Well, more a perfect lie...

I am a Bounty Hunter


The next day:

I was sleeping on my couch in the living room. I fell asleep there because I read this stupid book, which I read the whole night, Minwoo gave me! How can a book be so interesting?

I searched my phone to check which time it was.

… It was 3pm!

“No, how will I manage to meet this boy at 4pm”, I half cried to myself. I stood up and quickly ran to the bathroom and took a shower, put on these clothes.

I made my hair, put on some make up and checked the time once again.

“Yes! 3:30, I will make it in time. Call me stupid or so but I am always punctual”, I celebrated myself and put on my leather-jacket with my gun.

After that, I put the book in my bag and left my apartment.

(Just if you want to know how the leather-jacket looks like, here is a photo^^)


I ran to this school and waited there. I saw some students walking around and looking at me. Maybe because I didn’t wear a school uniform.


“Uh, Minwoo how long are you going to let me wait?”, I whispered to myself.

“H-hey? I didn’t expect you would really come”, someone said and I turned around. It was Minwoo.

“Did you really believe I don’t keep my promises”, I said to him defiant.

“No! I just…sorry”, he said and seemed to be really sad.

“Come on, don’t be sad. I shouldn’t react so stubborn”, I said and smiled.

He smiled back.

“Ok, how about doing something together? Would you like to watch a movie with me?”, he asked.

“A date?”, I asked back without thinking and mentally slapped myself.

“N-Ye…Just watching a movie together doesn’t have to be a date but if you wanted to call it like that th-“

“It’s ok. Let’s just watch a movie together”, I cut him off.

Minwoo nodded and we started to walk.



Minwoo’s POV:


I saw her. She stood some meters in front of me. She didn’t seem to see me.

I have to say something! Quickly, say something!

“H-hey? I didn’t expect you would really come”, I finally managed to say.

OK Minwoo, you managed to say something stupid and rude at the same time! Congrats to you!

She turned around to me.

“Did you really believe I don’t keep my promises”, she said.

Wow, now she even hates me! I can’t blame her, I am too stupid.

“No! I just…sorry”, I said and looked at her apologizing.

“Come on, don’t be sad. I shouldn’t react so stubborn”, she said and smiled.

I smiled back. She didn’t seem to be angry at me…

“Ok, how about doing something together? Would you like to watch a movie with me?”, I asked.

“A date?”, she asked and I mentally slapped myself. Why did I have to ask something like that? Sure she thought I was asking her out!

“N-Ye…Just watching a movie together doesn’t have to be a date but if you wanted to call it like that th-“

“It’s ok. Let’s just watch a movie together”, she cut me off.

I nodded and we started to walk.

“By the way, my name is Min. I think I didn’t tell you yesterday”, she said.

“Ah ok, you know my name already, right?”, I asked and laughed a bit. She only smiled.

After some time, we reached the cinema.


Your POV:


We entered the cinema.

“Which movie do you want to watch?”, Minwoo asked.

“I don’t know”, I said.

“Ah, I think I know which movie would be good”, he said and walked away.

After some minutes he came back and gave me a ticket.

“It’s a romantic comedy. Is it ok or should I pick something else?”

“No, it’s ok”, I answered.

“You can go ahead. I will buy something to drink, ok?”, he said and smiled.

He was so different from the day before. Why was he so nice to me?

I nodded and started to search the cinema hall.

“Hall 4, that wouldn’t be so hard to find”, I said to myself. The cinema was pretty big and there were like tons of people. I just couldn't find it.

“Ah, I am too stupid”, I whispered to myself.

“Do you need help?”, suddenly someone said to me.

I turned around and saw a man standing in front of me. He looked familiar.

“Actually yes. I don’t find the hall 4. But wait, I know you”, I said while tipping on my chin.

“Yes, I know you too. You are Min, right?”, he asked.

“Yes, that’s right. Oh, I think we met in the “Lovey Dovey” disco. Can you tell me your name?”, I asked as I finally remembered who he was. And that I rejected him and showed him my gun…I blushed when I remembered that part.

“Sure, I am Donghyun. You rejected me”, he said and scratched his back.

“Yes, sorry. Well, no I mean I am not sorry for that just that you…uh, forget it. Can you just tell me where the hall 4 is?”, I asked.

“Just walking up the stairs and then right. You should see it then”, I explained.

“Thank you”, I simply said and wanted to walk away but he stopped me.

“Are you alone here?”, he asked while looking on the ground.

I thought about lying but I choose to say the truth.

“No, I am here with someone”, I said and looked not at him.

“Someone? Who is this someone?”,

“I think you don’t know him”

“Tell me!”, he now said in a scary loud tone.

“Min, what are you doing. I thought you wanted to-…who is that?”, Minwoo, who suddenly appeared, asked and looked angry at Donghyun.

“No one you know”, I answered. What a weird situation.

Donghyun looked at Minwoo and wanted to say something but Minwoo walked to me and grabbed my hand.

“I think I don’t want to know. Let’s go”, Minwoo said while glancing at Donghyun and we walked away.

We walked up the stairs and towards the hall 4.

“Who was that”, Minwoo said and stopped.

“Just a boy I met once”, I said.

“Min, please tell me”, he said and seemed to be serious.

“OK, I met him once in a disco. I lost my bag and he found it. He said that he only would give me it back when I went out with him”

“He said what? I hate him. But did you do what he wanted?”

“No, I rejected him and got my bag back when he didn’t paid attention on it”, I half lied.

“Good. Well, we should go in or we going to miss the movie”

I nodded and we went in.

“Oh, I didn’t buy something because there were to many people and-“

“I don’t mind. I almost forgot about it”, I said and laughed.


While watching the movie, I couldn’t concentrate.


He is so nice to me. I bet he is never so nice to other girls. He seems to be used to be popular around girls. Don’t tell me he likes me. Well, that wouldn’t change a thing; I know I have to kill him. It’s not like I like him too…I really don’t like him. It’s all for the job. I am just nice to him for the job. And that my heart beats faster when he touches me is also very normal. I don’t like him. I really don’t do it, right? OK, I like him a bit…but just because he treats me so well. That’s the perfect explanation. Well, more the perfect lie…


Yeah, I finally updated! It took me like forever to write that and I hope you like it^^. LOVE YOU ALL! :)

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kathleensiew #1
I loved both ending! Its is so touching that made me cry ^^
Very good story, I enjoyed it. ^^ I hope you write a new story soon!
I liked the happy ending more! ><
The sad ending made me... Sad... LOOL
Great story~! :D
I loved both endings. ^^ When there are more then one endings in a story, I always like the sad ending the most, but I really like both endings in this story. The story was very good, hope you start another one soon. =)
Just came along and happened across this story~!!!
Sounds interesting~! Can't wait to read it!!! KEKE <3
Great chapter. ^^
I'm sad that the story is ending soon, but I can't wait to see what happens next. Update soon!
Min, have you forgotten what you must do?
Great chapter, I feel so awkward when I'm writing kissing stuff also. lol
Minwoo knows. =O
I wonder what Min will do now. ^^
Poor Min, doesn't know what to do.

If you want to update shorter chapters go ahead. =)
I would like if you updated more, the story is very good. ^^
I had a feeling the person Min meant at the disco was Donghyun. ^^ Please update soon. =)