Her words

Are we destined for each other?

Chapter 13

No one else heard but me on our table as my other oppas were still discussing Hyun Joong’s issue and how they could help him and I quickly scrambled up to make my way to the top of the school building.

“Yah, where are you going?” my oppas shouted after me.

I couldn’t delay my time in going to stop that person from committing suicide.

There was no way would I let anyone harm themselves in that way even if it was not Hyun Joong.

As I reached the top, I quietly walked up to the figure whose back was facing me.

“You should not do this to yourself, what’s the use? Will this solve everything?” I asked softly trying to not scare the person while I put a hand on his arm.

The person turned around and my eyes widened and he looked shocked to see me.

“Joongie oppa! What happened?” I gaped.


“Come on! Tell me, tell me why you are so depressed?” I begged.

He looked at me and finally spoke, “I guess I can tell you since you’ve hung around with me and the others so much, it would be mean not to tell you.”


“You see I had a girlfriend…”

Hyun Joong basically told me everything that Jung Min told me but I still nodded to show that he was the first one to tell me since it was his story.

“Oppa, I know you’re depressed and everything but you don’t have to jump off a building and k-kill yourself!” I stuttered the last words.

“You don’t understand,” he mumbled. “I might as well die; I can’t keep on living with a huge guilt in my heart, I’ve been living with it for a year and I really can’t take it anymore, I hate myself.”


“Well you could stop living with that if you actually listened to everyone!” I snapped suddenly, words shot out of my mouth as if they were in a mind of their own but I couldn’t stand how he kept on blaming himself about Eun Jae’s death, Eun Jae wouldn’t be able to stand it either if she was here because she wouldn’t want to see the one she loved being so depressed that he wanted to kill himself.


Hyun Joong looked at me and he snapped back, “I do listen but look here can you imagine the person you loved the most die in order to save you? If you can, would you go and love another person knowing that you were being saved by the person who loved you in order to die for you? Now I just want to be with her!”


I couldn’t believe that he would be so helpless in this situation, he always seemed so strong, or maybe it was just his mask and now that his mask had been taken off, he was so weak.


“You pabo! How long will you keep on living by this decision? Why don’t you pull yourself together and be more like yourself? Did you actually listen to everyone? What I mean is did you listen to Eun Jae’s last words? She said ‘move on and live happily’ but what you did was completely the opposite of her wish! You did not move on and you are living so depressingly! What would Eun Jae feel if she was here? She would be very upset that you are being so depressed. Did you hear that Hyung Jun oppa cried because of you’re being like this, Saengie oppa was upset because you didn’t even talk to him today, and everyone was worried about you! I bet Eun Jae would be worried about you too, seeing you in such a state, now you want to die too? Why do you want to do such a useless thing? Dying will not help but make everyone even more miserable and make everything worse! Your friends will be so upset and your family will be even more upset, seeing the son they’ve raised commit suicide! They’ll think that they did something wrong and they will be the ones to live with guilt and sorrow for the rest of their lives! Stop blaming yourself, jebal and please come back down!” I was almost crying when I finished talking.


Hyun Joong just looked at me and walked away from the top of the building without looking back.


I sighed he must hate me now, and suddenly jolted back to reality, crap! I missed the bell and I’m five minutes late!


*Hyun Joong’s POV*


Her words struck me as I thought about it, I would be snapping at her when she asked me ‘how long will you keep on living by this decision?’

 Eun Jae would really be worried about me if I’m in this state? She will be upset too? Why didn’t I think of that? I made everyone worry and upset because of this decision and my attitude, why did I even think of committing suicide? I was being such a weak man, I shouldn’t make others unhappy because of me so I will move on and live happily, fulfilling Eun Jae’s wish and to make everyone happy.

I thought about Sonya and suddenly I started to smile, she was also worried about me too I could tell.

A lot of people have been telling me to move on especially Jung Min but somehow she made me see something else, Eun Jae would be worried about me and everyone was too.


I suddenly felt happier and I felt as light as a feather as if a heavy bag of stones were lifted off my back when I stepped outside the school, today I need to start afresh and be my old self before Eun Jae died!




