The End 1

I am a Bounty Hunter



Tablo - Bad


You will see”, I answered.

“Then I can imagine what you will do”, he said.

We reached the alley and I looked around checking if anybody was around.

“There is no one! Just tell me what you choice is!”, Minwoo yelled sounding annoyed.

“I just have to call someone”, I responded and took out my phone.

I typed in Jeongmin’s number and waited for him to answer the call.

Finally he picked up.


“Jeongmin, everything is prepared. Call the people who will take him ‘away’…We are at the Halldown Street. You will see me there, understood?”, I explained to him while my voice was trembling.

“Really?! Good, just do your work and I will do the rest. See you then, bye”, he answered and there was a sound of happiness in his voice.

“Yes, bye”, I said and hung up.

“You really gonna…kill me?”, Minwoo asked and gulped.

My previously nervous face was now emotionless. And I simply nodded.

“You said you don’t care. And so I just finish what I started and pay the price”, I said and took out my gun.

“Min, you know I love you, right?”, Minwoo asked and his voice was shaking a lot. He was scared.

“And I love you but there is no way. There are tons of people who want you to die. I will make it quick and less painful. Just because I love you…”, I explained and added a small smirk. Sometimes I scared myself…

“Please don’t be like this! Are you on drugs or something? This is not you”, Minwoo yelled.

“You DON’T know me! I went through this kind of situations once. I know how it feels like to kill somebody who is really precious to you! I KNOW that!”, I screamed and aimed.

Minwoo kept silence this time and I could see the fear in his eyes.


I don’t want to do this! I know there is no way!! No one has to tell me that!!! With one bullet everything will be done…finally.


I started to rain and I started to pull the trigger.


“Min…I know I said I don’t care…but I DO care! I don’t want to loose my life and YOU! I won’t interrupt your life anymore but please just don’t do this”, he begged which made him look very stupid.

“You always acted strong and tough but without anyone to take care of you, you are nothing! Everyone will die one day and your day is today”, I only had to pull it about 2 millimetres more and the bullet would meet his head.


“Do you love me?”, he asked me and looked down.


“Then…why do you do this?”

“I love you…but…I also love myself a bit…enough to just be selfish and do what will help MYSELF!”, I shouted ready to shoot every second but suddenly I started to cry and my poker face disappeared and was replaced by a sad look.

“I am so sorry! I am so sorry”, I repeated over and over again. But I heard the sound of cars driving near to us. I knew who that was and also knew that it was time.

Minwoo didn’t say anything and just waited for me to shoot but my hand was shaking and I hesitated.

“I love you”, we said at the same time and a loud bang interrupted the soft rain sounds.

As I looked to Minwoo he was falling to the ground, holding onto his chest. I hit his heart that meant that only some seconds would go by till he would stop breathing. His body won't every move alone again.


Millions of thoughts rushed through my head and I fell on my knees. I heard some people come near me; they were the people who would take Minwoo away so I didn’t have to take care of it, thankfully.


I couldn’t believe what I just did and cried even more. I cried out loud and also kind of screamed. I felt so bad!


“Min, let’s get away from here”, someone said and tried to help to get up again.

I looked up and saw that it was Jeongmin. I grabbed his arm and held onto it to not fall down again.

I looked back to Minwoo who was lying on the ground but two men took his body and put it into a large pouch. Suddenly Jeongmin dragged me away and took me to his car but before we could enter it a man came to us with a bag.


“Here is the money, thank you for everything. We will contact you tomorrow. It seems like you have to rest”, he said and Jeongmin took the bag.

“Good, see you”, Jeongmin answered for me.


The man left and I entered the car. I really felt bad and sick. I went out of all my power.

Jeongmin also entered the car and started it. We drove away from the place and he kept talking to me. He said that everything now will be fine and things like that.

But I soon fell asleep.


My heart aches but its ok. I don’t know if it was the right choice but now everything will be ok. Just like Jeongmin said.

I am sorry Minwoo, I hope you are now somewhere, where I won’t make you suffer…


A small smiled appeared on my face and Jeongmin looked at me also smiling.


“Maybe you will love me now. Well, maybe you will finally find peace”, Jeongmin whispered.


Hey, so this is the end...I really hope you liked it, whatever you chosed^^ Please comment and let me know if you liked the story :D

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kathleensiew #1
I loved both ending! Its is so touching that made me cry ^^
Very good story, I enjoyed it. ^^ I hope you write a new story soon!
I liked the happy ending more! ><
The sad ending made me... Sad... LOOL
Great story~! :D
I loved both endings. ^^ When there are more then one endings in a story, I always like the sad ending the most, but I really like both endings in this story. The story was very good, hope you start another one soon. =)
Just came along and happened across this story~!!!
Sounds interesting~! Can't wait to read it!!! KEKE <3
Great chapter. ^^
I'm sad that the story is ending soon, but I can't wait to see what happens next. Update soon!
Min, have you forgotten what you must do?
Great chapter, I feel so awkward when I'm writing kissing stuff also. lol
Minwoo knows. =O
I wonder what Min will do now. ^^
Poor Min, doesn't know what to do.

If you want to update shorter chapters go ahead. =)
I would like if you updated more, the story is very good. ^^
I had a feeling the person Min meant at the disco was Donghyun. ^^ Please update soon. =)