Becoming their dongsaeng

Are we destined for each other?

*Sonya’s POV*

I really enjoyed being a part of a friendship group at East Shore High over the past week, although they were all boys it felt nearly as comfortable as my friendship with my four best friends.

 “When’s your birthday?” asked Jung Min  one Friday out of random curiosity when we were having lunch at the cafeteria as usual.

“October 2nd,” I replied.

“You’re the youngest then! Well Hyung Jun, you pleased?” Hyun Joong smiled teasingly. Hyung Jun was often teased because he was the youngest out of the five.

“Of course I’m pleased! I won’t be bullied as much now and Sonya is our dongsaeng since she’s the youngest although she’s only two months younger than me!” Hyung Jun beamed, he was pleased that he was not the youngest but he still acted the most childish.

“Who said you won’t be bullied as much? I’m still going to bully you because you act like a baby!” Jung Min smirked, teasing him.

“Hyun Joong hyung,” Hyung Jun turned to Hyun Joong as he was the oldest.

Hyun Joong just laughed at him.

“Guys, stop bickering already!” Young Saeng spoke softly but trying to keep everything in peace.

Young Saeng and Kyu Jong were the quieter than the other three and were the ones pouring oil over troubled waters.

 “So you can call us ‘oppa’ since Hyung Jun said you’re our dongsaeng,” Kyu Jong spoke in his usual calm and gentle voice.


“Sonya, since we’re friends can we exchange phone numbers?” asked Hyun Joong.

I hesitated but gave in, “Of course.”

They put their numbers in my phone and put their nicknames and adding ‘oppa’ as well instead of their real names.

I chuckled as I read them.

Hyun Joong: Joongie Oppa

Young Saeng: Saengie oppa

Kyu Jong: Kyu oppa

Jung Min: Minnie oppa

Hyung Jun: Jun oppa

I took pictures of them and put them as my contact image.


“So do I call you by the name you’ve put on my phone?” I asked them.

“Yeah, doesn’t it sound closer and like one warm family?” asked Joongie oppa.

I nodded in agreement and I put myself as ‘Sonya dongsaeng’.


I was so looking forward to after school as my four best friends and I were going to catch up and have a sleep over.


The first one to arrive at five thirtywas Veronica; she was the second youngest and a year younger than me so she was in her third year of middle school. She was quiet, sweet and was the innocent type. She was the prettiest as she had long layered hair with a side fringe, double eye lids and petite. She was kind hearted and had an innocent and pure smile which made other people smile too.

“Sonya unnie, how have you been?” Veronica greeted me and gave me her innocent smile. She was the peacemaker of our group.

“I’m good thankyou dongsaeng, and you?” I asked hugging her.

We chatted for a few minutes while waiting for the others.


The next one to arrive was Steph; she was the second oldest out of us five and the same age as me. She was really smart, excellent at music and Art. She was really pretty and had a slim figure which made a lot of people envy her. She was the most feminine out of us. She was the only one out of us that had boyfriends.


“Steph unnie, you’re actually early for a change!” I exclaimed giggling. Steph was known for always being late.

“Yah! Respect your elders,” Steph unnie lightly hit me on the head.

“How is your new school? How I wish you were in the same school as Rachel and me,” Steph unnie sighed.


“It’s alright actually,” I smiled.

The doorbell rang and Janice arrived! Janice was the youngest out of us five and was two years younger than us, although she was in Veronica’s year level.

Janice was very cute and very clever so she actually skipped a grade so that was why she was in Veronica’s grade.

“Sonya unnie, how have you been?” Janice was ecstatic.

“I’m really good dongsaeng!” I yelled. I was taken aback when she hugged me!

Janice really hated hugs and hated things that were too cheesy, so she must’ve missed me a lot.

“Wow Janice you actually hugged someone!” I laughed.

Janice pouted, “I haven’t seen you for a long time!”



The last to arrive was Rachel, the oldest out of us five. She was our unnie.

Rachel was the closest friend to me. She was like a real unnie to me although I was taller so people thought I was older. She would always be the one I would share all my troubles with and all my happiness with even if I had to tell one chingu.

 She was very easy to get along with and makes people around her feel happy because of her friendly and caring personality.

She had long natural black hair which was her beauty.

