Talks with Jiyong

Secret Admirer


"Good mo- OH!" Wha...?!
"You're sitting with us today, _________-ah," Seungri beamed.
"O...kay?" Why am I going to sit with Seungri and Daesung today?
"Sitting here is nice," Seunghyun laughed. "I should sit here more often." I looked at Youngbae and saw that he was pouting.
"Jiyong," I poked his shoulder and he looked back, "Why am I sitting beside the ert?" I whispered in his ear.
Jiyong chuckled, "Just a little experiment."
I cocked my head to the side, not knowing what the hell he meant.
"We're trying to see what will happen if you and Youngbae were separated for one day," he chuckled again.
It took me a while before processing it. "OH~"
We went through the whole day with Big Bang always pulling me away from Youngbae. Everytime he tried approaching me, Seungri or Daesung would pull him away from me. And if I wanted to approach him, Jiyong and Seungri would pull me away from him or create some stupid reason for me not to leave their side.
What did Seunghyun do the whole day? LAUGH. PERIOD. He didn't do anything but laugh.
We went back to their house after the day's schedule. Daesung pulled me to the kitchen to help him make snacks and juice.
"You must think we're crazy for doing this," he laughed.
I blinked, "Weren't you all crazy to begin with?"
Daesung laughed again, "Pretty much. Come on, let's get these out."
We all set the snacks down on the coffee table in the living room. Youngbae was sitting on the couch. "I'll get the glasses," Daesung said, leaving the two of us alone. The other three were nowhere to be found. Maybe in their rooms?
Youngbae stretched out his arms wide and I happily bounced in them, sitting down on the couch beside him. He was hugging me tightly and leaning his head on my shoulder.
"Damn the conniving leader and maknae," he whispered, "It's their idea."
I laughed a bit, "Hey, it's not that bad, right?"
"Not bad?" Oh how the hatred for Jiyong and Seungri overflowed in his voice, I can't help but laugh. "They were separating us on purpose with all those stupid excuses."
"Not all of them were stupid," I mumbled.
"Me having 'cooties' isn't stupid?" Youngbae started poking my sides, "Seungri suddenly forgetting how to hold chopsticks isn't stupid?" He laughed. "Jiyong---"
Speak of the devil, Jiyong suddenly yanked me away from Youngbae, having Seunghyun laugh. AGAIN.
"Seriously, Seunghyun: you're laughing the whole day," I laughed.
"It's funny," he continued laughing.
Jiyong put his arm around me and smirked, "Come on, _________-ah: let's keep you away from that muscle monster." Okay, I just had to laugh at that one.
"YA YOU FREAKING SEAWEED-HAIRED ERT LET GO OF HER!" Youngbae was about to lunge toward us but Jiyong was quick and pulled me upstairs to his room, locking the door shut.
We heard Youngbae pounding on the door a while after, "OPEN THE DOOR KWON!"
"Not a chance," Jiyong laughed. He looked at me and we started laughing again.
"For how long will you be keeping me here?" I laughed.
"Until I'm finished interrogating you," Jiyong beamed.
"What for?"
Jiyong went over to his bed and laid down on his stomach, "Well, I was just wondering how you and Youngbae are?" We could still hear Youngbae knocking on the door.
I blinked, "How we are?"
"Well, you're both so touchy with each other and into skinship," Jiyong laughed, patting the space beside him on the bed.
I sat Indian-style next to him, "Really? I never noticed."
"He had is arms tightly around you and his head on your shoulder," he raised his eyebrow at me.
"OH~ That skinship..." I thought for a bit, "Can't friends do that?"
"It seems as if you're more than friends, _________-ah," he laughed.
I suddenly felt my cheeks flush, "A-Are we?"
"Do you like Youngbae?" He suddenly asked me. Shouldn't I be bombarded with these kinds of questions by Karina, Yana, and Holly?! Why is it Jiyong?
"My best friends -- that are girls -- should be the ones asking me those kinds of questions, right?" I laughed.
"Ya! I'm Youngbae's best friend! And guys also like to gossip."
"Jinjja?!" Jiyong nodded. "Wow, I never knew," I shook my head and laughed.
"So? Do you like him?" "Like, as in..." "Love? Or romantically feeling for him," Jiyong laughed.
"Oh. Well..." I thought for a bit. "I guess-"
"Hm?" Jiyong looked up at me, expecting a good answer.
"I guess... I'm just really happy whenever he's around," I smiled. "He makes me smile a lot, and I feel safe in his arms. I know he's a celebrity and all, but that's how I feel. I seriously don't want this month to end. Not just because of him, but all of you."
"Though Youngbae's a big part of it?" Jiyong guessed. I laughed and nodded, guilty. "That must mean you like him, right?"
"Well, I don't know," I smiled at Jiyong. "But honestly, I'd rather that things be this way, rather than finding out I'm madly in love with him and then getting hurt when you leave," I laughed.
Just before Jiyong got to answer, Youngbae burst in the room and scooped me, bridal style, to lead me away from Jiyong. I squealed, and clung onto his neck for my life.
"How did you get in?" I asked as Youngbae took me to his room.
"Manager hyung has the keys," he said as he put me down on the bed. "You are not leaving my side again, araseo?"
I laughed and nodded.
Should I have told Jiyong about the amusement park in my stomach whenever I'm with Youngbae?
Miss me???? ^^ I missed you all too~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I'll have more time for SA now, since I already finished PS :D Who's happy? :))
HAHAHAHAHA on the part about them being fanfic characters last chapter (which is seriosuly funny even I'm laughing at it LOL), I don't know where I got it =)) Just poppen in my head =)) I'm glad everyone enjoyed that bit :D
I hope you liked this update! Thank you so much for all the comments!!!
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If anyone ever reads this feed, SA is a spinoff of TS, yes? So yeah, just decode =)) Comment if you get it! If ever you read this, that is ^^


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Chapter 53: oh, so so good.
I love it <3
Chapter 53: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ITTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha lol it was really great, a fic that revolve around a fic... i was giggling so badly XD
But great fic at the end, definitely a fav!
Chapter 9: Unni, i cant picture Taeyang to be that sweet guy~ haha i dont know but im picturing Big Seunghyun or Jiyong oppa here. haha xD
Chapter 8: Unni. You should add tag TAEYANG. like me at first i dunno who is the lead.. [thelyddz?yayks~] many wants to have taeyang as the main character in story^^~ pero ayos lang, panggulat!
Chapter 7: PDGP41533182TPKUMKTMDPJTGJDAJTGPDAPGTDAJTMDJ8483337 grabe nanghina ako ampopots~ ATE LENI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOUTS!!!! SCREAM!!!!! SIGAW LAHAT NA!!!! *dadoong i cant breathe OMG~~~~ I NEED TO CALM DOWN HUH HUH HUH* i even asked you if u made any TAEYANG fanfiction. tai. eto na pala yown. ohmygosh T^T WAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! am i talking to TAEYANG? WAAAAH!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: I remember the lyrics from Ji oppa's OOAK~~
"so im fast, so what its okey?!" kfine. kyakk!
Chapter 53: I think it ended soon and why does the girl move to korea without planning? Well that's love. And if you're inlove,most people would act w/o thinking. Tada.. S.a Finally finished. Thanks 4 making this story ms. :)
EmiChan13 #8
Chapter 53: Oh no, its over already?! But it was good. :) I am a sap for happy endings, so thanks for that, though it could have been a liiiittle longer..... Haha, jk. Love the ending. :D
Chapter 53: noooo you gotta write anoooother, and i like how you did it with mostly just bigbang not like including 508346 other bands^^ keep up the good work :)
SHINeeluvsME #10