Fall For You



"Ne, Maki-chan, meet Nishikido Ryo, one of my closest friends "Yamapi introduced that late afternoon.

"Oh, I didn't know you had any friends" She insulted him.

"Oi, don't talk to him like that. Even though he's an idiot, he's still my friend so you have no right to insult this idiot, you understand" Ryo scolded, glaring at the now angry Maki.

"I didn't remember talking to you, Nishikido-kun and oh, did I ask for your opinion? Because if I didn't then that would make you a retard since you're talking to yourself" She said in a nice but cold way.

"You're the one who's a retard. Retarded people don’t have manners you know and it seems that you don't have one too" Ryo smiled coldly.

"Oh is it just me or am I hearing things cause it seems that someone's talking" She faked an act.

"Uh, Ryo, let's go to my room" Yamapi dragged him upstairs for he was about to get pissed off.

Junno had to leave a while ago because it was getting late and he had something to do.

Hero didn't leave yet because he refused to leave even though it was already dinner.

"Crap! It's already dinner!" He glanced at his watch then grabbed Maki's hand.

"Chotto! Where are you taking me?" Maki panted behind him.

"I'll borrow you for a while" He grinned.

When they reached a hotel near a mall, Maki refused to go in with him.

"Eh?! Don't you think this is illegal? Aren't we under aged for this kind of stuff?" Maki asked nervously.

"Huh? Don't be such a ert. We're not going to do something in there, this is where my band checked in for the night. I didn't know you had such dirty thoughts" He smiled.

"Why did you take me here anyway?" She rolled her eyes.

"Come have dinner with us, it's a treat" He smiled again.

"What? You just took me here because of food? Well, for your information, I'm not a glutton, Kim JaeJoong" She said seriously.

"Call me Jae instead" He said.

'If he thinks I don't know what he's trying to do then he's a complete idiot. Isn't it obvious that he's letting me call him by his nickname for a relationship status? I mean what kind of relationship does he think we have? He's the ert, not me' Maki said in her mind.

Jae dragged her inside the elevator then he pressed the 21st floor.

"Don't you dare call me Hero again. Only fan girls call me that" He said, not looking at her.

"I know that I'm not a fan girl cause I'm not interested in your band and I can't call you by your prescribed nickname cause I'm not someone close to you so I'll just call you by your family name to make it formal, Mr. Kim" She smiled.

"No, don't call me that" He said seriously.

When they arrived in the 21st floor, Hero pushed Maki out of the elevator then dragged her harshly in the hallway.

"Ow, what was that for? You were acting nicely a while ago yet now you're a harsh guy" She pouted.

"It's all just an act, Maki. You can't let yourself be fooled and get deceived by the people around you. Even though you're a cold person, I didn't know you were that stupid to believe in every word that I had said" His faced turned very serious.

Maki wasn't sure what to say. This wasn't the Hero that she knew in school. It's like he's a completely different person.

"You think I'm doing all of this for nothing? Don't make me laugh. It's not the real me at all. I only do things which give me merits" He faked a smile.

She didn't understand him at all. What merits would he get if he used her?

"Actually, you've got it wrong. Who says I believed in everything you said? I knew you had a motive from the start but I wasn't able to figure that out. You think that I didn't know anything about what happened that night? Hmm, didn't I tell you that I don't get drunk that easily? You were me everywhere. I don't know what kind of merits would give you if you slept with me but I'm pretty disappointed of what you tried to do" She sighed.

"Oh, that? Didn't you enjoy it too? I can tell that you liked it very much" He grinned evilly.

"If it was someone else then maybe I would have enjoyed it but too bad it was you. I didn't know you were such a good actor" She said.

"Yeah, you too. Probably one of the best actors in town" He commented.

"Jae, you're back! What took you so long?" U-Know asked when he saw Jae talking with a girl in the hallway. They were glaring at each other like they were about to kill each other.

"Oh, U-Know, this is my friend, Maki" He started acting nicely again as he turned to face his friend with a smile.

"Oh, so you're Maki. Jae never mentioned you so I don't really know you" U-Know said.

"Kim didn't mention you as well so you're a complete stranger to me too" Maki smiled sweetly as she acted nice.

"Ahh! I'm a er for cute things! If you smile like that again then I'm sure I would hug you" He smiled.

'ert! I knew it! This guy's friends are all erts like him. I wouldn't be surprised if they acted along with him' She thought.

"Shut up, U-Know. You're disgusting. Where's our manager?" Jae asked.

"He's out today" U-Know pouted.

"Uh, you're lucky" Jae whispered in Maki's ears.

Maki was about to leave when U-Know grabbed her hand.

"Come have dinner with us, cutie" He grinned then pulled Maki inside their hotel room.

Xiah, Mickey and Max were eating inside the spacious room.

"Eh?! Jae brought home a girl?" Max shrieked with his mouth full.

