
A little something // Baekxing


Confused. That's what I was, confused, we were at the hospital after Bekhyun fell, Chanyeol looked concerned now more than panicked and I was lost. I didn't understand what was happening, why were we in a hospital why was Chanyeol panicking and why did Baekhyun's stomach hurt so much from falling.

The doctor that had entered Baekhyun's room earlier came out and walked over to us.

"You two can head in now, he will be released tomorrow we will keep him overnight to monitor both of them," he said with a nod and left.

Without thinking twice Chanyeol rushed into the room and I stood a bit shocked, both of them? I pushed the thought aside and walked into the room.

I made eye contact with Baekhyun and he looked away...it hurts inside when he did that but I it up and walked over to him.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"G-good, I'm fine" he went silent for a bit and took a deep breath he looked at me making eye contact "and our baby is fine as well," he said.

My mind stopped functioning for a bit...baby? Our baby?

"W-wait you mean to say that-"I looked down to his stomach and back up to him, he nodded a bit.

"Surprise i'm pregnant," he said and did jazz hands which made me laugh a bit.

"I will give you two some time," Chanyeol said with a smile and got up leaving the room.

"So you weren't sick all along?" I asked.

"No, at first I did think I had the flu or something but I got a test and did it after putting it off for a while and when I did it, it was positive," he said.

"How long have you known?" I asked him curiously.

"A little more than a month... I told my father and he said he will get a way for us to meet up and get to know one another before I tell you" he said

"The collab was his way for us meeting right?" He nodded with a little smile.

"I was going to wait a bit before telling you...but now I should right? So yeah I'm pregnant with your baby and if you're wondering no I haven't gone for a checkup or sonar or anything, I was waiting to tell you so we could go together if you agreed to be part of it"

"T-that's really nice... I really want to be part of this Baekhyun, I hope we can make this work I really hope so" I said and took his hand in mine.

"I'm thankful for that if you want we can make an appointment for a checkup while you are still in Seoul so you can come with as well," he said looking at me with puppy eyes.

A smile made its way onto my face and I nodded "I would like that, I have nothing on for a while so I can stay here"

"I would like that," he said happily.

I can't believe this is happening but I'm really happy.

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Chapter 19: Chapter 19: This story is too cute! I don’t read a lot of Baekxing stories, but I’m glad I read this one!

I really enjoyed it and this work definitely deserves more attention. :)
K-PoppingPills #2
Chapter 19: Aaaaaaw ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
joanna20 #3
Chapter 19: Ty for uploading yr story! Hope to hear from u soon. Fighting!
Tenshina #4
Chapter 17: wow, this fiction is so cute!!!
I've never read a BaekXing's fiction before!!!
And I read all the chapter in one afternoon!!!

I can(t wait to read the next chapter and see how will be their life as family of three and the marriage!!
K-PoppingPills #5
Chapter 15: I’m trying not to cry but :,))))) it’s so BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!
zaizaiforever #6
Chapter 1: love it
K-PoppingPills #7
Chapter 13: Yesh
K-PoppingPills #8
Chapter 11: Aaaaaw ❤️
K-PoppingPills #9
Chapter 9: Lol Baekhyun is a sly mama jama
K-PoppingPills #10
Chapter 7: This is cute ❤️ Please countinue writing I think this is great!!! ❤️