Fall For You



When Maki got home, she immediately crashed down the couch, lying there as if she was lifeless, not just because it had been a really tiring day but also because of all the events that happened earlier that day. She needed some time to sink it all in into her head... what exactly happened during the double date.

‘Mao went out on a date with me! I still can’t believe it! Even though those two morons tagged along, it was fun, until…’ She began to recall what happened earlier…




Jin and Kame finally decided to ditch their crazy dates by running out of the restaurant to stalk Maki and her company instead. They both eyed Maki intently as she happily walked hand in hand with some girl in their school.

Jaejoong and Kibum were behind the two girls who were also busy eyeing Maki and Mao’s ‘holding hands’ session. It was getting pretty boring for Jaejoong after a few of Kibum’s failed attempts of trying to hold his hand just like what the two blissful girls were doing, figuring that it would somehow lighten the mood and make the situation less boring for them but being the cold guy Jaejoong is, of course he’d just slap Kibum’s hand away with a clicking sound of his tongue, hinting to his friend that the idea was pretty gay and very lame. Jaejoong was getting impatient by the second for he wanted to be the one to hold Maki’s hands but every time he takes a glance at her smiling face whenever she turns to face Mao, he couldn’t help but just wait patiently for his turn to come.

Suddenly, Mao’s phone rang which made her break away from Maki’s hand. Maki just pouted while the boys’ face lit up.

“Yes, Mao speaking! Huh?! Okay, I understand. I’ll be right there.” From the sound of Mao’s voice, Maki figured that this was not good.

When Mao hanged up she said, “Sorry guys, but I have to go home at once. Family matters came up…” She especially bowed to Maki.

And with this, Maki frowned but replied, “Then I guess you have no choice then… Alright! I’ll walk you home.”

“No need, Maki-chan. I can manage and besides I’m in a hurry. Why don’t you just continue having fun with Jaejoong and Kibum… for me?” Mao pleaded.

Of course Maki had no choice but to nod after reasoning out in her thoughts, ‘But these guys are boring…’ Then she heard the two guys sigh a sigh of relief.

“The girl to girl romance finally ends here!” Jaejoong stretched his arms out wide then landed them around Maki’s shoulders, as soon as Mao completely walked away and disappeared for good.

“Now let’s have some ‘real fun’, if you know what I’m talking about. Shopping is boring and I never really liked strolling in the mall anyway so let’s go somewhere else…” Jaejoong added.

“Okay then! Why don’t we go to the amusement park?” Kibum suggested. Maki’s face lit up like a child while Jaejoong was unsure if it was such a good idea.

When they got to the parking lot, Kibum drove his BMW right away at full speed, not knowing that Jin and Kame were trying their very best to chase the car by foot for they didn’t bring a car. Their running was all because of Haru who just dropped them off earlier and drove away without asking for permission that he’ll borrow Kame’s car. ‘Curse that dude!’ They both thought secretly.

“I want to ride the Ferris wheel!” Maki exclaimed with delight.

“I’ll go buy us tickets!” Kibum immediately ran to the ticket booth, so full of energy.

“Fe… Ferris wheel?!” Jaejoong stuttered. “My stomach doesn’t feel right. I have to go to the bathroom---“And with this, he dashed right away to wherever the CR was.

Maki wondered why Jaejoong was acting strange but her curiosity immediately faded away when she saw Kibum smiling brightly as ever like a little kid skipping merrily towards her, waving the tickets in his hand. Maki couldn’t help but smile back to him like an idiot which she didn’t mind doing.

“Let’s hurry up and get in before that Jaejoong comes back!” Maki got a hold of Kibum’s arm then they marched to where the Ferris wheel ride was located.

The smile on Kibum’s face was clearly evident to Jin and Kame who just arrived in time to witness the scene.

“What the f*** did we miss?!” Jin panted, still trying to catch his breath.

“Don’t really know… I’m so thirsty, Jin… got to find water!” Kame too, was having a hard time breathing because of too much running.

“There’s no time for that now, Kame! We need to get on that Ferris wheel!” Jin grabbed Kame’s arm then marched off to the ticket booth.

“EH?!” Was all Kame could say.

Unluckily for them, Maki and Kibum already got into the Ferris wheel when they came back with the tickets.

“!” The two of them said in unison.

Kibum stared at Maki’s thrilled expression the whole time as she was looking at the view of down below. She was too cute to be true after all.

When they finally stopped at the highest peak, Maki was the first one to speak up.

“Do I have something in my face that you just couldn’t take your eyes off of it?” She turned to look at Kibum who just blushed and looked away.

“Um… no!” He said after he finally regained his speaking ability.

