Secrets and lies

I am a Bounty Hunter


Minwoo POV:


„Mister, do you need something“, one of my servants asked me.

“No…actually, there is something. I met someone, her name is Park Min. Can you find out something about her?”, I asked.

“A girl? Mister, don’t tell me-“

“Yah, just do what I asked you to do”, I interrupted him. Normally I was really nice to my servants but I hate it when they ask about my private life.

“Sure Mister, please forgive me for being like that. I will find out information about this girl as fast as I can, excuse me”, he said and left. I could hear the fear in his voice. Everyday here could have been their last day.


I sat on a chair in my room and watched TV.

“He said he would hurry”, I whispered to myself because the servant was gone for about 15 Minutes.

Suddenly the door opened and the servant came in. I turned around to him and walked to him.

“And? What could you find out?”, I asked him with a curious look.

“Yes…all we could find was that this girl moved here alone 2 years ago. She went to school for one year but left it then…

“What? She left school a year ago?! But why…Well, that can’t be everything. Tell me more”

“I am sorry but that’s it. We only found out her address .She seems to have no job but she pays the rent for her apartment punctual. Well, otherwise she wouldn’t live there anymore”, the servant explained me.

Without a word I went back to my chair and sat down.

“She lied to me the whole time?”, I whispered but loud enough for the servant to hear it.

“Can I help you?”

“How could you help? You don’t even understand”

“Should I bring you something?”

“Stop asking things like that and sit down”, I said to him and pointed on a chair in front of me.

“When I tell you why I wanted to know all this, would you promise to keep it as a secret?”, I asked him with a serious look.

“I would tell no one, Mister”, he promised.

“Good, and don’t call me Mister. That sounds…not good”

He simple nodded.

I began to tell him the whole story. Even the part when she told me about her past.

“And now…I have to hear that she lied to me the whole time”

“Maybe she had a reason. You should ask her. But that’s only my opinion”, the servant advised me.

“Maybe…Ok, I will give her one chance to tell me the truth otherwise…”

“Your heart will ache to death?”, the servant guessed.

“How do you…no it would not just…”

“The way you talked about her. She is important to you, I can see that. Go to her and ask why she lied”

How could a servant be so smart and wise, it was scary.

“OK, I will go to her, thanks for listening to me, but remember never to tell someone about this”, I reminded him and smiled.

He nodded.

As I wanted to leave the room I stopped.

“Hey, how is your name? I just want to know”, I asked him.

“My name is Youngmin. I work here together with my twin brother Kwangmin”

“Good to know, see you. When someone asks, tell them that I just wanted to go out to get some fresh air”

“Sure”, Youngmin replied.

I left the house and drove with my bike to Min’s apartment.


I wanted to knock the door but I was too nervous. I didn’t want to know the truth when it was painful for me but I had to know why she lied to me. What she had to keep as a secret.

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kathleensiew #1
I loved both ending! Its is so touching that made me cry ^^
Very good story, I enjoyed it. ^^ I hope you write a new story soon!
I liked the happy ending more! ><
The sad ending made me... Sad... LOOL
Great story~! :D
I loved both endings. ^^ When there are more then one endings in a story, I always like the sad ending the most, but I really like both endings in this story. The story was very good, hope you start another one soon. =)
Just came along and happened across this story~!!!
Sounds interesting~! Can't wait to read it!!! KEKE <3
Great chapter. ^^
I'm sad that the story is ending soon, but I can't wait to see what happens next. Update soon!
Min, have you forgotten what you must do?
Great chapter, I feel so awkward when I'm writing kissing stuff also. lol
Minwoo knows. =O
I wonder what Min will do now. ^^
Poor Min, doesn't know what to do.

If you want to update shorter chapters go ahead. =)
I would like if you updated more, the story is very good. ^^
I had a feeling the person Min meant at the disco was Donghyun. ^^ Please update soon. =)