A resolved friendship and two couples formed

Are we destined for each other?

Chapter 23

*Sonya's POV*

The week flew by and before I even knew it, the weekend came rolling by. School was not going very well, Jung Min and Hyun Joong both avoided me and did not speak to me unless it was necessary.

I sighed as I picked my beach attire; a red tankini with ribbons with a simple t- with red stripes and red shorts on top. I hope today, I can resolve my friendship with Jung Min and Hyun Joong... I sighed to myself.



As soon as I arrived at the beach, I immediately caught sight of Steph with her parents. My parents soon caught up with her parents and chatted together as if they had not seen each other for a decade.

Hyung Jun was there too but he was busy texting his hyungs to hurry up, I guessed that Steph's parents knew about her having a boyfriend and I was glad that they accepted it.


"Sonya, I'm so glad you're here, you're the first one here, have you changed into your bikini yet?" Steph asked me.

"Well, I've got my TANKINI underneath so I guess it will be a quick change in the bathroom," I emphasised 'tankini'.

"That's good," Steph smiled but then she suddenly had an annoyed look on her face, "Yah, Sonya I thought you would be wearing a bikini! That way Hyun Joong oppa..."

"Aniyo, I don't like wearing bikinis, it's awkward especially with Joongie oppa near me," I cut Steph off.

Steph rolled her eyes and gave up.

Soon after the rest of the girls came and finally the boys came as well, before Hyung Jun was starting to lose his patience.


I saw Jung Min and Hyun Joong and they both looked back at me, Jung Min's eyes looked apologetic while Hyun Joong looked rather in pain while staring at me.



"Girls, we should go get changed and actually have some fun!" Rachel exclaimed clapping her hands.

"De," said Janice and Veronica both feeling very excited to spend the time at the beach and they were also secretly crushing on Young Saeng and Kyu Jong.

Steph gave Hyung Jun a sweet kiss on his cheek before she headed towards the change rooms which resulted lots of 'aww so cute' comments.


Janice and Veronica followed her and I was about to follow them when a hand grasped my arm. I turned and saw Jung Min standing there looking rather nervous.

"Can I talk to you privately?" he asked quietly.

I nodded, this was the time to get things settled between us.

"Sonya, jeongmal mianhae, I got so angry with you when you did not return my feelings and for ignoring you for so long since then. I just hope you will forgive me," Jung Min apologised so deeply that it sounded like he was about to cry.

"Minnie oppa, kwenchana, you don't have to apologise, I should be the one saying sorry because I've rejected you, you have the right to be angry with me. Of course I forgive you oppa," I smiled at him.

"Gumawo Sonya, I just feel so bad now, now that I think about it, if you truly love someone, you will want that person to feel happy even if you're not the one that is creating their happiness, you will feel happy that they are happy," Jung Min said, "And so, I'm letting you run to the person who will create your happiness and will support you."


I went red and said ,"Gumawo oppa."

"So friends?" Jung Min asked.

"No 'best' friend?" I joked.

Jung Min laughed, "Arraso BEST friend, hey someone's coming to you, can you introduce me to her?"

"Bwoh?" I turned and saw Rachel smiling up at us.

"Ayneong Sonya, ayneong ha seo Jung Min sshi," Rachel bowed a little at Jung Min.

"No need to call me 'Jung Min sshi', Jung Min will do," Jung Min smiled.

"What's your name?"

"Chonun Rachel imnida," Rachel introduced herself.

Jung Min smiled and repeated 'Rachel' silently to himself and grinned.

"Let's go get changed, Sonya," Rachel said pushing me towards the change rooms and smiling Jung Min.

As we walked to the change rooms I told her everything; what happened between Jung Min, Hyun Joong and me.

She listened calmly and she said, "Wow, this is a lot like what happens in dramas, Sonya, aigoo having two hot guys after you? You're lucky."

"Rachel unnie, it's not very lucky, I'd rather just have the one I love," I blushed.

"Aww, Sonya you're so cute!" Rachel cried. "Don't worry I will help you and Hyun Joong oppa."

"Gumawo for waiting for me," I thanked Rachel.

"Aiish, it's nothing," Rachel chuckled.

We changed and we went to where the rest of the girls were.

