
Athena & Hades


" Taecyeon-sshi, I wanted to say thanks. To you and your members, thanks a lot. For keeping Yoobin safe, and not ratting us out. " T.O.P says

seriously, offering a small smile.

Taec grins and shook T.O.P's hand." Welcome, take care alright. " He bids the both of them with a nod.

" Thanks for helping out Taec, see you whenever. " Yoobin pats his arm gratefully.

With that, T.O.P takes Yoobin's hand and they left.


" Where are we going? " Yoobin asks.

" My hideout, my company doesn't know about. " T.O.P says, leading Yoobin to his doorstep.

Yoobin pauses at his front door." Wait. You want us to live together? " Yoobin raises her eyebrows.

T.O.P tugs on Yoobin's waist and rests his forehead on hers.

" I want you to be safe. We'll live here while waiting for Sohee to appear okay? "

Yoobin glances down to their shoes with a smile but shakes her head.

" We're not going to sleep in the same room though. " She puts on a fierce expression, wagging a finger.

T.O.P grins slyly, " I can't promise you that.. " He laughs, making a kissy face.

Yoobin squeals and flicks his forehead." Eeeee ert! " She wrinkles her nose as T.O.P rubs his forehead and opens the door.

" Here. Take the empty room beside the toilet. " T.O.P shows her.

Yoobin examines the room happily. The room was barren and clean.

" This seems ideal. Thank you " She gave T.O.P a sincere smile.

T.O.P nods and hands her the house keys.

" Don't go anywhere for the meantime okay? If anyone sees you, they'll know you're with me. And we're not supposed to be together. " T.O.P says.

" Roger that. But ....... what about my clothes? " Yoobin asks with a face, indicating her hospital shirt.

T.O.P pauses thoughtfully, " Wear mine for the meanwhile. I'll go buy some clothes for you okay?"

Yoobin softens at T.O.P's gesture." You're putting your life at line here, aren't you afraid? " She asks him softly.

He shakes his head, tucking a strand of Yoobin's hair behind her ear lovingly.

" As far as I'm concerned, they still need me and they don't know about you and I. " He says with a nonchalant shrug.

Yoobin slowly pulls him into a hug," You're doing so much for me, Thank you isn't enough. " She says, burying her head in his taut chest.

T.O.P sighs softly." Yoobin-ah, I have something to tell you. Maybe its too soon to say, and maybe you don't feel the same, but -" T.O.P says,

taking a breath of air.

" But I love you. " He whispers directly, staring into her eyes.

Yoobin stares up at him in shock , her breath caught in . Her cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

" Seunghyun-ah, It's possible that I love you too. And no matter how fast, if it's meant to be, it is. " Yoobin tells him, smiling shyly.

T.O.P gave her a watery smile and he leans in for a kiss slowly. Yoobin closes her eyes, and held her breath. Waiting for his kiss to breathe life into


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nadilak #1
Chapter 29: Love this story . I'm so happy for ending this story. Hopeee you make the bonus chapter of this story :)
TooBin_Luv #2
Chapter 29: Omg. Thank God she didnt kill TOP! I thought she really killed him when I first read this! Haha. Am so glad they're finally free and able to be together!! :) thanks for this wonderful story! :)
Chapter 29: Gah, this is amazing! I can't, my feels right now TuT... Bonus chapter for Toobin and HEEDRAGON please...
Chapter 29: You can't just leave it there please just one more chapter
strawberrysohee #5
Chapter 29: Yes i want bonus chapter for toobin<3
LanYing #6
Chapter 29: Please make a bonus chapter for heedragon :)
Chapter 29: Fiuh! I thought yoobin kill TOP for real
TooBin_Luv #8
Chapter 28: Now Yoobin needs to kill Magnum and not Seunghyun since she already know the truth. And how can it be the 2nd last chapter?? :(
Chapter 28: No!!! You have to do more! Please???? It is getting much more interesting!!! Continue!
Chapter 25: That is so sweet!! Toobin hwaiting!