
Are we destined for each other?

*Author’s POV*


It was already entering November, Sonya found herself being bullied even more aggressively than ever before. She was even bullied even right in front of her oppas’ very own eyes. Luckily they always backed her up and stood up for her nearly every time Sonya was bullied.


“I can’t believe that the bullying is even worse than before!” said Kyu Jong one Tuesday morning after picking up Sonya’s pencil case for her which she dropped after many pushing and shoving she received on purpose.

“De, me neither I wonder why,” Hyung Jun sighed.


Sonya sighed, she knew it was because Scarlet and her gang were furious that Sonya and her friends made them look stupid in the ice skating arena and it was their way of ‘revenge’.


“Kwenchana?” asked Jung Min anxiously.

“Ne, kwenchana,” Sonya managed to smile as the four of them walked to the school’s hockey pitch for their PE lesson.


Everyone looked cold as they stood on the pitch waiting for the teacher to come. Sonya shivered as she was only wearing a t-shirt with shorts.

Jung Min and Hyung Jun were jumping up and down trying to keep warm which made even Sonya laugh despite the coldness.

The teacher finally came with a bag of hockey sticks and shin pads.

They split up into two teams, Sonya was in the same team as Jung Min while Kyu Jong and Hyung Jun in the other.

 “Tom and Jerry are versing each other,” chuckled Kyu Jong to Sonya quietly as they went separate ways to their side of the pitch.

Sonya giggled as she ran to her position in the middle of the pitch.

Scarlet and her gang were all in the team versing Sonya.


Soon the game started, all was going well until Sonya who had been running down the pitch ready to shoot, So Min whacked Sonya on the ankle where the shin pad couldn’t cover and Scarlet ran in front while sticking out her foot. Sonya tripped over Scarlet’s foot and fell and Chaerim who was in front of Sonya quickly stepped on her hand hard.


Jung Min, Kyu Jong and Hyung Jun were the first ones to rush up to her and the teacher quickly blew her whistle.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and crowded round Sonya.


“Sonya, kwenchana?” Hyung Jun asked tenderly.

Sonya looked up and nodded, I have to be strong and endure, I can’t let them get worried because of me, they’ve been worried about me too much. She thought fiercely to herself.

Her knees were bloody, ankle seemed bruised and twisted and her hands were stinging from being stepped on and the palms of both of her hands were grazed.


“You need to go to sickbay,” the teacher said worriedly and she looked round, “Jung Min, go with her.”

“De,” Jung Min said at once.


Sonya stood up shaking and she fell again with a cry.

“Mianhae I- I can’t walk,” she stammered.

Jung Min bent down with his back facing her and Sonya was confused.

“Oppa, what are you doing?” she asked.

“Go on my back,” he said softly. ^^

Sonya was embarrassed but she did what he told.

Jung Min stood up with Sonya on his back and made his way to the sickbay.

Sonya was quiet all the way and so was Jung Min.


As they arrived at the sickbay, the school nurse took a quick look at Sonya and helped Sonya to sit on a chair and quickly went to get the first aid kit.

*Sonya’s POV*

The sharp pain all over my knees, hands and ankle hurt like hell. I sniffed as I thought about how Scarlet, So Min and Chaerim hurt me even in a lesson with a teacher seeing all of that act.


Suddenly I felt myself being pulled into a tight embrace.

I felt tears b and before I even knew it my face was wet and his shirt was soaked a little with my tears.

“Minnie oppa,” my voice quivered.

“Just let it all out,” Jung Min said gently, “I saw everything Scarlet and her friends went too far this time.”

I cried even harder and when the school nurse came back with her first aid kit she was shocked to find me crying so hard and Jung Min was  hugging me.

“Sonya, kwenchana?” she asked in concern.

“Mian,” I managed to say.

She quickly cleaned up my wounds and she put an ice pack on my ankle.

“Take it with you and give it back at lunch time if it doesn’t hurt anymore arraso?” the school nurse smiled.