Steph was lying on the beach trying to get a tan, she was the only one of us girls wearing a bikini.

Veronica and Janice were happily swimming out at sea with Young Saeng and Kyu Jong.

"Omona, what do those guys think they're doing? Being shirtless in front of our dongsaengs?" Rachel was mortified.

Steph laughed as the three of us lay down together, "Yah, Rachel unnie, those two aren't as innocent as you think."

"Says you," Rachel muttered.

"Just let them be, Rachel unnie, I bet both of them are enjoying their time with their crushes," I smirked.

"I can tell too Sonya! Omona! Their reactions with those boys are priceless like blushing whenever they talk to them," Steph laughed.

Rachel sighed and finally shouted, "Fine I give in!"

"What are you girls so excited about?" asked a voice.

We looked up at the voice and saw Hyung Jun, Jung Min and Hyun Joong walkin towards us. My eyes widened when I saw them shirtless.

I immediately blushed when I saw Hyun Joong's well toned chest and nicely shaped abs.


Veronica and Kyu Jong came towards us happily with their hands clasped together.

"You two don't tell me you two are together?" I exclaimed excitedly forgetting about Hyun Joong temporarily.

Veronica blushed and Kyu Jong smiled shyly, "De we are and we are getting ice cream anyone else want one?"


*Veronica's POV*

This had to be the best day of my life, I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming.



Janice and I were out in the sea along with Young Saeng and Kyu Jong really both Janice and I were screaming inside, what with both of our crushes hanging out with us, shirtless. It was seriously too much.

"Veronica," I spun around looking at Kyu Jong, water was dripping down his abs, face and hair making him look extremely hot and it made me have trouble breathing properly. We were both standing and the water was at my waist.

"I know this is a very awkward place to confess I really need to get this out of my chest, I-I-I h-have been in l-love with you ever since we met and you are very special to me. I think about you a lot, you may think this is cheesy but I'm just saying the truth," Kyu Jong said blushing and stuttering at the same time. How cute!

"Kyu Jong oppa, to be honest this is very sudden and very unexpected but I feel the s-same w-way," I stammered a bit. I felt heat rising to me cheeks.

"Jinja?" I saw Kyu Jong's face blushing even more but a big smile spread along his face.

"De," I said.

Kyu Jong drew me closer to him and we embraced warmly and my cheeks heated up even more.

As we broke our embrace he asked me, "Veronica, will you be my girlfriend? Saranghae."

"De, I will be your girlfriend, saranghae Kyu Jong oppa," I smiled sweetly.

Flashback ended


"Jagiya, you listening?" Kyu Jong asked waving a hand in front of me.

"Bwoh? What did you call me and what were you talking about? Jeongmal mianhae," I apologised.

"I called you 'jagiya', and I asked you what flavour ice cream you wanted," Kyu Jong smiled.

He did not just call me that! He is such a cheesy person^^

"I would like, chocolate ice cream," I smiled.


*Author's POV*

Veronica and Kyu Jong came back when they heard screaming and squeals from the rest of their group.

"What's happening unnie?" Veronica asked Sonya.

"Janice is drowning, she's not at the surface omona!" Sonya cried.

"Where's Young Saeng?!" asked Jung Min frantically.

"He's also in the sea," Kyu Jong said, "Before we left they were both there!"

"Wait guys he's got her, he's got her! Omona thank goodness!" Rachel screamed.


*Janice's POV*

I saw Veronica and Kyu Jong hugging and giggled to myself,  I knew they were made for each other, they were so cute!

"They're such a sweet couple aren't they?" said a gently voice beside me.

"De they are, "I sighed and when I looked up I saw Young Saeng standing right beside me and I almost had a heart attack.

Young Saeng stood right in front of me, shirtless and on top of that he smiled at me with his dimpled smile.

"Should we go further out?" Young Saeng asked me.

"Arraso, seems fun," I agreed and followed him until my feet could not touch the sandy floor of the sea. After a few minutes, I could not find Young Saeng and I started to panic, where on earth was he? Damn it, why was I such a slow swimmer?!><

Suddenly I felt a sudden sharp pain searing on my foot. I struggled to swim but I couldn't because my foot was cramped.

