Story & Reply

Love & Hate
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Jisoo's POV

"I promise I won't tell anyone what you are about to tell me and that I would bring it to my grave" I told Uncle Jiyong and looked at him in the eyes. "Okay... I believe you. Now where do I even begin this story..."

The four of us were seated at the small round dining table and we had all stopped our dinner to listen to what Uncle Jiyong has to say.

"Do you remember the day when I brought my family out for a vacation?" Uncle Jiyong asked me and I nodded my head. "Yes I do remember... I remember it very clearly like it was just yesterday" I replied and he continued with his story

"That vacation... The afternoon before that day, your father had invited me into his office. He told me that he appreciates all the hard work I had contributed into the company and he told me that I should get a day off with my family" Uncle Jiyong says and he looks down at the table

"You should know how busy things get at the company as we run a hospital. Plus I am a doctor myself and I don't really get days off including the weekend. So when your father told me that I could bring my family out for a day, I gladly accepted and told Jennie and Chaerin about it"

"But if my father gave you a rest day... What has it got to do with your disappearance?" I inquired as I still did not understand how things added up

"Oh it has everything to do with our disappearance" Auntie Chaerin stated as she stood up and went to get a glass of water for all of us


Jiyong's POV


"Princess, I have a day off tomorrow, would you like to go on a short one day trip?" I gave a call to my one and only daughter and I heard her squeal excitedly over the phone call

"Yes daddy! When do we set off? Can we go tonight?" Her voice went a pitch higher from all the excitement she had. "Of course we can my princess. You should head home from Jisoo's place now and pack your bags"

"Okay! I will be leaving now!" She said and she ended the call. I was still at the hospital and I quickly gathered my stuff and left the company the moment the clock striked 7pm

I called my wife when I was on the way home driving and told her about the short getaway trip that we would be having. When I reached home, Jennie was already sitting on the couch with her bags packed and she was already wearing her shoes

"Daddy! What took you so long? Hurry hurry, pack your bags!" She got down from the couch and ran towards me to give me a hug. "Give me a minute to pack okay. Go and play with mummy first" I picked her up and passed her over to Chaerin

After about 15minutes of packing, I was finally done and I went downstairs to the living room to see a sight that I always loved looking at. Chaerin carrying our only child who is soundly asleep in her arms. I love my family dearly and I am always saddend and regretful that I am always busy to spend more quality time with them

I walked towards them and placed a kiss on Jennie's cheek and I gave a quick peck to Chaerin before leaving the house


"Look at her, all fast asleep and she was still hurrying me to get my things ready" I looked at Jennie fondly and I pinched her soft, chubby cheeks. "She had been running all over the house the moment she got home. She must have missed going out on family trips" Chaerin said quietly and I started driving the car

"I'm sorry"

"What for?" Chaerin looked at me with a confused look. "I'm sorry for not spending so much time with you both. I always want to retire from being a doctor and just manage the company... But I can't just leave my patients that are still under my care just like this" I said apologetically and I stepped on the brake as we had came upon a red light

"Jiyong... Don't be sorry, you are the one that is allowing our family to lead such a comfortable life. We understand your job and how busy you will get... Let's not talk about such things now because you are about to get a break you deserve alright?"

"Yeah... You should take a nap first, the drive will be around 2 hours long"

I turned off the radio that was being played and continued the 2 hour long drive in silence. Time passed by awfully slow and I finally reach the villa Seunghyun had lent to me for a day

I woke Chaerin up to get her into the house and I carried our bags in. We made our way into the master bedroom and Chaerin placed Jennie on the bed and she laid down besider her. Both of my most favourite people in the world were lying down on the bed fast asleep and I smiled at the sight before me

Chaerin was hugging Jennie while Jennie is cuddling her mother. Sometimes I think that I'm so lucky for marrying Chaerin and having Jennie as our child

Being the only one awake, I unpacked our bags and took a quick shower before taking my position besider Jennie. I placed my hands over Jennie and I pulled Chaerin closer to me. "Good night my loves" I said as I kissed both of their foreheads


The night soon ended and the morning came. The three of us took a short 30minutes drive to the nearest city and we grabbed some breakfast. One good thing about the villa is that is is far away from all the city life and the surrounding is really quiet and peaceful so we can spend quality time together. But one bad thing about it is that it is rather inconvienient for us to get to any where for food as they are pretty far away and we will not be able to walk there

This is why we went to the nearest grocery store to grab some groceries to cook some homecooked food

"What would you guys like to eat later?" Chaerin asked us as I was pushing the trolley with Jennie sitting in it. "Omelette fried rice! Mummy I want omelette fried rice!"

