Our Love

Our Jealous Love

I cried for my baby, I cried for Taehyung and I cried for the time I missed with Yoongi.  I treasured every moment we had together.  Even when I was walking down the aisle to Taehyung, all I could think of was Yoongi and the sweet moments we shared.  Now, I'm finally his.  It feels like a dream.  He looks up at me worried and wipes my tears away.  He leans closer and kisses my tear stained cheeks slowly and gently.  He doesn't ask me not to cry.  Instead, he shares my pain letting me release it instead of hiding it from him.  That's what I love so much about him.  He loves me at my best and at my worst and accepts all my emotions.  I have never known someone like him that is so giving of himself.  Tae gave me things, but Yoongi gave me himself.  I no longer have nightmares.  With his love, I have been able to let go of my traumatic past and when there is a storm, I have him to hold me. 

It feels like we waited forever to be together but we are both still really young and just starting out. The time we spent apart made us realized how much we really care about each other.  We treasure the simple things like just holding hands.  I close my eyes and lean on him.  He is my rock and I am his other half.   Together we rented an apartment close to our college.  It's not as big or as nice as the one I shared with Taehyung, but it's cute and filled with love.  We put pictures of us on the shelf in front of our sofa.  Every time I sit there I smile seeing our happy faces. 

We have dreams and plans for our future but no matter what happens along the way, with him by my side, my life will be complete.  Yoongi gets up and opens the tv cabinet and takes out a small box sealed with a purple ribbon.  

"I have a surprise for you."   

"How nice!  I love surprises."

"Open it," he says tenderly.

I opened the pretty box and inside was an ornate key on a chain and a journal with a scene from Paris on it.  I opened it to the first page.  There written in Yoongi's hand it said, "You hold the key to my heart.  Will you marry me?"

"Will you fill those empty pages with me?"  Yoongi said before I could respond.

"I love you Yoongi,  I know you're the one I want to be with forever.  Every moment, every breath, every emotion I want to share with you."

"Together, we'll write our story."  He inched closer to me capturing my lips and I gave myself to him.  Every time together felt like our first time.  

Later that night, Yoongi dragged himself to bed with eyes half closed.  I giggled at how cute he looked rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand.  I took a quick shower before joining him but by the time I snuggled up next to him he was already asleep.  He looked so sweet and innocent with a gentle pout on his sweet lips.  I couldn't help myself and I kissed him.  I pulled back and watched him sleep tracing the line of his jaw with my kisses. He mumbled something unintelligible in that y sleepy voice of his.

"What did you say?" I whispered by his ear.

"Finally, I missed you, sweetheart."

"I missed you too."



"I was thinking.  I want to go visit our parents tomorrow."

"Okay, It's time for them to know we are together."

"Yes,  and that we're getting married."

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Chapter 7: Yoongi looks so cute!
Chapter 6: I like the pictures you chose. :)
Chapter 4: This story gives me a feeling of longing. It's so good.