Chapter 5 [The past]

He's back!?


“Hyung… Did Chunji hyung act strange around you?” asked Ricky.

“No” L.joe furrowed his eyebrows. “Why?”

“Well…” Ricky sighed. “I’m actually not sure if I should tell you this…” Ricky looked around to see if Chunji was near them.

“What is it Ricky?” L.joe got closer so he can listen. “Tell me”

“Uh…okay” the boy nodded. “When you… died he kind of went… crazy”

“What do you mean crazy?” L.joe got confused.

“He didn’t take the news very well. He was actually worse than Niel hyung. Niel didn’t eat, talk or sleep much, but Chunji hyung just kept saying that you will be back and that all of this was just some nightmare” said Ricky. L.joe was speechless. His eyes were wide open and he was shocked. “His parents thought that you were his best friend and they understood him… in some way. Chunji hyung even started visiting a psychiatrist and it did helped him a lot”

“Wait” L.joe cut him off. “Why was he like that? I don’t understand”

“Well he was in love with you. I thought you knew that…” said Ricky.

“O-oh… I knew, but… when he confessed I didn’t take him seriously and we had a fight” sighed L.Joe and lowered his head, feeling guilty. “I didn’t believe him. I thought that it was impossible for someone to love me…” he finished. “It’s all my fault”

“No hyung, it’s not” Ricky patted his shoulder. “Don’t blame yourself about this and besides everything is over now. He’s good” he smiled.

“I guess…” nodded L.Joe. “What else happened? How did you guys end up living together here?” he asked.

“Well Eric hyung started living here and since our father was missing, me and Changjo moved in with him. Minsoo hyung then came because he was always alone at home. His parents were always working. Niel hyung moved in couple of months ago. His parents…” Ricky stopped. “Died in a car accident” he said quietly.

“Oh my god… that’s horrible” said L.Joe. “What about Chunji hyung?”

“Chunji hyung moved in 4 years ago, I think. His father kicked him out because he was in love with a boy... you"

“WHAT? So it is my fault” yelled L.Joe.

“No it’s not L.Joe” someone said, causing L.joe to turn around. He then noticed Chunji smiling warmly at him. Chunji walked towards the two of them and sat down across L.Joe. “It’s not your fault. It was mine…” he said. L.joe just kept looking at him.

“I’m… sorry hyung” he managed to say.

“You really don’t have to apologize, I already told you it wasn’t your fault. And besides I’m happy here. Now it’s even better because you came back” he smiled. L.joe blushed and tried to hide it, but Chunji noticed it and chuckled. “Cute” he mumbled to himself. Ricky and Chunji started telling L.Joe  about random stuff that’s been happening to them.

“Do you have to go~?” the three of them heard someone whine. They turned around and saw Niel and Minsoo. Niel was hugging Minsoo and crying.

“Yes…I’m sorry Niel-ah. I invited you to come with me but you didn’t want to…” pouted Minsoo and kissed Niel’s cheek. The two of them continued talking, leaving L.Joe confused.

“What’s going on?” he whispered to Ricky.

“Minsoo is going to his home town to visit his parents this week” replied Ricky.

“Oh” nodded L.Joe.

“Bye guys” said Minsoo to the three of them and then kissed Niel. After saying his goodbyes he left. Niel stayed in the hallway for couple of seconds and then ran upstairs to his room and locked the door.

“Why won’t he just go with him?” L.joe rolled his eyes.

“I don’t know… he thinks that Cap’s parents won’t like him” said Chunji.


“By the way L.Joe, me and Changjo are going to visit our mother” said Ricky.

“I thought she was..."

“She is... we're just going to Busan to visit her grave"

“Oh okay..." said L.joe.

“If you want you can come with us, since we all are going to visit our parents” Ricky looked at Chunji.

“Yeah I’m visiting my mom” smiled Chunji. “My parents finally got divorced”

“Ah I don’t know Ricky…Maybe some other time, okay?”

“Okay then.” He smiled. “Let’s go get ready Chunji hyung. We’re leaving tomorrow” 

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TakeshimaTaki-desu #1
Chapter 4: i missed this story so much!!! you see, i've read The Listener and really looked forward to the sequel! but i totally forgot about it! hahahha. now.. i think i need to reread that fic again. haha! ^^
--chunsa #2
Chapter 23: I really miss this story~
I hope one day you re-gain interest... T^T
LovingKitty #3
Chapter 22: Omg I love this fic I read all of it I. One day lol. OMO can't wait to read ur changrick story hope u update soon^_^
ive thought this will end quickly!!how could you putting such a drama here??!!urgh...CAP!!JUST ING ACCEPTING NIEL's APOLOGIZE IMMEDIATELY!!its merely an accident guys..such a freaking jealous boyfriend..its just a peck on the lips..not FRENCH KISS!i hope that Chunji doesn't react same like CAP..>.<"