Fall For You



"Maki!!!" A girl shrieked when Maki entered the house after school the next day.

The girl ran towards her then hugged her very tight.

When the girl pulled away from her, Maki stared at her for a couple of minutes then after realizing who she was, Maki hugged her back.

"Meisa!!!" Maki shrieked in Meisa's ears.

"Aren't you supposed to be in America?" Maki asked when she broke away from the hug.

"Well, guess what? We're moving back in Tokyo and we're neighbors! Isn't that good news?" Meisa jumped up and down.

"Um, yeah. It probably is" Maki glared at the guy behind Meisa then she stuck her tongue out to him.

The guy just rolled his eyes, thinking that Maki hadn't changed one bit.

"What did I do?" The guy asked.

Jin and Haru were standing behind him.

"Yeah sis, what did he do?" Jin asked with another lollipop on his mouth.

"Um, nothing. I just want to welcome Toma by sticking my tongue out to him. That's all" She lied.

The real reason why she hated Toma's presence was because he was her crush's crush. There were rumors that Mao and Toma dated before that is why she couldn't help but get pissed off.

Meisa stared at her childhood friend. It had been 3 years since their last meeting and Maki grew cuter and at the same time colder. She didn't care if Maki was cold to her though. Meisa loved and will always love Maki, that's for sure.

"Tadaima!" Yamapi yelled when he entered the house.

Curious of the unknown people inside the house, he just shrugged then went upstairs.

"Hey, you bastard! You never wait for me in school" Maki shrieked, hoping that Yamapi heard her voice but a loud bang was only heard. Yamapi banged the door behind him.

"Maki, was that your boyfriend just now?" Meisa asked with a sad face.

"No, Maki doesn't have a boyfriend. It's more like a husband" Haru corrected.

"What Haru meant is that he's my future husband so I'm not so sure if he'll be my husband or not so don't worry" Maki assured Meisa when she saw her pouting.

"Yeah sis, don't be so down. It's not like someone's gonna marry Maki" Toma comforted her sister at the same time he insulted Maki.

She just glared at him, hoping that what he said was true for she hated the idea of getting married.

"You're doing it wrong" Maki scolded her partner.

"A haunted house is supposed to be filled with scary stuff not funny stuff. Scary as in disgusting and bloody" Maki explained.

"Fine, I'll change the design" Kibum said.

Kanata, Hero and Yamapi eyed the two of them as they were arguing.

"Would you mind helping me?" Kibum asked.

The two of them were in charge of the design of their classroom. They were now sketching the 'said' design before they would put the real designs and stuff.

"Give me that" Maki grabbed the pen from Kibum's hand.

She sat in his lap so that he could see the drawing and the corrections. She wasn't good in drawing but she had no choice but to draw.

Kibum felt hot and panicky all of a sudden. Maki was sitting in his lap. He could smell Maki's perfume and her hair which smelled perfectly nice.

"Here. That's what I meant about scary" She said.

The three guys wondered why Maki was sitting in Kibum's lap from the corner of the room.

"Uh, I...I mean... I get it now" Kibum finally snapped back in reality.

Maki stood up then went back to her desk.


"Uh, hey. You're Maki right?" A familiar voice asked behind her. When she turned around, her heart skipped a bit when she saw HER smiling in front of her.

"Um, how do you know my name?" She asked nervously, still grinning like an idiot.

"How could I forget?" She smiled more sweetly.

Maki tried to calm her heart down.

'Stupid heart! If you continue to beat like this, she'll hear you so stop it already' She scolded inside of her.

"Um, I heard that Toma just arrive from America. You two seemed pretty close before so I was wondering how's Toma doing?" She asked shyly.

The smile from Maki's face faded away in an instant when she heard the word TOMA.

"Oh, um, he's doing fine" She flashed a fake smile.

"Thanks! I'm glad to hear that" She smiled then walked away with her friends.

Maki could feel her heart break into a million pieces.

'What's wrong with me? I have no right to get angry or to be jealous. It's not like she's my girlfriend but I still wished she was. What the hell am I talking about? I'm crazy!' She said in her mind.

Kanata stared at her for he understood what she felt because he too felt the same thing.


That's Chapter 6. I hope you enjoyed it even though it's a little boring. Please leave some comments because I really appreciate them. Thanks for your support! God bless!

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i really love this one,.....please..update..update.....please....*.*
Hahaha XD I'm glad you guys liked it! Thanks for re-reading!! To be honest, I ship all of Maki's love interests! Hahaha... That's why I have a hard time in choosing who she's gonna end up with. I'm very confused at the moment. I'm also wondering why your preference changed to Jin... what's the reason? Just got really curious...:))
nee~ i was reading it in winglin, soo i will wait untill you are in the last chap i read...i think it was when ryo helped her run away from tomo and jae in that house...i think it was it..

~so gambattene author-ssi! :D

~loved your fic there, will love here too ^^
hanmie7227 #4
Looking forward to this story~<br />
ganbatter kudasai~<br />