Love Rival

Are we destined for each other?

Chapter 20


*Sonya’s POV*

I lived in the hospital for another two weeks and during that time, my oppas, unnies and dongsaengs came to see me.

They always seemed to turn up together coincidently which stirred my curiosity about their feelings for each other.

I could see Steph and Hyung Jun acting like the best of friends, or maybe more than that if they see each other more often. Steph was not a girl who would keep her feelings to herself, if she liked someone, she would always let that person know. I could see a couple springing up; Hyung Jun would always blush whenever Steph smiled at him and Steph always acted like a fan girl whenever Hyung Jun did his ayego.


“Steph,” I said one day when I was going home. Only she, Veronica and Janice were visiting me, “Do you like Hyung Jun oppa?”

Steph seemed extremely shocked when she heard my question.

“How did you know?” she asked in a low whisper.

“I guessed right,” I smiled.

“Actually it’s pretty obvious from the way she always acts a like a fan girl towards Hyung Jun, she always has that secret smile plastered on her face when she receives his text messages,” Veronica smirked.

Steph covered her eyes in embarrassment, her face went bright red.

Janice giggled at the scene of their unnies’ teasing each other.

“It’s alright Steph unnie, I’m sure Hyung Jun oppa likes you, he always blushes whenever he sees you smile at him,” I comforted Steph.

Steph’s own face went very red, “Jinja, ottoke, how am I going to face him?”

“Steph unnie, you’re not usually like this! You used to be very frank with the person you like, I mean you would tell them your feelings, but now you’re so shy and so unconfident waeyo?” I asked out of curiosity.

“It’s just that I have never felt like this towards any guys I’ve liked, Hyung Jun oppa is so different, I feel as if fate brought us together, I can’t stop my feelings,” Steph confessed.

Suddenly Veronica squealed, “Omona!”

“What’s the matter Veronica unnie?” Janice asked.

Veronica pointed at the door, “Were they at the door the whole time we’ve been talking?”

It was Hyun Joong, Young Saeng, Kyu Jong, Jung Min and Hyung Jun. They opened the door and Steph gasped and tried to hide behind Janice. It was actually a fail since Steph was taller than Janice.

“Unnie! Get back to your sense,” Janice huffed in annoyance.

“Mianhae did we come at the wrong time?” asked Jung Min.

To be honest, whenever Jung Min turns up, Rachel was always not with us so those two never got the chance to meet.

“Aniyo,” I noticed Hyung Jun looking at Steph I and bluntly asked, “Hyung Jun oppa did you happen to hear our conversation with Steph unnie here?”

Hyung Jun looked at me then at Steph and nodded his head, “De.”

“It’s alright, you don’t have to return your feelings to me,” Steph said. This was so unlike the usual Steph.

“But I have to, what Sonya said is true, I like you,” Hyung Jun said shocking everyone in the room.

Everyone was silent and Hyung Jun continued, “I was going to confess today, but it seems like you indirectly confessed first, just to let you know I do return your feelings. If you don’t believe me, you can ask my hyungs if they know my feelings towards you, Steph.”

“De, you should believe him, Steph, he been so excited to see any girls, talk with any girls or act towards any girls before since we’ve met him,” Hyun Joong smiled.

“So would you like to be my yeoja chingu?” Hyung Jun asked.

Steph gave a squeal of delight and ran to hug him.

As they embraced, everyone went 'Awww', they went bright red.

Veronica and Janice both gave Steph a high five and cheered quite loudly and quite forgot that they were in a hospital.

Everyone clapped for the new couple and Steph beamed at me, “Komawo Sonya, for introducing me to Hyung Jun oppa.”

“Aniyo, I’m glad you guys are together, you two really match each other,” I smiled.



*Hyun Joong’s POV*

I was happy to see that Hyung Jun and Steph were a couple, our Hyung Jun has finally grown up.

I looked at Sonya who was watching her friend happily; she looked at me and gave me her eye smile.

My heart thumped wildly and someone caught the corner of my eye, Jung Min.

I looked at him and saw jealousy written all over his face and a small part of me wished that we hadn’t liked the same girl. However, Sonya was just too important to me to let go.

“Yah, let me pack my own stuff!” Sonya pouted when her dongsaengs started packing her belongings in her bag. I silently chuckled and thought how can anyone be so cute like that?

“Sonya unnie, you should sit back on the bed over there and let us do it, your leg is still in a cast,” Veronica said firmly.