She rolled her eyes as she thought, 'Men are bakas'


"Say ahh!" Jae held a spoon in front of Maki's mouth.

She didn't open but looked away.

'How can he act like nothing happened?' She thought.

Jae grabbed her face then shoved the food inside . He fed her like a baby but Maki didn't like it. She was busy thinking about his 'real motive' was and why he wants her.

"Jae, be more gentle to her, let me feed her" Mickey snatched the spoon from Jae's hand.

"Here" Mickey touched Maki's chin then fed her with the food. She felt like a helpless child.

"I have to go home now. Yamapi's probably looking for me. Thanks for dinner" She got up then hurried to the door.

"She's just too cute. What did you say her name was again?" Mickey asked.

"She's Maki" Jae said with a serious face again.

"Oh, you mean, the girl who was your..." Mickey's eye widened when he heard her name.


"Tadaima!" She yelled when she entered the living room.

"Oh, you're home, how annoying" Ryo said.

"Whatever, where's Yamapi?" She asked but Ryo ignored her and continued to read his magazine.

"Hey! Give that back" Ryo shrieked as Maki snatched his magazine away.

"Where's Yamapi?" Maki asked again.

"He's in his room" He said angrily.

Maki ran upstairs then entered Yamapi's room without knocking.

"Oh, hi" Yamapi greeted as he went out of the bathroom with his towel on.

Maki looked away then sat in his bed.

"You wouldn't get mad if I sleep here tonight, would you" She asked, slightly blushing.

"Why? Don't you want to sleep in your room?" He asked, drying up his hair with another towel.

"I have a problem, I want to overcome this stupid feeling of thinking too much about something. Would you give me comfort even just for a bit?" She asked with those puppy eyes that no one could refuse then began to yawn.

"Uh, I want to but..." Before he knew it, Maki fell asleep in his bed.

"Ryo's supposed to sleep here" He continued his sentence as he scratched his head.


"There are so many rooms in this house. Why don't you sleep in one of them? Are you sure you want to sleep in my room?" Yamapi tried to convince Ryo in the living room.

"No, I want to sleep in your room. It's been a long time since we slept together in bed" He explained.

"Don't say it like that. You make it sound so dirty. It's as if you mean something else" Yamapi thought about 'sleeping in bed' as in doing something else.

"I'm going to find some candies in the fridge" Yamapi said then went to the kitchen.

"I'm sleepy" Ryo yawned then he decided to go upstairs.

The lights were off so he didn't bother turning them on because he decided to hit the hay as soon as he crashed into the bed.

Little did he know that Maki was sleeping in Yamapi's bed too.

He lied down beside her, not knowing that she was there then hugged her, thinking she was a pillow.

When Yamapi returned to the living room, Ryo wasn't there.

"Crap! Don't tell me he..." He hurried upstairs then to his bed room. When he switched on the lights, he saw Ryo hugging Maki, his face was so close to hers that his lips slightly touched hers. But good thing they haven't kissed, their lips only touched each other's.

"Ryo! Get out of bed!" Yamapi shaked him violently.

"No, I don't want to" He said, still closing his eyes.

"Don't hug her like that" Yamapi whispered in Ryo's ears.

"Get your own pillow!" He continued hugging Maki, with eyes still closed.

When Ryo opened his eyes because of the lights, he saw Maki's very close face.

"What the...?!" He rubbed his eyes to see clearer.

"Yuck! I hugged her!" He jumped out of bed when he realized what he did a while ago.

"See, I told you to get out of bed" Yamapi rolled his eyes.

"Pi, you were planning to do something with her the whole time, weren't you? So that's why you convinced me to sleep in another room" He said.

"No, I was going to give her some comfort but she fell asleep" He tried to explain.

"And what kind of comfort do you mean? Do you mean to make her feel better by..." "No, that's not it! I'm not a ert! Ryo!" Yamapi interrupted.

"Let's just sleep in the other room" Ryo suggested.

"But..." Ryo stared at Yamapi with a raised eyebrow for he was trying to reason out.

"Okay, fine. Let's sleep in the other room" He pouted then went out.

Ryo took a last glance at Maki then switched off the lights then followed Yamapi.


Hmm... seems to me like Yamapi wanted to sleep with Maki in the same bed! Well anyways, Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment! God bless!

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i really love this one,.....please..update..update.....please....*.*
Hahaha XD I'm glad you guys liked it! Thanks for re-reading!! To be honest, I ship all of Maki's love interests! Hahaha... That's why I have a hard time in choosing who she's gonna end up with. I'm very confused at the moment. I'm also wondering why your preference changed to Jin... what's the reason? Just got really curious...:))
nee~ i was reading it in winglin, soo i will wait untill you are in the last chap i read...i think it was when ryo helped her run away from tomo and jae in that house...i think it was it..

~so gambattene author-ssi! :D

~loved your fic there, will love here too ^^
hanmie7227 #4
Looking forward to this story~<br />
ganbatter kudasai~<br />