
Are we destined for each other?

Chapter 16

*Sonya’s POV*

As I walked back to the classroom when the bell rang for class to start with my books; I sighed as I saw the coffee stain on my school bag.

I made up my mind to tell my parents about the bullying and I really do trust that Hyun Joong was right.


I took my seat next to Jung Min as usual and he asked me what happened to me at lunch time.

“Sonya, what happened at lunch time where were you?” he asked.

I put my finger up to my lips as a sign to tell him to be quiet as the teacher already started the lesson.

“Later,” I whispered.

He nodded and smiled at me.

I couldn’t concentrate for I was very nervous about telling my parents about the bullying. During the whole time during lessons, Scarlet, Chaerim and So Min did not even throw me a glare; maybe they were really ashamed for bullying me or scared of Hyun Joong’s threat.


Eventually the bell rang for school to finish and everyone in the class jumped up and rushed out of the classroom eager to go home to do their own activities. I walked out calmly with Kyu Jong, Jung Min and Hyung Jun chatting.

“The answer is 6 I tell you!” Jung Min said stubbornly.

“Aniyo! It is 5, you forgot the negative sign at the start!” Hyung Jun said.

“Aiish, what did the answers at the back of the sheet say?” Jung Min asked, still refusing to back down.

“It said 5! Aiish hyung, you are the worst at maths seriously I know this equation was long but it is not THAT difficult!” Hyung Jun sighed.

“Yah! Just because I’m bad at maths does not make…”

Jung Min and Hyung Jun were still arguing about the question in maths and Kyu Jong literally rolled his eyes.

“Yah both of you, can’t you stop your Tom and Jerry moment here? Do you know how irritating it is to keep hearing you argue over a math problem for over half an hour?”

I giggled at Kyu Jong’s sudden outburst; it was rare to hear him flare up as he was always calm and collected.

Jung Min and Hyung Jun stopped immediately and apologised.

I laughed at the scene; Jung Min and Hyung Jun were like two boys being scolded by their parent.


I went on my way to my locker room to pack my bags and head outside for the bus.

I hurried so that I could catch the bus on time and I was glad Jung Min was very patient and always waited for me so that we could catch the bus together. I sighed happily, without Jung Min I would always have to catch the bus alone. I was grateful that I had such a great friend like him.


“Hurrying to meet your boyfriend yeah?” sniggered a voice.

I rolled my eyes, it was Scarlet.

“Aniyo, I don’t have a boyfriend,” I said coldly while placing my final folder in my bag.

“Liar, didn’t you hug Hyun Joong oppa before? Don’t deny it we saw everything!” Chaerim said angrily.

“You’ve got the wrong idea, there is nothing going on between Joongie oppa and me. You guys are just jealous for no reason,” I said.

“Or maybe you have a relationship with Jung Min oppa, why does he always sit with you on the bus?” Chaerim asked again jealously.

“I don’t have a relationship with Jung Min, we’re only friends! For your information, we live on the same street as each other so that’s why we go home together!” I rolled my eyes.

The three girls grew angry and Scarlet grabbed my school bag and ran out the locker room while the other two girls followed her.

“Yah! Give it back,” I shouted and chased after them. This is really the worst time to get bullied!

We ran around the school and I yelled, “Yah, you give it back this instant! I have to catch the bus you know?!”

“I don’t think we care!” shouted back So Min.


The three girls reached the busy crossing and when the green light appeared they ran straight ahead.

Scarlet turned around and smirked at me, opened my bag and started to dump all of the contents on the street.

I gritted my teeth at the sight of the and I saw her friends laughing at the other side of the street.


Just then I saw a car going at a very fast pace and I looked at Scarlet who was still dumping my things on the street and paying no attention to the car.

“Scarlet, look out!” I yelled, running up to her as fast as I could, maybe she could survive just in time.

I pushed her away and at the same time I felt a sharp pain on my right leg, screams filled the air and I heard voices yelling my name.

Everything went black.


*Author’s POV*

Scarlet was pushed aside by Sonya and she saw her being hit by the car and her eyes widened.

Her friends screamed as blood trickled from Sonya’s leg.


They saw both Hyun Joong and Jung Min running up to Sonya.

The trio fled for they were afraid that they would be in even more trouble but Hyun Joong and Jung Min didn’t seem to notice them but only looked at Sonya.

“Sonya!” Hyun Joong yelled frantically and pulled her onto his lap while shaking her.

“Wake up, jebal,” Jung Min knelt down while speaking softly.

“Call the ambulance Jung Min,” Hyun Joong said.

“De,” Jung Min said at once and called for the ambulance.