“But…” Sonya tried to argue.

“Veronica is right, you should sit down to prevent anymore injuries,” I said gently.

Her dongsaengs looked at me gratefully.

Young Saeng and Kyu Jong also helped her dongsaengs pack. They talked as if they were like best friends.

Sonya started coughing all of a sudden and both Jung Min and I both patted her back and asked, “Kwenchana Sonya? Do you need any water?”

Everyone starred at the two of us and there was a complete silence.

Sonya nodded, “De, my throat is a bit dry.”

I headed towards the door and with Jung Min close at my heels.

“I’ll get the water for her hyung,” Jung Min said.

“Aniyo, I’ll get it,” I said.

“Both of you just go get the water, or maybe I should go,” Steph said rolling her eyes at the drama scene in front of everyone.

We practically walked out in our fastest walking speed as we did not want to stop fighting for Sonya's heart.

She seemed to know that we were competing against each other to win Sonya’s heart.



“Hyung, I need to talk to you,” Jung Min said seriously as we were getting Sonya some water from the canteen in the hospital.

“De, and so do I,” I said with the same seriousness.

“I like Sonya,” he said bluntly as if I did not know his feelings.

“I know, but I like her too,” I said coolly.

“Hyung, I really don’t want to lost our friendship because we like the same girl,” Jung Min said a sad expression on his face.

“Neither do I but Sonya really means a lot to me, she pulled me out of my darkness, and she is the only one other than Eun Jae that makes my heart beat faster than usual and I’m not going to lose her,” I said, declaring how I feel towards Sonya.

Jung Min huffed in annoyance, “To me it looks like you’re just using her to fill in as Eun Jae.”

“Aniyo, she is not a substitute for Eun Jae, for my feelings towards her is exactly like how I feel towards Eun Jae, Sonya means a lot to me, maybe even more than Eun Jae herself.”

Jung Min gasped and didn’t say anything and spoke again after digesting what he just heard, “Well I can’t give her up either, I like her a lot, probably before you did, I’m not going to back down.”

“Well in the end it’s going to be her choice not ours, even if she likes you I’m not going to force her to like me but for now, I’m going to try and win her heart!” I said determinedly.

“Yah, you two have you got Sonya’s water yet? It’s been such a long time,” Hyung Jun said with Steph at his side.

“De,” I said shaking the water bottle I had in my hand.

As we were walking back to Sonya’s room, Steph spoke up rather sternly, “Yah, both of you I know everything, I’m not going to stop you from trying to win Sonya’s heart but, it’s going to be exams next month and if you two are the cause of her falling from her usual good grades, then you’ll get it from me! Arraso?”

Jung Min and I jumped in shock as we could never believe that Steph could be so stern and rather frightening for she always seemed like a happy-go-lucky type.

“De,” we nodded.

“And if Sonya does not like you guys then, mianhae all your hard work will go to waste,” Steph added with an icy tone.

Hyung Jun chuckled, “Steph, you are so cool when you’re so stern and icy like this.”

Steph just smiled and patted both our backs, “Fighting both of you, I will support whoever Sonya will like!”



Hey readers! How is everyone? Enjoyed this chapter? Sorry I took so slow to update><

Anyway, hope you'll continue to support my story^^

Next chapter shall be up tomorrow or on Friday, depends whether I'll be able to write faster or now keke=P

Anyway good bye till then^^

Happy reading~^^

Korean Words:

Yeoja Chingu: girlfriend

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OMG!! I just knew about this update now (AFF lag didn't notify me. ==").


Update soon please~! I like this story ! <3
chocolate ice-cream :3 i wish real life could be this perfect, the pieces of your puzzle are coming together hehe ><
Naaaw sah cute, as usual :3 Keep it up ><
Wheeeeeeee~~ <3 AFF lag...TT

Still spazzing over Young Saeng...XD XD XD
awesome_501 #6
@J_A_N_I_C_E haha yeah, but dw u won't feel this way if u continue to read my story keke^^ u'll find out more^^
Poor Jung Min...ego CRUSHED!!
awesome_501 #8
@TheDreamChaser keke thx for ur comment, yeah i feel really sorry for Jung Min too lol.
@LollyTrolly thx Steph! keke^^
LollyTrolly #9
lol keep up the good work! haha
Muahaha first to comment on your new chappie :D
I feel sorry for him too, it was never meant to be ):
hope you upload soon^^