Fall For You



"Give me another one" Maki said to Hero who just did what she said. It was her 17th drink yet she wasn't drunk at all. Well, maybe a little.

"Are you sure you don't feel like throwing up or something? It would be troublesome if you threw up on the floor because I would have to clean it" Hero said.

"Don't worry, I'm used to drinking alcohol and I don't easily throw up like you stupid guys do" She finished drinking her beer.

"Give me more" She ordered.

"Well, I won't. It's enough already. You're going to pass out in no time" Hero didn't fill her cup up.

This angered Maki. She was drinking because she wanted to forget about Mao who crushed her heart so badly that it makes her want to end her life. She also wanted to forget about that stupid Toma for talking to her Mao like that. She wanted to forget everything about what she saw that night. But no matter how she drank, she just couldn't forget.

"You're a meanie!" Maki childishly said.

Kame, Kanata and Meisa were having fun at the party while Toma and Mao were talking non-stop which made Maki more miserable. She couldn't bear to look at the two of them who were talking so happily.

"Do you want to go to my room or something?" Hero asked, worried that Maki would fall asleep in no time.

"Why would I go to YOUR room?" Maki asked.

"Well, you might...fall...asleep..." He said, looking at the now sleeping Maki.

"See, I told you, you would fall asleep. Sheesh!" Hero scratched his head.

He carried Maki like a baby who was sleeping so soundly up to his room without anyone noticing.

When he placed Maki down the bed, he stared at her for a while then wondered why she was in a bad mood that night. There must be something wrong because she drank a lot of beer.

His eyes landed on Maki's lips (just like Kame).

"Okay, you're tempting me to..." Before he could finish his sentence, his lips were on Maki's.

Maki didn't kiss back for she was still sleeping.

Hero continued to kiss her lips then he went lower to kiss her neck.

When Maki felt that someone was kissing her, she thought that it was HER. Well, she has a erted mind you know. She would sometimes imagine her and Mao kissing which is a little gross because they're both girls. She thought it was a dream so she kissed back as soon as Hero returned his lips on her lips which surprised him a bit.

Maki played with his hair while Hero deepened the kiss.

Things were starting to heat up by now before they knew it.

Hero removed Maki's shirt, revealing her black bra then he removed his shirt as well, not leaving Maki's soft and tender lips.

He was about to remove his pants when suddenly, Maki moaned something.

"Mao-chan" She whispered which caught Hero's attention.

"Huh? Who's Mao? Isn't she a girl?" Hero wondered out loud because he was totally confused.

"! What am I doing? God, I'm taking advantage of her" He bit his lower lip when he realized what he was doing.

"Maki! Where are you? It's time to go home now" Kame's voice was heard outside the room.

Hero panicked a lot then jumped out of bed.

"What to do???" He asked to himself. "Oh my God! I don't know what to do!" He put his shirt back on.

The door threw open, showing Kame's shocked expression when he saw Hero standing next to the bed where Maki was lying down, shirtless.

"Um, well, she, um, she threw up on her shirt so I washed it then she fell as...asleep" Hero stuttered.

Kame nodded his head, believing what Hero had said.

"I see, but are you sure you didn't do 'something else' to her?" Kame asked with a serious looking face.

"Huh? No, I didn't" He lied.

Kame removed his shirt then he put it on Maki.

"Well, I guess I have to go home shirtless" Kame sighed. "We'll be going now" He added then went out the door.

When Kame left, Hero let out a sigh of relief because it would be troublesome if someone found out what he did to Maki. He didn't really mean to take advantage of her but curiosity got the better of him and he somehow wanted to kiss her.

Kame carried Maki just like what Hero did a while ago.

Kanata, Meisa and Toma headed home already because it was already too late.

He placed Maki in the backseat. He smiled to himself when he realized how cute Maki was when she was asleep.


When they got home, Jin was standing outside, waiting for them to come home. He sat down in the driveway, waiting patiently for the two of them.

"Kame, why won't Maki answer her phone? I was worried sick and why are you shirtless and why is Maki wearing your shirt and why is she drunk?" Jin asked a lot of questions.

"Uh, too many questions cuz" Kame said.

"Okay never mind about the questions. I'll carry her to my room. You wouldn't mind if she's sleeping in my room tonight, would you?" Jin asked Kame who was shooking his head. He didn't want to allow it but he has no right to decide for her so he just agreed to what Jin asked.

Jin carried Maki up to his room. He wanted to sleep with her tonight because he missed his sister. They weren't able do stuff together because he had his career going on which Maki has no idea about. Jin was in a band with Kame which is called KAT-TUN. So that is why he wasn't able to attend school that much.

He hugged his sister like a pillow then drifted off to sleep.


It was a Saturday the next morning and it was almost noon but Jin and Maki still hadn't waked up.

"Jin, Maki, wake up! Today's the engagement party" Haru shook the two of them but unfortunately, they didn't woke up.

"Hey, you two better get ready for tonight's event because if you continue to sleep like that, grandpa’s gonna be mad" Haru said but still, no response.

"Huh? Today's the ENGAGEMENT party?" Jin finally woke up, startled by what Haru said a while ago.

"Yeah, today's the engagement party and the bride still hasn't waked up. She still needs to fit her dress, take a bath, put some make-up on and more stuff to do so she better wakes up now. She needs to go to the spa and then the parlor and then..." "Chill, why don't you calm down? You don't have to get panicked because you're not the bride" Jin interrupted Haru's blabbing then he chuckled.

"Aren't you nervous? I mean I don't want her to get married and all but the wedding is drawing closer so I think..." Haru couldn't finish his sentence when he glanced at Maki who was sleeping like an angel.

They both loved their sister too much and they were afraid that someone's gonna take her away from them.

"I don't want her to get married no matter what!" Jin exclaimed.

"I'll do whatever it takes to call the wedding off" He stated seriously.


There's Chapter 8. I hope you liked it. There's more to come and the story's about to get more and more complicated. Thanks for reading! God bless!

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i really love this one,.....please..update..update.....please....*.*
Hahaha XD I'm glad you guys liked it! Thanks for re-reading!! To be honest, I ship all of Maki's love interests! Hahaha... That's why I have a hard time in choosing who she's gonna end up with. I'm very confused at the moment. I'm also wondering why your preference changed to Jin... what's the reason? Just got really curious...:))
nee~ i was reading it in winglin, soo i will wait untill you are in the last chap i read...i think it was when ryo helped her run away from tomo and jae in that house...i think it was it..

~so gambattene author-ssi! :D

~loved your fic there, will love here too ^^
hanmie7227 #4
Looking forward to this story~<br />
ganbatter kudasai~<br />