

Hayoung's POV


"Hey, Hayoung-ah." Eunji unnie nudged me whilst I was busy doing work at the computer.

"What?" I asked coldly, my eyes still staring straight at the screen.

"I heard you accepted the new housemate and that you're going to sign the contract today. I must say, that's the fastest record I've seen. Usually, it would take you at least a week or a month to decide. Did something-"

"The faster I make the decision, the quicker I can work on the software update. Am I not wrong?"

"Y-You're right but you're a very meticulous person when it comes to decision-making. Is there something that makes her better than the rest?"

I sighed. I had forgotten that Eunji unnie's favourite hobby, is pestering me at work. Shouldn't a CEO be busy?

"I like her. That's all." I answered blatantly while looking at her straight in the eye, before returning my fingers onto the keyboard.

I could sense Eunji unnie staring at me with a gasp.

"Did I hear that right? You...You like her?" she asked, the edges of her lips rising upwards and her eyes widening.

"When I say like, I meant that she fit perfectly according to my requirements of a perfect housemate, not a lover. Don't get the wrong idea. I have not found anyone who has fit all categories except for her."

"R-Really? How many points would you rate her out of 100?"


I hear Eunji unnie gasping again.

Does she need to get so dramatic? Why is she getting all excited for?




Namjoo's POV




I gulped at the sight of the rather, intimidating office building towering over me. There were large crowds surrounding and I could feel myself being pushed right and left, due to lunch rush hour. I have decided to meet my housemate at her office during lunch and I guess it's a pretty bad idea. Whilst being swayed and trapped in the sea of people, I took out my phone and started to dial her number. Why am I nervous? Is it because I'm meeting a total stranger who is going to live with me? What is she going to sound like? What will she look like?

Gosh, I hate it when curiousity strikes.

"Hello?" A husky voice greeted over the phone.

"H-Hi! I'm Kim Namjoo!"

"Yes. I am aware. I saved your contact."

"R-Right. Um-I'm in front of your office but there's a lot of people so how about you describe what you look like?"

"That is not necessary. Hold on."

There was a silence after that, even though our call was still on. I was a bit confused by what she meant. I looked around nervously but I couldn't see anything because everyone is crowding and blocking my sight.

It to be short sometimes.


There was no answer.

Frantically, I tip-toed to see if I could spot any woman who seemed to be my housemate. But instead, someone pushed me from behind. Before my body landed onto the ground, someone suddenly grabbed my hands. The grasp was warm.

"Are you okay?"

In front of my eyes, was a woman. A tall brunette dressed in a clad black coat and white shirt tucked inside, it certainly exhibits the aura of an office worker.

"Ah, yes. Thank you...." I said, bowing shyly.

"Good. Then, let's go to the nearby cafe over there." she said, suddenly letting go of my hands and pointing her finger towards the direction on my right.

"Huh?" I was flustered for a moment. Looking at her with confused eyes, oh wait. This woman. It's her?

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"You' housemate?"


"Ah.........." I said as my voice got softer. "I see...."

Looking at her face clearly for another second, I wanted to take the moment to fully download her image into my memory.

After all, this is the girl who I will be living together for who knows how long?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked, her expression unchanged.

"A-Ah, it's nothing. Let's go." I stuttered nervously.

I hope she doesn't think like I'm some weird freak or something. Gosh, I shouldn't have done that.




Author's POV




Away from the crowd and safely settled in a nice, quaint cafe, there was an awkward atmosphere between the two housemates. But it's normal because this is their first meeting.

"I am Oh Hayoung. Pleased to meet you." greeted Hayoung.

"I'm Kim Namjoo. Pleasure meeting you too...." replied Namjoo.

"Now, let's go over the terms of the contract one by one." said the younger girl as she took out her files. Namjoo on the other hand, was a little bewildered by the situation. It was a total opposite of what she had imagined it to be. Rather than a meeting of a stranger, it felt more of a business meeting. "I'm sure that you have read all the rules yes?"

"Yup." Namjoo nodded.

"This contract will be valid for two years only."

"Is it possible to extend it?"

"Yes. Depending on the conditions."

"Because life can be unpredictable so if something happens...."

"That's alright. Discussion of an extension can be rescheduled when the time comes."

"I see...." said Namjoo as she nodded.

