Lovey Dovey

I am a Bounty Hunter


T-ara- Lovey Dovey


I was in my bathroom preparing my make up for today evening.

“Just a bit more red lipstick and I am finished”, I whispered to myself.

I put on my favourite dress and looked at me once more in the mirror. My dress was a bit shorter and with golden glitter.

“Yes, I think this is ok”

I grabbed my bag and left my apartment.

Sure I also put on my leather-jacket with my gun.

As I walked down the streets I already heard the sound of loud music and blasting beats. But before I could reach my destination my phone rung again. I looked at the display and recognized the number.

“Umma why are you calling?”, I said.

“This isn’t the nicest way to greet your own mother…”, she just answered cold.

“I am sorry. I was just a bit surprised that you called”

“Just forget it. I was calling because I want to know when you will earn money again. Are you just hanging around and do what you want?”

“I have a new job! I will earn about 50 thousand Dollars, just if you want to know!”, I yelled into the phone.

“…”, now she was quiet.

“G-good. Then hurry up and do your job, we need the money here, you know that”

“Yes umma. Just wait a bit longer. The job will take me some more time than usual”

“Just hurry up. Bye”

She hung up before I could even say also bye to her too. Sometimes I really thought that my parents don’t love me much but they need the money and I never hurried up.

I sighed and started to walk again.

After about 5 more minutes I reached a huge disco. It was called “Lovey Dovey”. And I also heard T-ara’s new song “Lovey Dovey”. How fitting.

I loved this disco and visited it often so the doorman already knew me.

“Min? Is that you? Wow you look hot like everyday”, he said.

“How cheesy”, I whispered to myself. The music was so loud that it was impossible that he heard me.

I just entered the building and walked immediately to the bar.

“What do you want to drink?”, the waiter asked me.

“Just a beer”, I answered and watched the dance floor that was 2 meters besides me. Many people were dancing there, also many couples.

“Yah, here is your beer”, the waiter said a bit louder because I was too focused on the dance floor.

Her didn’t knew that I was under age because 1. I look more like 18 or 19 as my real age, 16 and 2. I have my contacts.

I paid and drunk the beer in a one-shot. I really needed that.

The song was over but the people seemed to love this song and wanted it to play again and the DJ played it a second time.

“I think it’s time”, I said and walked over to the dance floor. I watched the other peoples one second more and then also started to dance.

I let my body move with the music an felt like in was like in a dream. I couldn’t see, couldn’t feel and couldn’t notice anything. I just felt that I was alive.

As I opened my eyes a bit more I saw a boy. It was like something dragged me towards him. Maybe it was his smile, maybe it was his appearance. I walked towards him and everything seemed to be in Slow-Motion. The way to him seemed to be so long that I thought I would never reach him. But when I was only some footsteps away from him he disappeared. At this moment I came to my senses and everything was normal again. I stood there like a tree. Not able to move even a bit from where I stood. Suddenly some people pushed me away while they danced and told me to move away so they could dance better. I just started at them. Then I was again able to move my feet I ran to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. My breath was uncontrollable. My heartbeat was faster than normal.

“I am not that drunk. I normally don’t feel like this even when I drank a lot”, I said to my own reflection.

Some other girls who were besides me and checked their make-up just looked at me like I was strange. Maybe I was.

After some time I walked out of the bathroom and wanted to go home but then I noticed something…

“Oh no, where is my bag?!”

I walked over to the bar and searched the waiter which I talked earlier the evening.

“Do you where my bag is?”, I asked him.

“Yes”, he said and held it in his hand.

I wanted to take it but he didn’t let me.

“What’s wrong? Why don’t you give me MY bag?”

“I will give it to you…if”

“Oh no, an “if”. What do you want from me?”

“A date”

“Are you kidding me? No”

“Then this will be my bag”

“What do you want to do with a woman bag?”, I said and laughed.

“I think there are interesting things in it. Now they are mine. Or do you want to change your mind”, he said and smirked.

I leaned closer to him and so he.

“So, you really want to date me? Then I will tell you something”, I said and opened my jacket and showed him my gun.

“When you date me, this gun will kill you. Ha, do you really want to date me now?”, I said and smirked like he did before.

He just gave me a shocked look and so I grabbed my bag which was then very near to me.

I walked away and laughed a bit.

“Man, this guy never wants to meet me again!” I said and left the disco and walked back home.


In the disco, the guy’s POV:


This girl is crazy. She is really crazy. First she drinks a beer in a one-shot and then she has a gun with her.

“Damn, I am in love!”, I said and the boy besides me laughed.

“You like this kind of girl”, he asked me.

“Yes! Isn’t she wonderful?”

“Maybe, but she is not older then 16”

“From where do you know that she is so young?”

“Sure, when you want her, then you really have to do something for her”

“I know. I am just a waiter and have a normal life. She is cool and has an thrilling life!”, I said sad.

“There is still hope left. Trust me”




Wow, a long chapter this time XD. 


Any idea who the boy was that U saw in the dance floor? Any idea??


And I want to thank you for your comments and I hope that you will like the chapter. No worries, Minwoo will be in the next chapter

Comments are always welcome because I really need feedback. Just to see if the chapter is good or bad and what I have to change.^^



I will update maybe tomorrow! LOVE YOU ALL!!

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kathleensiew #1
I loved both ending! Its is so touching that made me cry ^^
Very good story, I enjoyed it. ^^ I hope you write a new story soon!
I liked the happy ending more! ><
The sad ending made me... Sad... LOOL
Great story~! :D
I loved both endings. ^^ When there are more then one endings in a story, I always like the sad ending the most, but I really like both endings in this story. The story was very good, hope you start another one soon. =)
Just came along and happened across this story~!!!
Sounds interesting~! Can't wait to read it!!! KEKE <3
Great chapter. ^^
I'm sad that the story is ending soon, but I can't wait to see what happens next. Update soon!
Min, have you forgotten what you must do?
Great chapter, I feel so awkward when I'm writing kissing stuff also. lol
Minwoo knows. =O
I wonder what Min will do now. ^^
Poor Min, doesn't know what to do.

If you want to update shorter chapters go ahead. =)
I would like if you updated more, the story is very good. ^^
I had a feeling the person Min meant at the disco was Donghyun. ^^ Please update soon. =)