New enemies

Are we destined for each other?

*Sonya’s POV*

After Chuseok holiday I was feeling really happy for the first time, going to school. MaybeEastShoreHigh wasn’t as bad as it turned out, I was enjoying my new friendship with my oppas and everything was peaceful. ^^



I took a spot on one of the two vacant seats in the middle of the right aisle and stared out the window, just spacing out.

“Excuse me miss, is this seat taken?” a familiar voice rang through my ears.

I looked up and saw Jung Min? He was giving me his usual cheerful, cheeky grin.

“Minnie oppa, I never knew you caught the bus?” I was still astonished.

He grinned, “I moved near this area on the weekend, because I live rather far away from school until now, getting up early to go to school was quite a hassle, finally I get to sleep in keke.”

He told me his street name and I gaped.

“You live there? That street is where I live!” I said quite loudly and covered my mouth. (An old habit of mine, whenever I talk or laugh loudly I would cover my mouth><)

He chuckled, “Jinja? Well that’s a bit of luck; I’ll be catching this bus from now on.”

“I live on number 3, you?” I asked.

“Number six, the house at the end of the street,” he replied.


We chatted all the way to school and we only separated as our locker rooms were different.

I gathered up my books for the next lesson when a trio of girls blocked my way.

Those three had very stylish hair, wore make-up on their faces and they all had their hair dyed to light brown or blond which made them look nothing like Asians. They were also very popular in my class, they were rich and a lot of guys were crazy for them.

“Excuse me, I need to get to class,” I mumbled.

“Did you just mumble at us?” the leader of the trio Scarlet snapped.

“I think she did, please show us some respect you ugly !” one of her friends, Chaerim glared at me.

“What do you mean ?” I fired back hotly.

“You are a ; stop flirting with the group of guys you’re hanging around with!” the third one, So Min spoke in a rough voice.

“Flirting? When did I ever flirt with them? I just treat them as friends!” I said hotly.


“Stay away from them you lying , how could they ever be drawn to you? You’re so common looking, unless you’ve been flirting or being seductive with them!” Scarlet said coolly

“I have not been flirting with them let alone being seductive!” I could feel myself boiling with rage.

The three just laughed, and Scarlet continued smoothly, “This is just a warning, that if you keep on hanging around with them you’ll soon get what you deserve from us, !”

They walked away and I walked to my classroom, fuming with anger and luckily I arrived just before the teacher did.

Scarlet, Chaerim and So Min sent me death glares as I took my seat which was beside Jung Min.


I didn’t know what to do; I couldn’t bring myself to stop hanging around with my new friends just when our bond was closer, but I couldn’t help worrying about what will happen to me. Worse of all I couldn’t tell my friends as they’ll feel that it was them that caused me troubles.

I decided to ignore the warning and continued hanging out with them.


*Author’s POV*

 “That is ignoring our words, she’s got some cheek,” hissed Scarlet after a few days.

“Let’s just show her what happens to people that dares to disobey us!” So Min said with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

Chaerim just smiled and chuckled; “Now we just need to plan what to do!”


Sonya found herself being shoved around, jeered, pinched spitefully or just getting injured in any way by most of the girls in her class by the following two weeks. Most of the bullying was done in the locker room and the toilets.

Those unpleasant happenings were done whenever she was not with her friends.

She knew it was Scarlet and her gang’s doings, never in her life had she been bullied in school like that.


She started to stay back in the classroom at lunch times and at break so that she won’t be bullied as much.

She didn’t want to say to her friends that she was avoiding getting bullied and they would find out and she didn’t want to lie to them.

She was getting really tired of all the bullying and decided to get away from it as she knew once she got out someone was always on the prowl to do something to her.



“Sonya, want to have lunch with us today?” asked Kyu Jong.

“Aniyo, it’s fine I need to catch up with some homework and I really want to read my book quietly,” she randomly made up an excuse as she picked up her book.

 “Wae, you’re always being by yourself now, did we do something wrong that you don’t want to hang around with us?” Hyung Jun asked.

“Aniyo Hyung Jun oppa,” Sonya replied at once.

The three guys looked at each other and were worried.

What was wrong with Sonya?


Sonya took up her book and started reading. She felt a presence beside her and looked up.

Jung Min was sitting there eating his lunch silently.

“Oppa, why are you here? Aren’t you going out with the others?” she asked.

“I just wanted to keep you company,” he shrugged.

“I don’t really need company right now oppa, I’m fine trust me plus it’ll be really boring for you’re just sitting here without doing much while I’m reading,” Sonya sighed.

“Aniyo, it’s not a big deal plus…” Jung Min stopped as the door opened and the other four friends walked in.

“We’re all here to keep you company,” Hyung Jun smiled cheerfully.

Sonya smiled and turned back to her book while eating.


*Kyu Jong’s POV*

“Guys have you noticed that Sonya’s acting so weird lately I guess right after Chuseok, she doesn’t seem to be happy she doesn’t talk to us much,” I whispered while the five of us were sitting around the heater to keep warm at the back of the room.

Sonya barely heard us as we talked really quietly

“You’ve noticed that too Kyu Jong? I’ve seen her getting bullied by this class so she must be upset and trying to avoid other people,” Jung Min said softly.

“Jinja? Bullied, waeyo?” Young Saeng hyung asked shocked.

“We have no idea, she’s hardly talking about it and during class she’s just as normal as ever but once class is over she just keeps herself to herself,” Hyung Jun whispered.

“We’ll have to ask her what is wrong even if she refuses and be friendly towards her and let her know that we as her friends are always there for her,” Hyun Joong hyung said looking grave.

“De you’re right hyung,” Jung Min nodded.

“We should ask her about it, if she refuses to tell keep on asking, she’ll finally answer us and I’m sure she won’t lie,” I said.

“Why don’t I ask her after school? We catch the same bus home and I can ask her there, the strange thing is the only time she ever talks happily is when we’re on the bus,” Jung Min said.

“De you do that Jung Min and let’s hope she’ll open up to you she’s a bit more closer to you, maybe it’s because you guys live near each other,” Young Saeng hyung shrugged.

“Maybe,” Jung Min smirked, he then continued seriously, “I’ll do my best to find out whose bothering our dongsaeng and bullying her and I’ll give them a piece of my mind.”

“Jung Min, don’t lose your temper just letting Sonya telling you what is wrong is enough,” I hissed softly.

“Yah, I’m only joking I’m going to be as calm and collected as I can,” he promised.

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OMG!! I just knew about this update now (AFF lag didn't notify me. ==").


Update soon please~! I like this story ! <3
chocolate ice-cream :3 i wish real life could be this perfect, the pieces of your puzzle are coming together hehe ><
Naaaw sah cute, as usual :3 Keep it up ><
Wheeeeeeee~~ <3 AFF lag...TT

Still spazzing over Young Saeng...XD XD XD
awesome_501 #6
@J_A_N_I_C_E haha yeah, but dw u won't feel this way if u continue to read my story keke^^ u'll find out more^^
Poor Jung Min...ego CRUSHED!!
awesome_501 #8
@TheDreamChaser keke thx for ur comment, yeah i feel really sorry for Jung Min too lol.
@LollyTrolly thx Steph! keke^^
LollyTrolly #9
lol keep up the good work! haha
Muahaha first to comment on your new chappie :D
I feel sorry for him too, it was never meant to be ):
hope you upload soon^^