"And so by abiding to this contract, you will follow the rules accordingly especially rule number 4. You will not fall in love with me. Got that?" repeated Hayoung as she stared straight into her eyes.

"Of course! There's no way I would fall in love with my housemate, let alone a girl!" said Namjoo in complete disbelief.

"Very well. I look forward to living with you, Kim Namjoo." Hayoung extended her hand out.

"You too, Oh Hayoung." The older girl nodded with as the two housemates exchanged a handshake. Namjoo then took Hayoung's pen and signed the contract with her signature. Everything was settled and official.

The two of them were now, housemates.

"I'll be looking forward to living with you, Hayoung-ssi! There are times when I can be a bit moody or weird, but I hope you don't mind." smiled Namjoo.

"I don't have any problems regarding the personality of my housemate. In fact, out of all the housemates I have had, you fit the perfect category and score the highest."


"Yes. Anyways, since the contract is signed, I have to return back to work. See you back at home, Namjoo-ssi."

"Ah, you can just call me unnie."

"Very well, Namjoo..." She paused. "...Unnie." said Hayoung reluctantly before she bowed and left the cafe. Leaving Namjoo all alone with her cup of coffee, the girl was scrunching her eyebrows in deep thought. It was going much different than what she had imagined. She thought she would be able to make friends with Hayoung easily because they are both girls but, why did it feel more like a business approach? Why is her housemate so calculative and cold?

That's when Namjoo had come to a conclusion that her new housemate isn't normal.

"I have a very weird housemate." mumbled Namjoo.




Namjoo's POV




The first few weeks went well. I was busy with my job and Hayoung too had her own things. Although we returned home at different times, ate dinner seperately and woke up at alternative hours, our only mode of communication was through texting. Well, it's what the modern world does anyway. It isn't a really ideal way of getting to know someone but it was unique. I've learnt that Hayoung works in the IT department for a mobile MMORPG game, she's picky with food and loves her dog Bbang more than anything in the world.

"Who's that? Your boyfriend?" asked a voice from behind.

"O-Oh! Minjae-ya! You're here!" I stuttered as I got from my seat and greeted him. Crap. I quickly hid my phone inside my pocket.

"Come on, the meeting is going to start. Did you bring your stuff?" He asked with a smile. Gosh, a handsome man with a beautiful smile. Who wouldn't fall in love with a handsome man that also has such a kind personality?

"Yes, let's go!" I said, gathering my things as we walked along the corridor. "The person I was texting isn't my boyfriend. It's my new housemate."

"Oh, I see. You moved out from your house right?"


"Is it difficult?"

"No, in fact I'm enjoying the freedom a lot." I smiled.

"Of course. There’s a lot of benefits to living by yourself. It's even better if you get along well with your housemate." He laughed. Can he stop doing that? He looks really cute when he laughs, along with his dimples.

But alas, our conversation was short-lived as we arrived at the meeting room. Settling into our seats, I could hear our seniors whispering over our appearance. I know. He knows. Everyone thinks that we have feelings for each other.

Well, to make things straight, Minjae has been my assistant for the past three years now and come on, you can't help but to fall in love with such a charming, kind young man. I've had feelings for him for a long time now but I've never been able to confess to him yet. I'm afraid but I know one day, I'll have to do it.

"Aigoo, being young must be nice." mumbled my boss, Taeyeon, arms crossed.

"When a boy and a girl are friends, surely there has to be something going on between them right?" asked my other boss, Tiffany.

The two of us were placed in an awkward silence. Thanks my dear seniors. That sure helped a lot.

"Anyways, let's get straight to the meeting." said Taeyeon as she got herself back together.

"So, let's start by reviewing the complete script you have written for episode 6, Namjoo-ya." smiled Tiffany as I handed her my copy.




Hayoung's POV




There was a vibration on the table as my phone lit up upon a message being displayed on my screen.

"Hayoung-ah, you forgot to turn off the lights in your room so I did it for you. I hope you didn't mind. Don't worry, I didn't look through your things!" - Namjoo unnie

I stared at for a moment. Did I forget to switch off the lights? I looked deep into my memory. Perhaps I did. Maybe I was just too tired as I constantly had an average of 3 hours a day, that would affect my conscious state a lot.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." I replied back before continuing my work.

Obviously, productivity has increased significantly as I no longer have to worry about feeding Bbang or doing house chores. Placing my full trust in Namjoo, I continued to work as usual as the deadline approaches.

