Hell Month

Secret Admirer


"How's hell month?" Karina tiredly sat on the bench and rested her head on the desk.
"Horrible," she cried, "I have five more papers to go!"
"I have four papers and two projects," Yana sobbed. "Holly?"
"Two looooooooooooong papers," she sat beside Karina and slept.
"How about you, _________?"
"Four papers and a research project in history," I frowned.
"History? What about?" Karina asked. Wow, I thought she was asleep.
"Me and my partner chose the two Koreas. It's supposed to be about two countries who aren't in good terms right now," I shrugged.
"Of course that's the topic you'd choose," she laughed. "Your partner's okay with it?"
I nodded, "Yep, but I have to ask Ms. Park for people in the country I can interview. What time is it?"
"Three twenty," Yana looked at her watch.
"I should go there now," I stood up and got my bag, "Good luck this hell month all of us. Let's go to the beach after this."
"I already asked my mom, she said we can go to my aunt's resthouse by the beach," Holly muttered.
"YAY BEACH AFTER EXAMS!!!" Yana immediately became re-energized.
I couldn't help but laugh, "I'll see you soon." I waved and left to go to Ms. Park.
She gave me a lot of contacts of people I can talk to, which is really good news. I sent e-mails to each one of them (in Korean, of course) when I got home and after that, I started on one of the four papers I have to do, and also I started on my research for Korea.
It was already ten in the evening when I finished my paper and research, and simultaneously checked my Twitter and e-mail.
Are you still alive? It was him, duh.
Barely kkk How are you?
I checked my e-mail account and saw that five people replied to my e-mail! Yayyyyyy!!! My routine was: read e-mail and reply, then check on Twitter for Youngbae's reply, over and over. The first e-mail I read was a good response, he said he was available on Monday afternoon, which I am too! I don't know about Lance, really, but if he's not available, then I could just go on my own. After all, I'll be the one doing all the talking. Not that I'm trying to sound arrogant or anything! I'm just stating facts! DON'T JUDGE MEEEEE!!! Anyway, I sent a reply to him as well.
Tired. Always practicing for the concert now. Are you getting enough rest?
Ne oppa, of course ^^ I sleep well, and I'm finished with one paper now. ^^
I started collating all the points I got from my research on the two Koreas, then checked the next e-mail. This one stated that she doesn't have the time to do a sit-down interview, so we would just go for an e-mail interview. That just means that I would send her all the questions, then she'd answer, and if I have any more follow-up questions, I'll just e-mail again.
Good job, _________-ah ^^ Are you still studying now?
Ne, but I'm almost done, I'll finish in an hour. Are you getting enough rest, oppa?
I decided on answering all the other three e-mails at the same time so I'd be done with it since I want to start on my next paper as soon as possible. Well, I finished it, and I'm just finishing my collating of data.
I am, don't worry about me :) Are you so busy? We don't have to talk all the time everyday if you're too tired.
Oppa, I still want to try my best and talk to you...
Just talk to me on the weekends, araseo? Saturday and Sunday night, so I know you're not tired or busy.
But... Oppa... I want to talk to you...
I want that too... But I want all your attention to myself kkk
So selfish!!!
That's your Youngbae oppa kkk
Araseo oppa... Just on weekends. I'll sleep now, ne?
Oh, I still have to call Lance...
"Hi, Lance? It's _________. Sorry, were you asleep?"
"Oh, hey! Nah, I'm still finishing up my paper. What's up?"
"I already e-mailed the people and got replies."
"Cool! It's Saturday tomorrow, right? We should meet up and get things sorted out. What about ten at the library?"
"Oh, that's cool," I smiled. "Then I'll just see you tomorrow."
"See you, _________," I felt him smile from the other line. I hung up and looked at Youngbae's reply.
Sweet dreams, _________-ah... I hope we see each other in our dreams...
HAHA so much happened in this chapter =))))))
I hope you liked this update! Thank you so much for all the comments!!!
@theworldxisours: Why would Lance call 'you' noona?? ㅋㅋㅋ
@Seonriyong: Why have bad vibes for Lance??? SARANGHAEEEEEE~~
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If anyone ever reads this feed, SA is a spinoff of TS, yes? So yeah, just decode =)) Comment if you get it! If ever you read this, that is ^^


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Chapter 53: oh, so so good.
I love it <3
Chapter 53: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ITTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha lol it was really great, a fic that revolve around a fic... i was giggling so badly XD
But great fic at the end, definitely a fav!
Chapter 9: Unni, i cant picture Taeyang to be that sweet guy~ haha i dont know but im picturing Big Seunghyun or Jiyong oppa here. haha xD
Chapter 8: Unni. You should add tag TAEYANG. like me at first i dunno who is the lead.. [thelyddz?yayks~] many wants to have taeyang as the main character in story^^~ pero ayos lang, panggulat!
Chapter 7: PDGP41533182TPKUMKTMDPJTGJDAJTGPDAPGTDAJTMDJ8483337 grabe nanghina ako ampopots~ ATE LENI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOUTS!!!! SCREAM!!!!! SIGAW LAHAT NA!!!! *dadoong i cant breathe OMG~~~~ I NEED TO CALM DOWN HUH HUH HUH* i even asked you if u made any TAEYANG fanfiction. tai. eto na pala yown. ohmygosh T^T WAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! am i talking to TAEYANG? WAAAAH!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: I remember the lyrics from Ji oppa's OOAK~~
"so im fast, so what its okey?!" kfine. kyakk!
Chapter 53: I think it ended soon and why does the girl move to korea without planning? Well that's love. And if you're inlove,most people would act w/o thinking. Tada.. S.a Finally finished. Thanks 4 making this story ms. :)
EmiChan13 #8
Chapter 53: Oh no, its over already?! But it was good. :) I am a sap for happy endings, so thanks for that, though it could have been a liiiittle longer..... Haha, jk. Love the ending. :D
Chapter 53: noooo you gotta write anoooother, and i like how you did it with mostly just bigbang not like including 508346 other bands^^ keep up the good work :)
SHINeeluvsME #10