I caught sight of Sonya making her way out the school gates and Jung Min, both of them were silent. They were probably sill worried and upset about my condition right now.

I caught up with them and they looked shocked to see my smiling face.

“Hyung!” Jung Min was shocked.


“Joongie oppa…” she gulped.

Was she scared of me? Keke so cute! ^^


“Sonya, can I talk to you?” I asked.

“I’ll take her home, Jung Min you go first,” I turned to Jung Min.


I waited for Jung Min to go on the bus first and I turned to Sonya, she looked so nervous and frightened.


“Sonya, jeongmal komawo, your words really struck me and without you telling me about how I’m making everyone sad and how Eun Jae would be very upset to see me how I was before with that guilt, I owe you a lot,” I smiled at her.


*Sonya’s POV*

Omona did those words really struck him that hard? I thought gladly. I was so scared that he was still angry with me for telling him to ‘move on’. Luckily it had an opposite effect.

“I’m glad that it changed you, I didn’t expect those simple words would do that,” I smiled.


I was taken aback when he pulled me in his arms and hugged me, I gasped silently.

My face lit up, blushing and my heart was thumping uncontrollably. Oh I hope he doesn’t hear it! I thought.

When we broke the hug he stared at me and laughed.

“What’s so funny?” I said, annoyed a little.

“Your face, it’s so red! Do you have menopause?” he laughed out loud again.

“Yah! I don’t have menopause, I’m not forty or fifty!” I narrowed my eyes at him.


Hyun Joong finally stopped laughing and hearing him laugh made me smile, it was so awesome to hear him laugh and smile. ^^

“Well the bus is here already, I should go,” I said.

“Wait I’ll go with you, it’s not safe for a lady to go home by herself,” he said.

I slightly blushed, “I can go home by myself, komawo oppa, and it’s only three fifty.”

“Aniyo, what if Scarlet and her friends bully you? I can’t let you get hurt by them like last time from your PE lesson,” he said firmly.

“Arraso, komawo again,” I smiled.

As I got off the bus to head towards my house, he followed me out.

“My house is already here oppa,” I said pointing down the street.

“Just let me walk you home, I have to make sure you’re safely home, I don’t want you to get bullied by other students, I know a lot of people who live here at our school, plus didn’t you see Chaerim getting off here too?” he said.

I sighed but I smiled, was this what he was like before? He is such a gentleman and sweet towards girls, Eun Jae must be so lucky to have him as her boyfriend.


He walked me right up to my front door and I fumbled for my keys as he just watched me patiently and looking out for anyone coming out.

He acts like a bodyguard! I thought, giggling to myself.

He bid me goodbye and I thanked him for walking me home.

He headed towards the direction to Jung Min’s house after he had asked me where Jung Min’s house was.

As I opened the door my mother was coming to the door to greet me when she stopped in her tracks.

“Sonya, who was that boy with you?” my mother asked, looking suspicious.

“He is just a friend, from school,” I answered quickly.

“Jinja?” my mother asked disbelievingly.

I nodded and headed up to my room; it was better up here to escape my mother’s questions about Hyun Joong.

As I thought about Hyun Joong; I thought about the hug and the time he walked me home. My heart felt warm and fuzzy.


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OMG!! I just knew about this update now (AFF lag didn't notify me. ==").


Update soon please~! I like this story ! <3
chocolate ice-cream :3 i wish real life could be this perfect, the pieces of your puzzle are coming together hehe ><
Naaaw sah cute, as usual :3 Keep it up ><
Wheeeeeeee~~ <3 AFF lag...TT

Still spazzing over Young Saeng...XD XD XD
awesome_501 #6
@J_A_N_I_C_E haha yeah, but dw u won't feel this way if u continue to read my story keke^^ u'll find out more^^
Poor Jung Min...ego CRUSHED!!
awesome_501 #8
@TheDreamChaser keke thx for ur comment, yeah i feel really sorry for Jung Min too lol.
@LollyTrolly thx Steph! keke^^
LollyTrolly #9
lol keep up the good work! haha
Muahaha first to comment on your new chappie :D
I feel sorry for him too, it was never meant to be ):
hope you upload soon^^