"Yes, I believe that it would be a good idea if we change the layout of the character creation screen." I explained during a meeting. Eunji unnie had emphasized to me very clearly, that I had missed out important details.

"As the current layout is too confusing, players may lose interest because they take too much time in figuring out on how to create a character." I continued. "I believe the focus should be on the gameplay, less importance on the look of a character."

My team members hummed in agreement as they took down notes. Indeed, I guess the presence of a chief programmer ties the strings together. Without a leader, no one can move forward.

If only my boss, wasn't so dependent on me in the first place. I glanced over at Eunji unnie with a sigh.

"What? I like the idea! Let's change it." said Eunji as she looked at me.

The only thing that is keeping me here at this company is the constant salary increments. My goals are very simple. I need money. Lots of money because I am in debt. Even though I want to leave my job and transfer to another company, Eunji unnie keeps me by raising the digits in my salary one by one. Not only that, she insists on breaking our "friendship" if I leave.

She cornered me perfectly. But it's not like I'm saying no. Having a stable job and income is important, so that I am to repay back my loans.




Namjoo's POV



"Thank you! You've worked hard everyone!" I said with a bow, watching our seniors leave after a 3-hour long meeting. I stretched my arms and sighed.

"Well, that's settled. Let's go have dinner noona." smiled Minjae.

"Sure. Let's."

I was reminded of my seniors’ words again. Of course, anyone would think we would be dating. In this world, when a man and woman are together, they are immediately thought to be a couple. But, guys and girls can be friends. Although I honestly wished that we were dating instead.

We arrived at a small cafe, it's affordable and not too crowded. After ordering our food, I couldn't help but to place my sights on Minjae. We've been friends for three years, yes. But, I can never get sick of how good-looking he is, all the time. He's like a walking painting.

"Noona." asked Minjae as he looked at my eyes.


"Actually, I have something I want to tell you." he said nervously.

Oh my. Don't tell me, he's going to say it? I was anxious but I kept my cool.

"Really? What is it?"

"We've been friends for a long time and as your assistant, I've learnt a lot from you."

"Mm hmm" I hummed with a nod.

"Because I wanted you to be the first one to know it first. It can be a bit shocking at first." He chuckled.

"What is it?" I asked with a smile. Ah. I guess it's not a confession then. What could it be?


Minjae cleared his throat.

"I'm getting married."

Game over.

I knew it. Why am I so foolish? A fine man like Minjae, of course he would've had a girlfriend. Any girl would come swooning over him. I could hear the sound of my heart shattering into pieces but I know I had to maintain a facade. He can't know my feelings. He can't.

"Wow! Really Minjae-ya? Aigoo, you've grown up huh?" I said with a faking smile. It hurts so much to say those words.

"I'm sorry I had to keep it a secret from you. I've been dating a girl from my high school and we've been together since."

"That's so sweet Minjae-ya! A man must be loyal okay? You ought treat her well!"

"Of course!"

"I'm so happy for you Minjae-ya. Don't forget to invite me to your wedding!"

"Definitely. Here, noona." He said as he took out an invitation from his bag.

Wow. The bomb has been dropped. It was a very neat, colourful wedding invitation.

"Thank you Minjae-ya."

"I'll tell the seniors soon! I'm sure you feel uncomfortable whenever they mention about us. Don't worry, it'll be over soon."

"Mm..." I nodded as my voice got softer.

This is the end of my world.

A dream that will never come to be.




Hayoung's POV




It's 11:59pm. One more minute till the new game update that my team and I had been working on for weeks, will be installed into the system. With everyone gathered around my computer as we watch the magic happen, it was a reflection of all the hardwork we went through. The sleepless nights, constant meetings and arguments regarding several changes, it will all come to a halt upon the change of time.




"Update successful".

Everyone sighed in relief as they celebrated in unison.

"Well done everyone! We will now have a one week break! Have a good rest!" announced Eunji that made the mood, much more livelier. "Remember that we'll have to get ready to arrange meetings with investors after the break!" Her words caused the team to groan but it was more of a little warning. That was her way of handling the staff, and I'm pretty used to it. "But before that, let's all have a dinner party! It's on me!" she continued, recieving a round of cheer.

Walking back to my desk, I packed my things and got ready to head home. It is useless to attend such parties whose only motive is to form stronger bonds with the team. I don't need to waste my time on such activites.