"Young," I gasped and salt water entered my mouth as I flailed my arms about. "Saeng! Help!" tried to swim up but my foot gave way and my arms were tired from struggling.

I gagged as more salt water entered my mouth.

My vision blurred and I started to see stars and I could not feel any pain and I closed my eyes, darkness took hold of me.


Something soft, hmm so warm on my lips what is this? Am I dreaming?I tried to open my eyes and when I slowly did, I was shocked. Young Saeng's face was directly above mine and his lips were touching mine.

What the heck happened?My eyes widened and when he pulled his lips away from mine, he saw me already awake and he jumped back almost tripping over and he yelled, "Guys she's alright! She's awake!"

My unnies rushed towards me and the oppas just crowded behind them anxiously.

"Janice, omona, do not scare me like that!" Veronica exclaimed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"What happened? You nearly drowned!" Steph asked.

"I got a foot cramp and I couldn't swim so I out," I exclaimed.

"Why wasn't Young Saeng oppa there?" Rachel asked frowning.

"Mianhae, I guess I was not looking after her well and..." Young Saeng trailed off.

"Aniyo," I coughed, "It's ok oppa, I swam a bit slow but neomu gumawo for saving me."

Young Saeng just looked away.

"Oh my poor baby!" Sonya cried.

"Sonya unnie, I'm fine, don't worry," I said feeling bad.

"I'm so glad you're ok," she gave me a tight hug, almost choking me.

My unnies helped me up and all the while, Young Saeng just stared at me, looking rather ashamed.

I touched my lips, he must've just given me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I'm such a pabo...


I walked up to Young Saeng and reassured him, "It's alright oppa, besides if it weren't for you, I would've died, so don't feel bad about yourself, you have looked after me well."

Young Saeng sighed and said, "Now you'll have a even worse impression of me and you'll never accept my feelings."

"Oppa, of course I don't have a bad impression of you, and what feelings?" I asked, my heart pounding.

Young Saeng bit his lip and said nervously, "The feeling of loving you, you won't return my feelings because..."

"Young Saeng oppa, did you even give me a chance to explain myself? I l-like you a lot and I think it should be me giving you a bad impression of me because of a small cramp, I would cause all this drama," I said surprisingly boldly.

"Bwoh? You mean you like me too?" Young Saeng asked, his face brightening and he smiled.

"De," I lowered my head shyly.

He chuckled and lifted my chin to make me look at him.

"You're so cute," he smiled and leant forward kissed my forehead.

My whole face must've been as red as kimchi.

"Janice, saranghae," he said softly.

"Nado saranghae," I whispered before rising on my tip toes and kissing his dimpled cheek.


Hey readers!

How have you all been? Sorry I haven't been updating, I have been so busy even though it is school holidays for me, school gives us so much homework>< but oh well I've finished everything^^

Well this is the third last chapter and look forward to the next chapter!

This chapter is not my best because I am not very good with cheesy lines and confession making lines haha, maybe it's because I've never been in a relationship before but I've tried my best:) Sorry about this bad chapter...

Anyway until the next chapter, take care!^^

Thank you^^

Korean words:

Chonun____ imnida- I am_____

Jagiya- darling

Nado saranghae- I love you too

Neomu gumawo- thank you so much

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OMG!! I just knew about this update now (AFF lag didn't notify me. ==").


Update soon please~! I like this story ! <3
chocolate ice-cream :3 i wish real life could be this perfect, the pieces of your puzzle are coming together hehe ><
Naaaw sah cute, as usual :3 Keep it up ><
Wheeeeeeee~~ <3 AFF lag...TT

Still spazzing over Young Saeng...XD XD XD
awesome_501 #6
@J_A_N_I_C_E haha yeah, but dw u won't feel this way if u continue to read my story keke^^ u'll find out more^^
Poor Jung Min...ego CRUSHED!!
awesome_501 #8
@TheDreamChaser keke thx for ur comment, yeah i feel really sorry for Jung Min too lol.
@LollyTrolly thx Steph! keke^^
LollyTrolly #9
lol keep up the good work! haha
Muahaha first to comment on your new chappie :D
I feel sorry for him too, it was never meant to be ):
hope you upload soon^^