"I hear you sweetie, let's have omelette fried rice for lunch then!" Chaerin giggled and started taking the stuff needed for the recipe

While pushing Jennie along the isle, her hands kept reaching out and grabbing all the sweets and snacks that she wanted to eat. Before I knew it, she had already opened a packet of sweet and started eating them

"Oh no no no! Jennie... Princess, you cannot open the stuffs that you haven't paid for" I pretended to be fierce so that she will learn from this lesson. "But... I'm so hungry..." She gave me one of her cutest puppy eyes together with a pout

"B-But..." I sighed and admitted my defeat. "Don't do it again alright?" I patted her head and gave her a smile

"Okay!" She beamed with joy and continued eating the packet of sweet

Soon, we finished with our grocery shopping and I continued the drive back to the villa


It was about 12pm in the afternoon and Chaerin started preparing for lunch. To distract Jennie from eating any more snacks while lunch is being made, I had to play around with her and we went to the playground at the front yard of the villa

"Daddy can you push me?" Jennie asks as she sits on the swing and grips onto the chains tightly. "Hold on tight!" I said as I gave her a big push that sent her flying high up in the air

After the swings, she went on to the slides and started sliding down, going back up, sliding down again and repeating them over and over again

"It's so lonely playing alone... I wish Jisoo was here..." Jennie has a sad look plastered on her face as she sits down next to me on the bench. "Let's come here again with Jisoo and her family soon" I told her and she nodded her head

"Lunch is ready!"

"Shall we race to see who reaches the house first?" I challenged Jennie and she accepted it. I counted down and we both started running when I said "Go"

I slowed down my speed on purpose to let Jennie win and she was jumping with joy as she had beaten me. "Hahaha! Daddy why are you so slow? You are as slow as a snail!" She kept laughing and poking fun at me and I just smiled at her

After finishing our lunch, we all went to the outdoor swimming pool in the backyard to relax and enjoy. Jennie was lying down on a unicorn float and she seemed to have fell asleep while she was on it

I sat down in the pool with Chaerin and we were talking about how lucky we were to lead this kind of life and that she hopes we can all have more family vacation together


I woke Jennie up from her sleep after we had spend about 2hours in the pool. We all took a shower to rid ourselves of the chlorine and to also think about what to have for dinner

"Daddy, can we go home earlier today?"

"Why? Don't you want to stay here longer

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Thank you all for supporting this story! It's been almost 6 months and it has finally come to an end! :)
I have written to new fics titled 'COLORS' and 'The Gamer' and I hope to see some of you guys there!


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Chapter 23: I only found this fic now.. It was a good read and thank you for this btw :D
Chapter 23: Thanks for this!! Happy ending for jensoo hooray!! ❤️
Chapter 23: Happy ending for our babies T_T)9
Thank you for writing this story~

I'll gladly check out your other works
Chapter 22: Oh thank God for Jen's dad bringing the police with him. Now he and Jennie are safe, and Jisoo made it too uwu
krystalchu #5
Chapter 22: So it wasn't Jisoo's fam who wanted to kill them
bittersweetlover #6
Chapter 21: so Seungri is the one who suggested to offer the Villa to Jiyong's famìly for vacation, makes only the two of them know where Jiyong's family is at that time. So if it isn't Jisoo's father, then it must be Seungri who wanted Jiyong's family killed. He must be the one who kidnapped Jennie as well. Come on, Jisoo, save your girl...

The fam's gonna get chu
save your girl jisoo!!
jenxchu #9
Chapter 20: Hope they do nothing to Jennie :(