Jung Min's confession

Are we destined for each other?


Chapter 21


*Sonya’s POV*

Today I was finally allowed to go back to school, but unfortunately with crutches.

To my surprise I was actually looking forward to go back to school unlike my first day. I grew to love this school despite the bullying I had but it seemed like my oppas made life more comfortable.


As soon as I arrived at school, the principle called me to her office.

“Sonya, jeongmal mianhae that we didn’t know the bullying you received from your classmates,” she kept on apologising.

“Aniyo, it’s fine, I didn’t tell anyone other then my friends but I told them to keep it as a secret,” I smiled at her.



When I stepped in the classroom with Jung Min, Kyu Jong and Hyung Jun carrying my books and pencil case for me, everyone looked at me.

Obviously they knew what had happened to me and were still schocked.

Some of the girls who followed Scarlet, So Min and Chaerim still resented me but the rest of the class were a lot nicer to me.

I guess they have decided to stop their stupid jealousy.

Ms Kim welcomed me back and gave everyone a lecture about bullying and how it was not appropriate in school.

I blushed feeling very embarrassed since it was because I was bullied and now teachers were giving lectures about bullying.><


All my oppas were glad to have me back in school with them. Jung Min and Hyun Joong seemed to act differently with me than before. They were unexpectedly more caring towards me than before.

I was growing suspicious towards them both, did they think they did something wrong to me? There's something behind their caring act although I felt really happy that Hyun Joong treated me with such kindness. My heart fluttered whenever he treated me like that.


"Kyu oppa, do you have any idea why Joongie oppa and Minnie oppa are so unexpectedly caring towards me?" I asked Kyu Jong curiously when we were walking to the cafeteria together for lunch.

"I don't really know, but I agree with you that they have been acting strangely around you and towards each other, like they're rivals," Kyu Jong said gravely.

"Rivals for what I wonder," I pondered over his words.

"Rivals for you," said a voice beside me. It was Hyung Jun.

"Bwoh? Rivals for me? But why?" I asked, blood rushing up my face.

"Oh crap, I shouldn't have said anything, why am  I such a blabbermouth? Jung Min is going to kill me!" Hyung Jun smacked his mouth.

"Hyung Jun oppa, answer me!" I snapped, getting impatient.

"They both like you, so they're vying against each other to win your heart," Hyung Jun answered calmly.

Kyu Jong and I were both shocked and I slowly recovered. A part of me was happy that Hyun Joong returned his feelings towards me but the other part of me was sad that Jung Min had to fight with Hyun Joong to win my heart. I wished only Hyun Joong liked me, I felt that I had somehow ruined their friendship.

When we arrived at the cafeteria and found everyone else, Hyun Joong immediately pulled my chair out for me and I thanked him warmly.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jung Min watching with jealousy written on his eyes and anger towards Hyun Joong.

I shuddered, thinking about how long they had been rivals for and why was I so slow to notice their feelings.


Jung Min and Hyun Joong sat on either side of me and I felt really uncomfortable and awkward.

"Sonya, meet me after school near the back school gates," Jung Min whispered to me.

"Arraso," I answered, biting my lips nervously, was he trying to tell me about his rivalry with Hyun Joong?><


"Minnie oppa, what is it?" I asked walking slowly towards him with my crutches near the school gates, Aiish I'm so clumsy with these crutches!><

"Sonya, I have something to tell you," Jung Min said seriously. It was the first time he had sounded so serious.

"Sonya, I really like you, ever since the time we found out that we lived close to each other. The times that we have spent together on the bus going to and from school was truly magical and slowly my feelings developed for you. Please accept my feelings," Jung Min said and pulled me in a hug.

When we broke our hug, I looked down at the floor and looked back up and saw how passionate his eyes were.

"Oppa..." I trailed off as I saw a figure hurriedly running off.

"Joongie oppa!" I called but he did not seem to hear me.

"Mianhae oppa, jeongmal mianhae, I don't feel the same way for you," I looked down, feeling bad.

"Wae?" Jung Min asked, I could hear his tearful voice. "After all that I have done for you?"

"Mianhae oppa, I only treated you like a friend, I never saw you as anything else, you are my dearest friend but the guy that I like is not you," I answered, tears in my own eyes. I hated any of my friends.

"Who is that guy?" asked Jung Min jealously.

"Joongie oppa," I answered meekly.

"My rival," Jung Min closed his eyes and I saw a tear roll down his cheek. "He has won your heart."

"Oppa, mianhae, I liked him ever since I saw him and he has also been kind to me, mianhae," I apologised and tugged at his sleeve.

Jung Min brushed my hand off and said roughly in between his teeth, "It's-fine."

He walked off, his head bent .

I sighed and leant against the school gate which my crutches dropped to the floor, I have definitely hurt my dearest friend, but I have to be honest with him so he will stop liking me. Joongie oppa will lose hope in me since he saw part of the confession and might think I have accepted Minnie oppa's feelings.><


Hey/Ayneong/Konichiwa/Ni hao my lovely readers,

So Jung Min finally confessed! I almost felt sorry for him as I wrote about Sonya rejecting his feelings lol. What will happen to Sonya and Hyun Joong? ^^

See you next time!

Bye/Ayneong/Synonara/zai jian

Thankyou for reading^^ Kamsahamnida/arigato/xiexie

Happy Chinese New Year!^^

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OMG!! I just knew about this update now (AFF lag didn't notify me. ==").


Update soon please~! I like this story ! <3
chocolate ice-cream :3 i wish real life could be this perfect, the pieces of your puzzle are coming together hehe ><
Naaaw sah cute, as usual :3 Keep it up ><
Wheeeeeeee~~ <3 AFF lag...TT

Still spazzing over Young Saeng...XD XD XD
awesome_501 #6
@J_A_N_I_C_E haha yeah, but dw u won't feel this way if u continue to read my story keke^^ u'll find out more^^
Poor Jung Min...ego CRUSHED!!
awesome_501 #8
@TheDreamChaser keke thx for ur comment, yeah i feel really sorry for Jung Min too lol.
@LollyTrolly thx Steph! keke^^
LollyTrolly #9
lol keep up the good work! haha
Muahaha first to comment on your new chappie :D
I feel sorry for him too, it was never meant to be ):
hope you upload soon^^