I nodded and Jung Min helped me walk to the school cafeteria for lunch.


*Jung Min’s POV*

As Sonya and I walked into the cafeteria we went to the table where our friends were sitting. My heart pained as I saw Sonya was hurt both emotionally and physically. 


When they saw us everyone voiced out their concerns to Sonya.

“The bullying has gone too far, poor Sonya,” Young Saeng said sympathetically when mentioning Sonya.

“De, I think we should talk to Scarlet and her friends about it since they’re the once who came up with the bullying, did the most and led everyone else into the bullying!” I said angrily.

“Aniyo oppas, don’t you guys talk to them about it! They’ll hate me even more and besides the only reason they’re doing all of this bullying is because they want to hang around with you and they want me to leave you,” Sonya said immediately.

“Bwoh? Hang around with them, as if we will. We would never hang around with those types of girls; they’re just one hundred percent y!” Hyung Jun scoffed.

“De, don’t you leave us Sonya! No matter what Scarlet and her pabo friends say don’t leave us we can’t bear that because it would be like losing one family member, losing our dongsaeng,” Kyu Jong said firmly.

“De Kyu oppa, I won’t leave you guys I promise,” Sonya assured Kyu Jong.

“Besides I think Sonya’s way more attractive than those three,” Hyun Joong said suddenly out of the blue.

I saw Sonya’s eyes widen and blush.

I was shocked this was the second time that Hyun Joong did anything to Sonya that he wouldn’t do because of his regret for Eun Jae’s death such as the bracelet which he bought for Sonya’s birthday and now this compliment about Sonya being attractive? It sounded like Hyun Joong liked Sonya.

Is Hyun Joong hyung finally moving on? I thought to myself curiously. If Sonya was the cause of Hyun Joong moving on and liking someone else, shouldn’t I be happy for hyung? Why am I annoyed that Hyun Joong seems to like Sonya? Is this jealousy? I thought in dismay. I’m jealous because hyung likes Sonya? Wait that means… I like Sonya?!

I sighed, maybe that was why I decided to invite Sonya to join our group two months ago, and it was because I wanted to know her in the first place.

What if Hyun Joong hyung doesn’t really like Sonya, what if he’s just being friendly? If that’s the case, would I get the chance to get Sonya to like me too? I smiled to myself.


*Hyun Joong’s POV*

I couldn’t believe I actually said what I thought about Sonya being attractive!

She was very cute from the first time when I saw her on the first day of school when she kept on staring at my friends and me entering the school doors.

I mentally shook my head, she was attractive but what would Eun Jae think, it sounded like I was flirting with her.

That bracelet I bought for Sonya for her birthday meant nothing; it was just like something Sonya might like since it was a pretty bracelet.

Every time Sonya blushed or smiled back at me I enjoyed seeing that, she was so cute! ^^

Stop thinking like that! Eun Jae died in order to save you from that car, if not you would be dead! I scolded myself mentally.

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OMG!! I just knew about this update now (AFF lag didn't notify me. ==").


Update soon please~! I like this story ! <3
chocolate ice-cream :3 i wish real life could be this perfect, the pieces of your puzzle are coming together hehe ><
Naaaw sah cute, as usual :3 Keep it up ><
Wheeeeeeee~~ <3 AFF lag...TT

Still spazzing over Young Saeng...XD XD XD
awesome_501 #6
@J_A_N_I_C_E haha yeah, but dw u won't feel this way if u continue to read my story keke^^ u'll find out more^^
Poor Jung Min...ego CRUSHED!!
awesome_501 #8
@TheDreamChaser keke thx for ur comment, yeah i feel really sorry for Jung Min too lol.
@LollyTrolly thx Steph! keke^^
LollyTrolly #9
lol keep up the good work! haha
Muahaha first to comment on your new chappie :D
I feel sorry for him too, it was never meant to be ):
hope you upload soon^^