
Are we destined for each other?

Chapter 22

*Sonya's POV*


I slowly grabbed my crutches and tried to grab my bag but ended up falling with my casted leg stuck out from beneath me.

Aiish, so clumsy and no one can help me. If only both my umma and appa are both not at work but just one of them, then one of them could come and pick me up.I picked up my bag first then tried to get up but no matter how many times I have tried, I still failed the attempt to get up and walk with my crutches.

I was still sitting on the floor with my head down and tried to think of a solution.


"Sonya, you're still here, waeyo?" asked  soft voice.

I looked up to see Young Saeng peering down at me.

He put out his hand to pull me up to my feet. He handed me my crutches and carried my bag for me.

"You're still at school too, waeyo?" I asked Young Saeng.

"I had to stay afterschool for my singing lesson," he replied.

Young Saeng had a beautiful voice and I thought that he had a better voice than the school's singing teacher but I did not dare say that out loud!

"Yah, give me my bag," I said.

"Aniyo, you're injured, it's my job to help you, and I'll accompany you to your house," Young Saeng gave me his dimpled smile.

"Gumawo, oppa," I smiled.

"Aniyo, don't thank me, oh Jung Min is not with you, waeyo?" he asked me curiously.

With a sigh, I told him everything and Young Saeng listened like a councellor.

"So Jung Min likes you but you like Hyun Joong hyung and hyung likes you back, poor Jung Min but I guess you should follow your own heart," Young Saeng said gravely.

"We will support your choices Sonya, I hope you and Hyun Joong will clear the misunderstandings and he won't give up on you because Hyun Joong hyung and Jung Min are best friends and hyung usually values friendship over love," Young Saeng said wisely as we got on the bus.

I nodded, "I am prepared for Hyun Joong and Jung Min to both stop liking me."

"Aniyo, you and Hyun Joong hyung makes a sweet couple!" Young Saeng spoke so loud that the other passengers stared at him.

I giggled and wondered if that was the loudest voice that Young Saeng has ever spoken in.

"Gumwo oppa," I smiled.

"You know that friend of yours..." Young Saeng started and a tinted colour of red was plastered on his face.

"Which one?" I smirked as I realised that Young Saeng liked one of my best friends.

"You know the young one," he spoke softly.

"Who? You mean Janice?" I asked.

"De, the maknae of your group!" Young Saeng smiled.

"So you like my dongsaeng, well all I have to say is fighting for winning her heart, oppa," I smiled back. Aigoo, my dongsaeng have a secret admirer keke^^

"Gumawo Sonya, I hope she likes me back," Young Saeng sighed dreamily.

"Don't worry, Janice likes gentle, quiet, cute and feminine guys with high voices like yours," I winked at him playfully.

"Yah! Are you saying that I'm feminine? I'm manlier than you think," Young Saeng pretended to be mad at me.

I chuckled and he rolled his eyes.



The more I thought about Hyun Joong and Jung Min, the more I worried over their friendship and what they thought of me.

My phone rang and I realised it was Steph calling me.


"Ayneong Sonya, I heard what happened today, Hyung Jun oppa told me that you found out about Hyun Joong and Jung Min and their rivalry right?"

"De, unnie, I did not accept Minnie oppa's confession and he's really upset with me and Joongie oppa overheard our conversation and thinks that I have chosen Minnie oppa," I cried, tears were pouring down my cheeks. I tried to stop but my crying got worse. I couldn't even speak.

"Sonya, mianhae I didn't tell you what happened, I knew about their rivalry and I failed to stop them, this whole thing is a burden for you right?" Steph said gently trying to comfort me.

"De, I wish only Joongie oppa liked me..." I trailed off and cried harder.

"Aigoo, so you like Hyun Joong oppa, I'm sure Jung Min oppa will forgive you, he'll understand. If he truly likes you, he would want you to be happy," Steph said gently.

I said a quiet, "De."

"Since it's the summer, Rachel unnie, Veronica, Janice, you and I should go to the beach along with the oppas. This weekend is the last weekend until Rachel unnie and I can relax since in the next two weeks we'll have our exams and I'm pretty sure yours is somewhere near ours. Janice and Veronica already took their exams so they should be free," Steph said.

"De, but what is your intention?" I asked.

"Oh things like gatherings usually can resolve things and I believe by then Jung Min oppa would've forgiven you and as for you and Hyun Joong oppa both of you can also resolve. You just come to the event arraso?" Steph planned.

"Arraso, neomu gumawo unnie," I thanked Steph whole heartedly.

"Aniyo, don't mention it, I shall inform the other girls and Hyung Jun oppa can inform the boys since I'm sure you won't be able to talk to either Hyun Joong oppa and Jung Min oppa, oh I have a call coming, probably from my sweet yeobo keke, bye Sonya!" Steph said cheerfully.


When we both hung up, I gave a sigh of relief, Steph was a real comfort and I hoped everything between Hyun Joong, Jung Min and I will resolve.

Hey readers^^

I have updated this chapter again because it suddenly disappeared because of what happend to AFF yesterday. Hope you enjoy it^^

The story is nearly ending like another three or four chapters and everything will be resolved^^

Thanks for reading, suppoting and  commenting^^ Comments really make my day:)

See you<3

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OMG!! I just knew about this update now (AFF lag didn't notify me. ==").


Update soon please~! I like this story ! <3
chocolate ice-cream :3 i wish real life could be this perfect, the pieces of your puzzle are coming together hehe ><
Naaaw sah cute, as usual :3 Keep it up ><
Wheeeeeeee~~ <3 AFF lag...TT

Still spazzing over Young Saeng...XD XD XD
awesome_501 #6
@J_A_N_I_C_E haha yeah, but dw u won't feel this way if u continue to read my story keke^^ u'll find out more^^
Poor Jung Min...ego CRUSHED!!
awesome_501 #8
@TheDreamChaser keke thx for ur comment, yeah i feel really sorry for Jung Min too lol.
@LollyTrolly thx Steph! keke^^
LollyTrolly #9
lol keep up the good work! haha
Muahaha first to comment on your new chappie :D
I feel sorry for him too, it was never meant to be ):
hope you upload soon^^