"Hayoung-ah." Eunji unnie patted on my shoulder.


"I'm not letting you escape like that. You are coming with me." she said, locking her arms around mine.

"Sorry unnie. Not today."

"Come on, you're really no fun!"

"I have things to do at home."

"Like what?"

"I have to stay with Bbang together and then-"

"You'll watch another series of Shin Chan and Pororo."

"That's right."

"Hayoung-ah. I have to admit you're a bit weird. But that's okay. Those are the things that makes you special." said Eunji unnie as she suddenly pulled me in closer. "But are you going to continue doing that when you reach your forties?"


I could hear her sighing.

"You should be going out and have fun Hayoung-ah. Meet some guys, fall in love, go clubbing, drinking and maybe get married you know!" she continued in a frustrated tone. I understand her concern. Rather than a CEO or a friend, Eunji unnie was always a little different from others. She always had this motherly figure around her. Well, at least that's how I would put it. There are times I hate her, and times I like her. She would nag and often give me life lectures which are just a waste of time.

"I already told you before unnie. I'll never fall in love and I'll never get married. I just want to grow old and live with Bbang. End of story."

"I don't get you."

"It's my way of living."

"And you're happy with that?"


"Come on Hayoung-ah. It's okay, you don't need to attend the dinner but I'll set you up on a blind date."

"No." I said with a straight expression. "Now if you excuse me, I'll head home now Eunji unnie. See you a week later." I continued with a bow, before quickly leaving. Escape, successful.

I know Eunji unnie would always try to pull me into her "social gatherings" that obviously had a motive. She isn't the only one who is worried. My parents, my grandparents and former high school mates, they are all asking the same set of questions. I'm sick of it.

I do not see the need to be like everyone else. To follow a normal path of life that has been set accordingly for as long as Earth was there. I just want to live how I want, because this is how I find happiness.

I don't think I'll be able to find happiness from love.

Because love is just a waste of time and resources.




Author's POV




Taking the last bus back home, Hayoung arrived back as she sighed. She had a lot of things on her mind but she felt more lighter because the burden of her work has disappeared completely. Well, at least for now. Turning the lights on as she passed by Namjoo's room, she paused for a moment. There was a sound coming from the door. No, it was nothing strange or suspicious. But, murmurs of someone crying. For a moment, she stood still before proceeding to place all her things on the desk. She wanted to ignore it.


"Because this is none of my business."


After taking a hot shower and dressed comfortably in her pyjamas, she could still faintly hear Namjoo crying in the distance. Hayoung let out a deep sigh. She hesistated. But soon, her feet moved by itself. She walked back into the corridor and stopped in front of the door that was the only barrier between her and her roommate, she hesitated once again. Her hands froze at the doorknob.


"No. This is wrong. I shouldn't be doing this."


Hayoung contemplated until she finally came to a decision. She turned around, sat on the wooden floor with her back against the door. Gently leaning her head backwards, she could hear Namjoo's sobs more clearly. But the girl did not say anything. Instead, she just sat there and listened. For minutes and then an hour, the cries became softer and softer. Soon, there was silence. Hayoung stood up and carefully opened the door and peeked in. Namjoo was now fast asleep, quiet and deep into her dreamland. Relieved that her roommate was now asleep, she gently closed the door and returned back to her room.

Collapsing her body onto her comfy mattress, the girl sighed while staring at the blank ceiling.


"I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be delving into the business of someone else."


Frustrated, Hayoung didn't want her thoughts to disturb her sleep. Burying her head in between the pillows, she forced herself to enter the world of dreams, hoping to forget what she had done, just a few minutes ago.




Namjoo's POV




Ah. I cried the whole night. I hope Hayoung didn't hear me. But crying does make you feel better. And I've come up with a conclusion. Love never seems to do good to me at all. I'm always a step too late to realise. Things never go right. It would be selfish to want to love someone whose heart is already with someone else. I want him to be happy and for that, I will stop falling in love. Or rather, I'll never fall in love ever again. Never.

Who cares if I'm already in my thirties? Who cares if I don't get married? All I need is money and a good life filled with all my friends. Yup.

With determination of my new resolution, I got up and prepared myself for another day at work. I sighed, realising that I would have to meet Minjae again. But I will see this as a challenge for me. I cannot let my heart falter at the sight of him or let myself fall deeper in love. I can't.

