Protected with love

Are we destined for each other?

Chapter 14


*Sonya’s POV*

The bright sunlight shone through the big window in my room and I squinted as the light made my eyes hurt. I gave a satisfied smile as I thought how Hyun Joong was back to his ‘old self’ with no regrets.

“I’m going to school now, umma!” I shouted cheerfully.

“De, you sound ten times happier than usual today Sonya, what happened?” my mother asked curiously.

I just grinned and waved goodbye to my mother.

“Minnie oppa! Ayneong!” I smiled at Jung Min as he took the seat next to me.

“Ayneong Sonya,” Jung Min gave me his usual grin.

“Joongie oppa is back to his ‘old self’ again, I’m so glad and happy!” I beamed while clasping my hands together as a sign to show that I was satisfied and happy.

“De, me too I’m glad hyung is happy and it was all due to you and your ‘powerful words’”” Jung Min chuckled.

I blushed, “Aniyo, it’s not like that, I think it was a miracle that it affected Joongie oppa in a good way.”

Jung Min laughed, “De, it is definitely a miracle.”

As we got off the bus and headed towards the main gates of the school we saw Young Saeng , Kyu Jong, Hyung Jun and Hyun Joong already ahead of us and I sighed happily to see the four of them laughing and walking in the gates together with their arms round each other.

Jung Min and I ran up to them and we all greeted each other.

I looked at Hyun Joong and I could see he was really happy and he noticed me looking and smiled. I swear that smile made my heart beat twice as fast. Aigoo.


“Sohn Sonya! You are seriously amazing! How could you change Hyun Joong hyung’s heart so quickly?!” Kyu Jong gaped when he and Hyung Jun finished their conversation with Jung Min.

I knew they were curious about Hyun Joong’s change of behaviour and asked Jung Min about it.

I sat in my seat giggling while looking at the Kyu Jong’s and Hyung Jun’s surprised yet impressed looks.

“Wow, we should’ve asked you to talk to Hyun Joong hyung a while ago!” Hyung Jun grinned.

“De, but you guys never told me what happened to Joongie oppa until the anniversary of his girl friend’s death,” I frowned.

“Sonya’s right, we never told her anyway,” Jung Min sighed but he added with a happy smile, “But now hyung is back to his normal self!”


“Yah! Jung Min, Kyu Jong, Hyung Jun and Sonya! Will you stop talking and listen to what I have to say?” Ms Kim snapped us out of our trance.


“Mianhamnida seonsaengnim,” we apologised meekly.

The boys just snickered and laughed while most of the girls sent me glares as a sign that they hated me for making Jung Min, Kyu Jong and Hyung Jun get in trouble.

“,” Scarlet turned around from her seat and muttered.

“Yah, you shut up!” hissed Jung Min fiercely.

Scarlet went red with embarrassment and whined, “But Jung Min!”

“Scarlet! Do you want detention after school today?” almost screamed Ms Kim.

I jumped from the sound of her voice, Ms Kim did not seem to be in a good mood and it was very bad to get on the wrong side of her.

I sighed there was at least one more problem that I had to deal with; the three bullies.

Kyu Jong patted my shoulder to comfort me and I smiled at him; I must be strong so they won’t be worried about me.

At break I sat with my oppas at the cafeteria as usual and Hyun Joong joined us again. Our friendship circle was complete.

He joked and laughed with us, the rest of us recognised his change of behaviour rapidly.

“Sonya, did you get slapped by Scarlet, Chaerim and So Min yesterday?” Young Saeng asked quietly.

My eyes widened and I shook my head, “Aniyo, nothing happened to me in the bathroom yesterday.”

Hyun Joong sighed, “Aiish, you really are bad at lying. Don’t deny it Young Saeng and I overheard some of our classmates talking about how Scarlet, So Min and Chaerim slapped you and accused you of my attitude yesterday.”

The other oppas stared in disbelieve and Jung Min burst out, “I knew something was wrong yesterday, your face looked really red and it was the mark from Scarlet’s slap!”

Hyung Jun banged his fist on the table, “No one is allowed to bully our dongsaeng!”

“De, if they Sonya, then they’re really hurting all of us!” Kyu Jong added firmly.

“And they’re going to get a piece of our minds!” Jung Min growled.

Before I could say anything, the bell rang for our next lesson.

I went to my locker and found that it was covered with mud and pieces of paper stuck on the locker door. I sighed for I thought only those kind of bullying would happen in movies but it was really happening to me.

Someone spilled some hot coffee on my school bag too.

I sighed, “Aiish, Jinja!”

I went to the science and found myself ten minutes late for the class.

“Sohn Sonya, if you’re late one more time; you’re getting a detention arraso?!” MrParksaid with an annoyed expression as I went in the room.

“De seonsaengnim,” I replied with my head hung low. That was the last thing I wanted, getting detention when my day could not get any worse.

Halfway during the lesson; Ms Lee our principal walked in with a stern expression on her face.


“Sohn Sonya, you come here,” Ms Lee said in a very angry expression after whispering to MrPark.


“You have paper stuck all over your locker with mud covering all over it you will clean the locker door yourself. You have vandalised one of the school property and you will have to solve it. You will clean it and never vandalise again,” Ms Lee said very sternly to me when we were out of the science lab.



