It's up to you...

I am a Bounty Hunter


The next days went by without me noticing it.

I thought about what to do for thousands of times and every time the same answer was there.

I just sat on my couch and watched TV but I muted the tone and just watched the people in there talking and laughing about something stupid.


I wonder where he got all the information from. Who told him about everything? Maybe it was Jeongmin. He was the whole time against that, I think. Who knows, I only wish everything to end!

I can’t anymore! It’s just too much! I want someone who takes care of everything. I won’t do it anymore. And my parents should just do everything by themselves. I mean, I am the child not them.


Emotionless I sat there and counted the hours till the day was there. The day that would end it.


It was already 3 o clock and Minwoo didn’t call. I started to get annoyed so I sent him a message.


To: Minwoo

From: Min

Why don’t you text me? Don’t tell me you changed your mind…


To: Min

From: Minwoo

Calm down -.- I will pick you up in half an hour. No bodyguards. Nothing will happen to you when you do what you do… made up your mind yet??


To: Minwoo

From: Min

Yes, but just come here. I really don’t want to wait anymore! Don’t reply now, just pick me up!


He really didn’t reply this time and soon I heard someone knocking on my door.

Quickly I got up and ran to the door, opened it and saw Minwoo in front of me. He just looked at me with a sad look.


“Hey, how are you?”, he asked. I could feel that he just ask out of politeness.

“How should I feel? I’m not looking very happy, or? You aren’t looking happy either”, I replied.

“A simply ‘I’m ok’ would be also ok. Well, let’s go out. We should find a place to…take care of everything”, he said and started to leave the apartment.

I quickly put on my jacket and checked if my gun was there. With a sigh I also left my apartment.


“Where should be go?”, Minwoo asked.

“I know an alley which is mostly empty. We should go there”, I answered but just looked down. I couldn’t look at his face.

“Have you made up your mind?”


“And? What will you do?”




Kill Minwoo                                                      Don’t kill Minwoo

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kathleensiew #1
I loved both ending! Its is so touching that made me cry ^^
Very good story, I enjoyed it. ^^ I hope you write a new story soon!
I liked the happy ending more! ><
The sad ending made me... Sad... LOOL
Great story~! :D
I loved both endings. ^^ When there are more then one endings in a story, I always like the sad ending the most, but I really like both endings in this story. The story was very good, hope you start another one soon. =)
Just came along and happened across this story~!!!
Sounds interesting~! Can't wait to read it!!! KEKE <3
Great chapter. ^^
I'm sad that the story is ending soon, but I can't wait to see what happens next. Update soon!
Min, have you forgotten what you must do?
Great chapter, I feel so awkward when I'm writing kissing stuff also. lol
Minwoo knows. =O
I wonder what Min will do now. ^^
Poor Min, doesn't know what to do.

If you want to update shorter chapters go ahead. =)
I would like if you updated more, the story is very good. ^^
I had a feeling the person Min meant at the disco was Donghyun. ^^ Please update soon. =)