
Love & Hate
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Day 3 of School, 12 January 2019

Jisoo's POV

I managed to make it in the nick of time when the bell struck 8am in the morning. My footsteeps felt heavy as I climbed the stairs up to my seat that was at the last row

Someone please tell me why my group chose the last row of seats to sit at?

It was time for Atlas class again. This means that we are to sit in our groups from yesterday and continue our discussion on our project. We had created created a group chat where we could share our ideas online, but as expected, the chat history was still empty

It could be because no one had any idea on what to do for the project, or they might have been too busy to brainstorm at home, or simply because they forgot about it. Being who I am, I obviously fell into the category of forgetting about the project we had

The lecturer was marking our attendance and I just listening to the way he pronounces our name. "Bae Irene" He calls out and Irene raised her hand to acknowledge her name

"Kang Seulgi. Kang Seulgi?" He repeats Seulgi's name once more. "I'm here! Can't you see me?" Seulgi yells out and flaps her hand around frantically

"Oh I'm sorry Ms Kang, I didn't see you back there" The lecturer apologises and marks her attendance. "Maybe you should go check your eyes and get a new pair of glasses" Seulgi remarked and continued minding her own business

The lecturer paid Seulgi no attention and continued on the name list. "Kim Jane... Are you here?"  He seems to be hesitant in calling her name after what happened with Seulgi just seconds ago

"... I guess not. Kim Jisoo?" He called my name and I raised my hand up and flashed him a smile

The roll call was soon finished and we all started our discussion for the group


I turned my head to my group and did a mental headcount

1, 2, 3... Including me that's 4

"Is someone not here yet?" I asked and everyone started looking around. "It's the scholarship girl. She probably doesn't want to do this project with us because we might hinder her grades" One of the group mates joked around which earned some small giggles from the group

"Anyways we should start our discussion now, it's due in 3 weeks time" Irene suggested and we all started our brainstorming session

Just as we started our brainstorming session, the classroom door opened and I turned to the direction of the door. It was a girl wearing a face mask along with an eyepatch. It was so obvious that it was the scholarship girl

"Sorry lecturer for being late" She did a 90 degrees bow and apologised to him. "May I know your reason for being late?" He asked her and she told him why

"I have lost my student ID card and because of that, I was unable to get past the school gate"

"Ah I see, you better make one soon. Go on to your group now"

The scholarship girl quickly went up the stairs and took a seat opposite from me. I looked at her for awhile before averting my gaze back to the project on hand

"So you lost your ID card? Where did you last see it?" I looked at her again and asked her. "I don't know... I'm pretty sure it was still with me when we still had this class yesterday"

"Oh... I hope you find it soon" I smiled and her eyes still seemed cold and she had a poker face which was very obvious even with the face mask on

After 3 hours filled with boring discussions, we were done with class and we started packing our bags


The scholarship girl immediately ran out of the class as soon as class was dismissed which just made everyone look at her like a maniac

"Woah I wonder if that girl was a sprinting in a competition or something" Lisa commented as she walked towards me with the girls. "Maybe she wanted to avoid getting into trouble with Seulgi" Chaeyoung said as we started walking down the stairs

"By the way Jisoo, have you found the owner of the student ID card yet? Kim Jane was in our class but she wasn't here so we still don't know who it is yet" Nayeon asked me and I stopped in my tracks

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot about the student ID card... Maybe I will go and pass it to the lost and found section. You guys can go ahead and find seats first!" I told the girls as I walked towards the office to return the student ID card I found

I wonder who the owner is... Hopefully she will go to the office to ask about it

As I was nearing the office, I collided into someone who was exiting the office by accident

"Sorry my bad, I wasn't looking at where I was going" I stood up and offered a hand to the person who fell with me

I looked at the girl and saw that it was none other than the scholarship girl from earlier on. She looked at my hand and rejected my help, standing up on her own before walking away

What's her problem? Did I do something to her?

I shrugged the thought off and entered the office


"Hi, how may I help you?" One of the office staff asked me. "Someone lost their student ID card and I'm here to return it" I said as I took the card out and handed it to the staff

"I see, thank you for returning it" The staff took the card and wrote the details down. "Did the person who lost the card come to look for it already?" I asked the staff out of curiousity

"Oh yes she did. In fact she was just here seconds ago requesting to make a new one if it wasn't found yet"

"Ah I see. Now she doesn't need to wait for a new one to be made... I'll be going now" I said my goodbyes and left the office before making my way to the canteen

I looked around the canteen before spotting Lisa who was jumping up and down while waving her hands to catch my attention

"Have you passed the card to the office?" Chaeyoung asked me while eating the pasta in front of her. "Of course I did before I came here" I looked at Chaeyoung and stole a bite of her pasta

"Don't you dare touch my pasta!" Chaeyoung scooped the plate of pasta in her hands and glared at m

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Thank you all for supporting this story! It's been almost 6 months and it has finally come to an end! :)
I have written to new fics titled 'COLORS' and 'The Gamer' and I hope to see some of you guys there!


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Chapter 23: I only found this fic now.. It was a good read and thank you for this btw :D
Chapter 23: Thanks for this!! Happy ending for jensoo hooray!! ❤️
Chapter 23: Happy ending for our babies T_T)9
Thank you for writing this story~

I'll gladly check out your other works
Chapter 22: Oh thank God for Jen's dad bringing the police with him. Now he and Jennie are safe, and Jisoo made it too uwu
krystalchu #5
Chapter 22: So it wasn't Jisoo's fam who wanted to kill them
bittersweetlover #6
Chapter 21: so Seungri is the one who suggested to offer the Villa to Jiyong's famìly for vacation, makes only the two of them know where Jiyong's family is at that time. So if it isn't Jisoo's father, then it must be Seungri who wanted Jiyong's family killed. He must be the one who kidnapped Jennie as well. Come on, Jisoo, save your girl...

The fam's gonna get chu
save your girl jisoo!!
jenxchu #9
Chapter 20: Hope they do nothing to Jennie :(