“Yah, Sonya, don’t die like this, jebal, you can’t leave me arraso? Don’t leave me like Eun Jae!” Hyun Joong cried, tears falling from his eyes while he hugged Sonya tightly like she was his everything.

Jung Min was also in the verge of tears while he was calling for the ambulance and he silently prayed that Sonya will be alright.

Jebal, be ok. I don’t want to lose you, you really did brighten up my life and everyone else’s too. I can’t imagine life without you, I hope that I’ll have the chance to confess to you, kajima. Jung Min hoped.


The ambulance came and Sonya’s parents were also informed.


*At the hospital*

Hyun Joong and Jung Min waited outside the emergency room while Sonya’s parents rushed in.

“How is my daughter? How could this happen?” cried Mrs Sohn.

Mr Sohn held onto his wife and tried to soothe her but it was hard as he also couldn’t control his emotions.

“Sonya’s been taken to the Emergency room and I think she’ll be alright,” Hyun Joong spoke up in a confident voice but inside he doubted his own words.

Mr Sohn looked at the two boys in front of him and said, “Kamsamhamida, we owe you a lot.”

“But what actually happened to Sonya? Why did she get into an accident?” asked Mrs Sohn, still sobbing.

Jung Min and Hyun Joong told them and they were in distress.

“Why didn’t Sonya say anything about the bullying? If she told us sooner then she wouldn’t be in such misery and this would not have happened!” Mrs Sohn broke down once again.


The doctor came out of the emergency room and everyone rushed over to him.

Jweishamnida we did our best,” he bowed.

Mr and Mrs Sohn were in shock and couldn’t say anything while Jung Min covered his mouth and broke down.

“What?! Andwae she can’t!” cried Hyun Joong.

He immediately tried to rush in the room.

The doctor tried to stop him but he shook him off and ran up to her bed.

“Sonya! You can’t die, not yet, not just after you pulled me out of my misery! You can’t leave me! How am I supposed to move on? Before it was Eun Jae and now you! Kajima! Jebal,” Hyun Joong shook Sonya as tears ran down his cheeks.

“I didn’t even get to confess my feelings to you!” he cupped her face with his trembling hands.

Hyun Joong struggled to get his words, “Kajima, sa-sa-saranghaeyo.”

Suddenly the monitor started beeping again Hyun Joong gasped and the doctor immediately rushed in, pushing him out of the emergency room.

“Hyung, she’s alive, it’s alright,” Jung Min patted Hyun Joong on the shoulder.


*Jung Min POV*

I stared in shock at Hyun Joong’s reaction to Sonya and delighted that she was alive.

I heard everything Hyun Joong said to Sonya and I couldn’t help but wish I was in Hyun Joong’s position. I felt useless just standing behind Hyun Joong in shock.

I sighed, I really loved Sonya too but Hyun Joong seemed to need her more. When could she see my feelings towards her? I hoped she would love me back. My other hope was Sonya waking up to see me first and I could care about her when she’s awake.

I better start learning how to cook from my umma, something good after losing lots of blood and other healthy foods. I know, I will learn how to make soup for Sonya! I thought determinedly.

Author's POV

Hi/Ayneong/Nihao readers^^

How is everyone? Sorry for the long wait for my update>< but I have finished all of my exams and I only have two weeks left of school which is awesome^^ I will be updating every weekend and possibly more on the holidays from now on:)

Thankyou to everyone that has supported my fanfiction:)

Please comment and enjoy this chapter (hopefully you won't kill me for making my character in such a horrible state... lol=P)

Thanyou/Komawo/Xie xie/Arigato^^

Korean word and definition:

Kajima means don't go



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OMG!! I just knew about this update now (AFF lag didn't notify me. ==").


Update soon please~! I like this story ! <3
chocolate ice-cream :3 i wish real life could be this perfect, the pieces of your puzzle are coming together hehe ><
Naaaw sah cute, as usual :3 Keep it up ><
Wheeeeeeee~~ <3 AFF lag...TT

Still spazzing over Young Saeng...XD XD XD
awesome_501 #6
@J_A_N_I_C_E haha yeah, but dw u won't feel this way if u continue to read my story keke^^ u'll find out more^^
Poor Jung Min...ego CRUSHED!!
awesome_501 #8
@TheDreamChaser keke thx for ur comment, yeah i feel really sorry for Jung Min too lol.
@LollyTrolly thx Steph! keke^^
LollyTrolly #9
lol keep up the good work! haha
Muahaha first to comment on your new chappie :D
I feel sorry for him too, it was never meant to be ):
hope you upload soon^^