“Oh my gosh, Rachel unnie!” I squealed and almost knocked her over when I hugged her.

“Keke Sonya dongsaeng I’ve missed you so much! I have so much to talk to you about!” Rachel unnie hugged me back.

“Ok Rachel and Sonya, it’s not like both of you will not see each other again once you stop hugging,” Steph unnie laughed.


“Have you made any new friends at your new school?” asked Janice, concerned if I was lonely or not at my new school.

“De, I’m really surprised I could make friends so fast!” I nodded happily.

“That’s really good for you Sonya, are they girls like us?” Veronica asked.

“Well they are all boys,” I said and waited for their reaction.

“Boys? Are you joking? Sonya making friends with guys?” Steph unnie exclaimed disbelievingly. I was known as being shy with guys although social with girls.

They were all so astonished and their faces looked so comical that I wanted to burst out laughing.

“Yeah, five guys but they are really kind, funny and treat me like a dongsaeng,” I replied.

“I see that’s good, what do they look like?” asked Rachel smirking suddenly.

“Well,” I paused then continued, “They are very hot, tall and have amazing hairstyles. They are the hottest guys in the school as everyone says.”

“You might fall for them later,” teased Steph unnie.

“Oh shut up,” I muttered at Steph unnie.

They all chuckled and kept on teasing me.


Later on that night when we all went for a night swim in my pool, Janice dongsaeng secretly asked me if I had taken any photos of them as she was curious to see what they looked like.

I nodded and showed her their photos in my phone.

“They are all very hot and cute Sonya!” she gaped.

“Yeah,” I agreed, “They have good heart besides their looks which is a bonus!”


*Janice’s POV*

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the photos! Sonya unnie was so lucky. Suddenly Sonya showed me one of the guys and I thought that he was the cutest guy ever. His dimples made him look so cute, it was tempting to poke his cheeks or pinch them.

“Yah Janice, are you even listening?” Sonya unnie spoke in an annoyed tone.

“Mianhae,” I apologised.

Sonya unnie just smiled it off and continued, “This one is Heo Young Saeng, and he’s a year older than me so he’s in his second year of high school. He has such a soft yet angelic voice, at first he seems a bit mysterious but he’s just silent. He’s also really musical, he composes and plays excellent piano!”

I couldn’t stop myself but I enjoyed listening about this guy Young Saeng. As I kept on staring at him and his dimples I blushed a little, I quickly pinched myself to stop thinking about him.

Aiish, why am I so drawn to someone that I haven’t even met? Was it love at first sight?

“Kwenchana Janice dongsaeng?” Sonya unnie asked in concern.

“What? Oh Kwenchana,” I said quickly. I smiled, Sonya unnie was the one that brings us all together, she was the heart of our friendship. She would share our troubles and double our happiness!

She went on talking about the other guys and I just listened and it was true that all of them were very hot.

“I should stop talking about them now as I have nothing else to say about them, I guess I have to know more about them to tell you and the others about them,” Sonya unnie concluded.

“Arraso, I think you are very lucky to have met them and be friends,” I grinned.

“Gumawo, one day I’ll introduce you guys to them and you can get the chance to be friends with them too,” she laughed.

“Oh de of course you should!” I blurted out eagerly. Too eagerly, what the hell was I thinking?

Sonya unnie just laughed, “I will, I’m sure you’ll make friends with them too.”

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OMG!! I just knew about this update now (AFF lag didn't notify me. ==").


Update soon please~! I like this story ! <3
chocolate ice-cream :3 i wish real life could be this perfect, the pieces of your puzzle are coming together hehe ><
Naaaw sah cute, as usual :3 Keep it up ><
Wheeeeeeee~~ <3 AFF lag...TT

Still spazzing over Young Saeng...XD XD XD
awesome_501 #6
@J_A_N_I_C_E haha yeah, but dw u won't feel this way if u continue to read my story keke^^ u'll find out more^^
Poor Jung Min...ego CRUSHED!!
awesome_501 #8
@TheDreamChaser keke thx for ur comment, yeah i feel really sorry for Jung Min too lol.
@LollyTrolly thx Steph! keke^^
LollyTrolly #9
lol keep up the good work! haha
Muahaha first to comment on your new chappie :D
I feel sorry for him too, it was never meant to be ):
hope you upload soon^^