The bell finally rang for lunch and Jung Min asked me, “What was all the fuss about between Ms Lee and you?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I answered.

Scarlet, Chaerim and So Min just threw me smirks as they walked past me like their princesses.

“Mianhae, I have to go do what Ms Lee told me to do,” I said softly and went to get a sponge with soapy water and normal water to scrub off the mud. Luckily Ms Lee provided me two buckets when I went to her office.


As I made my way to my locker with the buckets, it really was not fair, those three es made me get in trouble. Yet I could not the teachers about the bullying, I didn’t know why.


“Sonya, you poor thing,” Scarlet smirked coming up to me in the locker room.

“What do you want? I’m not going to leave my oppas’ side, they’re my friends. No matter what you do, I’m never going to leave them because they’re my friends. I just think you’re wasting your time and energy to make me leave my oppas,” I said brazenly.

The trio glared at me angrily and Scarlet struck me so hard that I fell to the floor.


“Yah! Scarlet, So Min and Chaerim! What do you think you’re doing to Sonya?” a familiar voice boomed. It was Hyun Joong

“O-oppa,” Chaerim gasped.

“Don’t ‘oppa’ me, you don’t have a right to,” Hyun Joong said fiercely.

“Hyun Joong, why do you have to like her? Why can’t we hang around with you like that ugly !?” cried Scarlet, jealousy written all over her face when Hyun Joong took my hand to help me up.

“Don’t you ever call Sonya a , she is not one and never will, she wasn’t the one that was flirting or seducing us to hang out with her! Never let me see or hear you bullying Sonya again arraso? Or you three are really going to face the consequences if you mess with Sonya!” Hyun Joong said with such anger that I have never seen.

“Hyun Joong!” So Min stomped her foot.

“I don’t want to see your faces ever again, go away!” Hyun Joong’s eyes glittered angrily.

I put a hand on his arm to try and calm him and the trio fled for they were scared of Hyun Joong’s rage.


He looked at me and his eyes softened and he spoke in a gentle voice, “Here I’ll help you.”

He took the sponge from the bucket and started scrubbing.

“Oppa, mianhae,” I looked down I felt bad that he was cleaning my locker for me.

“Don’t be, it’s not your fault,” he said quietly and I felt tears b, I was grateful that he stood up for me in such a protective way but I was afraid that he might get a lot of haters.

Hyun Joong put the sponge down I was pulled into a hug and I let my tears fall from my eyes and it soaked his shirt.


*Hyun Joong’s POV*

As I pulled her into a hug I felt my shirt damping with her tears. I felt as if my heart was torn out of my chest. It really broke my heart to see the person that has pulled me out of my darkness was now in her own darkness and misery.

“I’m here for you, I’m here to protect you,” I whispered in her hair.

Her hair smelled really nice, like apples. My heart skipped a beat and it raced faster and faster as though it might suddenly explode.

I felt very confused with how I reacted and I shook my head, no it can’t be true, not that fast! You just got over your guilt! No I don’t feel that way towards her.


Wait, Sonya has been there for me and pulled me out of my darkness. She’s always made me happy and forgets my troubles. It’s normal and besides I’ve had that feeling for a long time but I always ignore it or deny it. Now that I have gotten rid of the stupid guilt, I can bravely  admit that I like her. No I love her for her great personality, she was so strong to endure all of the bullyings. She is also pretty and cute.^^


I sighed, when would Sonya recognise my feelings and return them? She might think I was rushing things I mean how could anyone change their feelings so fast, but I had been feeling love towards Sonya for a while but I was only ignoring the feeling because of Eun Jae. I'm sure Eun Jae would be happy that I might have found my happiness.

Author's note:

Hello readers! I am very sorry for the very loooong wait for an update. I've been so busy with school and I can't believe how lazy I am.... Mianhae readers! Forgive me?^^

It's holidays for me and for the rest of the students in Melbourne:) so I will have time to update (hopefully finish) this fanfiction. It's more than half way so be patient!

Look forward to more of my updates and please commment:) I really enjoy reading the comments:) 

Another note: it's SHINee's Key's birthday today! *let's celebrate* keke^^ happy birthday to Mr. Diva^^

Ayneong and saranghae readers<3

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OMG!! I just knew about this update now (AFF lag didn't notify me. ==").


Update soon please~! I like this story ! <3
chocolate ice-cream :3 i wish real life could be this perfect, the pieces of your puzzle are coming together hehe ><
Naaaw sah cute, as usual :3 Keep it up ><
Wheeeeeeee~~ <3 AFF lag...TT

Still spazzing over Young Saeng...XD XD XD
awesome_501 #6
@J_A_N_I_C_E haha yeah, but dw u won't feel this way if u continue to read my story keke^^ u'll find out more^^
Poor Jung Min...ego CRUSHED!!
awesome_501 #8
@TheDreamChaser keke thx for ur comment, yeah i feel really sorry for Jung Min too lol.
@LollyTrolly thx Steph! keke^^
LollyTrolly #9
lol keep up the good work! haha
Muahaha first to comment on your new chappie :D
I feel sorry for him too, it was never meant to be ):
hope you upload soon^^