Walking out of my room, I glanced over at Hayoung's closed door. I guess she must've returned home really late as usual. I wonder how does she handle all these hellish working hours?

Approaching the fridge to get a light breakfast, I noticed a pink sticky note pasted in front.

"There is some ice cubes inside. Use it for your swollen eyes. I heard you crying last night but I will not ask what happened. I hope that you'll feel better. Have a good day ahead."

Unconsciously, I could feel the edges of my lips turning upwards. How sweet of her. Where can you find human beings like that these days? I guess behind that cold expression of hers, she actually has a warm heart. Although my housemate can be pretty weird, but she still is a very sweet girl. Actions speak louder than words, and I've seen it clearly.

That reminds me, I remember Chorong unnie and Naeun unnie asking me a question before.


"Namjoo-ya, how's it like living with a housemate? Are you two getting along?" asked Naeun unnie.

"Is she nice? Tell me if she's disturbing you and I'll go give her an earful on how to properly accomodate a housemate!" said Chorong unnie.

"Unnie! Don't do that! We're fine. Still in the process of getting to know each other. It's a little awkward but I think it'll get better over time."

"But do you like her?" asked Naeun unnie.

"U-Unnie, why are you asking me that question?"

"I didn't mean it in that way. I mean as a friend." laughed Naeun unnie.

"That's right. What? You think we're curious that your inner lesbian would show itself?" joked Chorong unnie.

"Ah, unnie!!" I said with an embarassed blush. I can't believe she just said that out loud! Did Chorong unnie have too much drinks again?

"Just joking." the two laughed. "So, do you like her?" they repeated in unison.

"I don't know. She still feels like a stranger to me. Maybe I'll have an answer soon." I said.


Remembering those moments, I think I finally found my answer.

Chorong unnie, Naeun unnie,


Even though she's a little weird but,


I like her.







A/N: Namjoo and Hayoung have finally met and looks like things appear to be going...well? Looks like Hayoung does have a soft spot after all~What's going to happen now, with these two girls living together under one roof? Thank you for reading and do share your thoughts on the next chapter! I will update soon~

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cbennh_tjsthysys #1
Chapter 20: i love this so much
Ydvvfjkch #2
APINK ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 1: I enjoyed every bit of hajoo moments in this story, however felt like the plot was rushed. I can't really grasp the characters development. The characters and their relationship with each other is alright, but one thing i dont understand is that the term of endearment or like pet names that they used to call each other was 'unnie' and eg: 'hayoung-ah'. I like the plot and storyline but it never really clicked for me as i could never feel their affection and intimacy towards each other. Regardless of the shortcomings, you did a great job writing this story. Looking forward to your following masterpiece. Thank you for writing this story. <3
lightningmeiqueen #4
Chapter 20: So another one of your fics that I finished, Out of all the ships in APink, I srsly love HaJoo the most, They're really cute and precious jfc I kent even, Btw, Im loving Sehun rn, Even tho he aint my bias, I'm more of a Tao girl or Luhan girl or Chen girl, But Sehun is so damn adorable and cool here wtf, Thank you for this, Author-nim!~
lightningmeiqueen #5
Chapter 20: So another one of your fics that I finished, Out of all the ships in APink, I srsly love HaJoo the most, They're really cute and precious jfc I kent even, Btw, Im loving Sehun rn, Even tho he aint my bias, I'm more of a Tao girl or Luhan girl or Chen girl, But Sehun is so damn adorable and cool here wtf, Thank you for this, Author-nim!~
lightningmeiqueen #6
Chapter 18: jEsUS cHrISt wHy whats even happening damn my heart is breaking we got like three or two episodes left here and yall doin this kinda whyyyyy
Chapter 8: Didn't I tell you the one night stand Naeun had with a girl was with Eunji! So I was right after all.
Our robot is showing more of her emotions now, great improvement. The ending though, what has the mom come to do? Arghh!

Overall, it was a great chapter. Take care ^^
Chapter 20: this was great! As always, your ff are the best!
I'll keep waiting for more!~ LUV ya~
cheee5 #9
Chapter 20: WOW. A great story again. Thank you, author-nim. ^_^
Chapter 19: Eunji unnie is still the boss. Bomi unnie is still a dumb. Chorong unnie is still her mother.
Somehow I felt angry with Namjoo... I mean, leave like that, she better do it right.