to open her presents!” Jung Min scolded him.

I laughed and said, “I’ll open them now.”

I opened Hyung Jun’s present first; it was a beautiful fountain pen which I had always wanted.

“Gumawo Hyung Jun oppa,” I was in a loss of what to say.

“Chon mahn eh yo, you always seem to be writing and I thought you must love writing,” Hyung Jun smiled.

I nodded; I loved writing with a passion and Hyung Jun looked glad that he bought something that I loved.


Next I opened Young Saeng’s present and I gasped in delight.

“Saengie oppa, omo you bought the latest Yiruma album, P.N.O.N.I!”

 Young Saeng just smiled, showing his dimples.


I really liked the pianist/composer Yiruma’s music as it was calm and soothing.  Young Saeng also liked Yiruma so we often talked about his music.


I opened Kyu Jong’s present next and once I opened it I couldn’t help but exclaim quite loudly, “It’s so cute!”

It was a cute teddy soft toy; somehow it sort of does resemble Kyu Jong a bit in the cuteness and innocence. ^^

“Kyu oppa, gumawo! It’s the cutest toy ever!” I hugged it.

Kyu Jong chuckled, “I’m glad you liked it dongsaeng.”


I smiled as I opened the next one which was Jung Min’s; it was a silver cross necklace.

“Minnie oppa, how did you know I’ve always wanted a cross necklace, exactly that size, colour and style?!” I cried.

Jung Min laughed, “Well I thought the style suits you as I saw it or maybe I’m psychic.”

I cracked up laughing, Jung Min never failed to make me laugh.

“Well you’re one psychic horse!” Hyung Jun poked his tongue out at Jung Min.

“Yah, at least I’m not like a dumb turtle!” retorted Jung Min.

“You’re calling me dumb? Wait let me see who the actual dumb one is; I got a higher mark than you in that last maths test we had!” Hyung Jun said.

“That doesn’t count! I got an A+ in the history test and you only got a B+!” Jung Min smirked.

“You got a…” Hyung Jun started.

“Yah you two shut up! Sonya still needs to open Hyun Joong hyung’s present!” Young Saeng said with calm authority. I noticed that he had a tint of annoyance in his voice.

Jung Min and Hyung Jun stopped bickering and apologised.

Everyone smiled, the ‘Tom and Jerry’ of the group always lightened up everyone’s mood. We all knew it was just a way that showed their playful friendship to one another so we didn’t mind them bickering.


At last I came round to Hyun Joong’s present and it turned out to be a silver bracelet with blue stones which looked like floating water drops hanging off the sides.

I felt bad that Hyun Joong had to spend so much money on my present.

“Oppa,  jeongmal kamsamhamida (thankyou very much),” I said politely.

“Sonya, you’re so polite now waeyo?” Hyun Joong smiled.

I blushed, why can’t I stop blushing? I thought to myself.

“That bracelet must’ve cost you a lot!” I blurted out.

“Aniyo, don’t think about how much it costs, I just happened to be passing by a shop that had that and I thought it suited you, plus it was on discount,” he said.

“But still…” I mumbled.

The rest of my oppas were still in awe as I held the bracelet gingerly.

“Hyung, this is the first time you’ve given anyone something like this!” Jung Min chuckled.

Every one kept on teasing, even Young Saeng.

“Aigoo, you’re finally learning to be romantic hyung,” Young Saeng giggled.

“Oh la la,” Hyung Jun teased.

Hyun Joong turned bright red and snapped, “Yah! I’m not I’m just being a good oppa to Sonya right?”

My eyes widened and nodded.

He flashed his killer smile at me and I felt my heart beat racing faster.

I swear I could just melt under his gaze… Aiish, what the hell am I thinking? Why am I always thinking about his smile, always so worried about him whenever he’s depressed? Is he just a friend? Or is there something more…

I tried to work out what in the world was this feeling I always had about Hyun Joong. I always felt different with him from the other oppas. Whenever he smiled I would smile too, I would always be very concerned whenever he’s depressed and I was always wondering what sort of past he was hiding. My heart thumps everytime he smiles at me or sometimes just sitting and walking next to me.

Something suddenly clicked in my mind as the bell rang for class, I was in total shock as I realised that feeling. I tried to deny it that moment but I failed. That feeling gradually grew in me ever since I met him although it was only a month before I even knew it. I remembered what Steph had said although she was teasing me that time about me falling for one of my oppas, it was actually true! I actually fell for one of them, that confusing feeling I had all this time was because I was in love with Kim Hyun Joong!

Hi all my lovely readers^^

It's finally the Easter holidays for me here in Australia^^ sorry i haven't been updating very often because of homework, tests and assignments from school>< Now I'm free from that for about two weeks so I'll try and update as much as I can^^ Thanks for reading and feel free to drop any comments^^

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OMG!! I just knew about this update now (AFF lag didn't notify me. ==").


Update soon please~! I like this story ! <3
chocolate ice-cream :3 i wish real life could be this perfect, the pieces of your puzzle are coming together hehe ><
Naaaw sah cute, as usual :3 Keep it up ><
Wheeeeeeee~~ <3 AFF lag...TT

Still spazzing over Young Saeng...XD XD XD
awesome_501 #6
@J_A_N_I_C_E haha yeah, but dw u won't feel this way if u continue to read my story keke^^ u'll find out more^^
Poor Jung Min...ego CRUSHED!!
awesome_501 #8
@TheDreamChaser keke thx for ur comment, yeah i feel really sorry for Jung Min too lol.
@LollyTrolly thx Steph! keke^^
LollyTrolly #9
lol keep up the good work! haha
Muahaha first to comment on your new chappie :D
I feel sorry for him too, it was never meant to be ):
hope you upload soon^^