‘You’re just too cute! That’s all.’ Was what he wanted to say but was too shy to anyway.

“So… about Jae… is there something that I should know why his stomach suddenly acted up at the mention of riding a Ferris wheel?” She asked out of curiosity but because of this, Kibum’s smile vanished at the mention of another guy from Maki’s lips. Moreover, his best friend.

“Well, it’s a funny story actually. When Jae was 10 years old, it was his first time to ride a Ferris wheel with this girl that he really liked back then, well, at least that’s what he told me and so this certain girl tried to push him off of the Ferris wheel because Jae wanted to kiss her but failed in the end and was greatly traumatized after that incident. He swore that he’ll never ride a Ferris wheel ever again. Such a tragic story…” Kibum sighed.

“That’s what he gets for being such a ert! How come I feel that the story you’re telling me seems so familiar…?” She said, deep in thought.

Kibum stared at Maki as she unconsciously brushed a finger in her lips, tempting him to do something… inappropriate.

“Say, what if I tried to do the same to you? Would you also push me off of the Ferris wheel?” Kibum asked out of nowhere which made Maki revert her attention to him.

“Huh? What are you talking about? I know that you would never---“ Maki was unable to finish her sentence when Kibum inched his face nearer to Maki’s, which surprised her greatly.

“Have you actually forgotten that I’m a guy too, Maki-chan? Don’t just assume things on your own. I can be erted too, you know…” And with this, he cupped her chin with his hand, staring deeply into her beautiful eyes.

“Kibum, just what are you trying to say? You know that I’m so slow at things like this when you don’t go straight to the point, right? She gulped as he began to touch her lips.

“Well, then I guess I’ll just have to show you what I can do…” He moved closer and closer to her luscious lips but before he can kiss her completely, their seatbelts unbuckled, a notice that the ride was over for they have now landed back to land so it was basically time to leave the area.

Jin and Kame rushed to Maki’s side right then and dragged her away from Kibum with each of them holding both of her arms like she was being arrested or something.

Maki felt dumbfounded at that very moment, still unable to feel her legs from the shock, not because of the ride but because of Kibum…





“I don’t get it! Does Kibum have a hidden agenda too or is he just like that Jaejoong jerk after all? At first he’s just so gullible like a little kid then the next thing you know, there’s this dark side of him who wants to kiss me?! Or maybe it’s called adult side… ahhh men! They’re the only species that I don’t understand at all…” Maki kicked her legs crazily in the couch, annoyed that she just couldn’t get things right away.

“Akanishi Maki, from now on, you are officially GROUNDED!” Jin declared when he entered the front door with Kame.

“Yeah, no more DATING for you!” Kame stated as well.

“WHAT?! I didn’t do anything wrong! And besides, it’s all Jaejoong’s fault, ground him not me!” She protested.

“Now, now… what’s going on in here? Why are you two ganging up on my beloved sister? Huh?” Haruma finally arrived back from his date with an ice-cream in his hand.

“YOU!!” Jin and Kame said in unison once again.


“AND WHAT THE F*** WAS WRONG WITH OUR DATES?! YOU DON’T HAVE TASTE IN WOMEN AT ALL!!” Jin was ready to kill him in any minute now.

Haru just flashed them a huge smile then headed for the door so quickly, escaping from Jin and Kame’s grasp then the two chased after him, with the thought that they were running too much in one day.

Just then, Maki remembered something important when she got a good look at the clock. It was now 9 o’clock in the evening.

“OH ! I NEED TO PICK UP MEISA AND TOMA FROM THE AIRPORT!” She rushed out of the house right after saying those words.    


Well, that's all for my latest update alright! I think that KibuMaki also need to have their moments too you know... because they're cute and all! XD So everyone's welcome to request for which ever guy you want to have more moments with Maki!! I'll be busy with a new story so... I think it'll be hard to update but I will always be motivated if I have more readers! :)) Comments are ♥

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i really love this one,.....please..update..update.....please....*.*
Hahaha XD I'm glad you guys liked it! Thanks for re-reading!! To be honest, I ship all of Maki's love interests! Hahaha... That's why I have a hard time in choosing who she's gonna end up with. I'm very confused at the moment. I'm also wondering why your preference changed to Jin... what's the reason? Just got really curious...:))
nee~ i was reading it in winglin, soo i will wait untill you are in the last chap i read...i think it was when ryo helped her run away from tomo and jae in that house...i think it was it..

~so gambattene author-ssi! :D

~loved your fic there, will love here too ^^
hanmie7227 #4
Looking forward to this story~<br />
ganbatter kudasai~<br />