Chapter 15

I am a Bounty Hunter


Jeongmin’s POV:


“Then you also know what she has to do, right?"

“What does she has to do?”, he asked and he seemed to be nervous.

“She has, and this is the truth…Well, she has to kill you because you are her new target! She only got close to you because of her job”

“You don’t tell the truth, I know that”, Minwoo said while shaking his head.

“Why should I lie? What would that make sense?”, I asked and smiled.

“No, she would never lie to me…”

“Come on, she never told the truth! She used you; I only want to help you”

“Maybe you are right…But I thought you both were friends”, Minwoo said and looked at me.

“We are friends but I just can’t stand that. I only want to warn you”, I said and acted like I cared for him. It seemed to work.

“Is that really the truth? All that you told me, is it the truth?”, he asked serious.

“Yes, it is true”

“Ok, then would you please leave”, he seemed to be calm but also sad. Just as I wished…

“Sure. Goodbye”

And without any other word I left the room and also the house with a big smile.


I’m really sorry Min, but I have no choice. You will be hurt but I’ll be there for you and comfort you.



Min’s POV:


My phone suddenly rang and I quickly answered it.


“Min? Do you have time”, I heard that it was Minwoo but he sounded different.

 “Yes, why?”, I answered.

 “Do you know any disco we could go?”

“Yes, do you want to go now? Since it is evening its good timing, right?”

“If you think so…and yes I want to go now. Just wait outside I will pick you up”, he sounded kind of angry but he maybe just had a bad day.

“Ah ok, I will wait. See you then”, I said and smiled but Minwoo just hung up.

Surprised I put my phone away and put on some pretty clothes. After checking my make-up, I left my apartment and went outside. Waiting for Minwoo…

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kathleensiew #1
I loved both ending! Its is so touching that made me cry ^^
Very good story, I enjoyed it. ^^ I hope you write a new story soon!
I liked the happy ending more! ><
The sad ending made me... Sad... LOOL
Great story~! :D
I loved both endings. ^^ When there are more then one endings in a story, I always like the sad ending the most, but I really like both endings in this story. The story was very good, hope you start another one soon. =)
Just came along and happened across this story~!!!
Sounds interesting~! Can't wait to read it!!! KEKE <3
Great chapter. ^^
I'm sad that the story is ending soon, but I can't wait to see what happens next. Update soon!
Min, have you forgotten what you must do?
Great chapter, I feel so awkward when I'm writing kissing stuff also. lol
Minwoo knows. =O
I wonder what Min will do now. ^^
Poor Min, doesn't know what to do.

If you want to update shorter chapters go ahead. =)
I would like if you updated more, the story is very good. ^^
I had a feeling the person Min meant at the disco was Donghyun. ^^ Please update soon. =)