


Namjoo's POV


I was told by Hayoung that she'll be having a one week break as a reward from her work. Man, I'm envious. How I wish my company did that too. But that means, I'll be able to see her more often. I wonder if she's the type who likes to hang out or the type that likes to stay at home?

The first few days, Hayoung appeared to stay at the same position the whole day. Sitting at the couch, television and Bbang on her lap. It feels like a sight that has been fixed for many years now. I guess she belongs in that category of people when they have a break. That's boring. I wouldn't spend my breaks like that. I think I should find a day and drag her out of the house. I should teach her how to enjoy life, just like the way I taught former house-bug Chorong unnie.

Work has been hectic. I've been sitting at the office, coming up with new scenarios and scripts for the upcoming drama. Currently working on episode six and seven, it's still in a lot of discussions. Yes, the cast has been set with a brief summary and idea of how everything is going to work. But the foundation, that is the story, has yet to be built. It's a stressful situation because I don't have a lot of time, the team doesn't have time left. Time goes quickly as my mind fleets off into a room of ideas while occasionally visiting my superior's office to discuss. Well, of course I have to meet Minjae too. But don't worry. I've gotten over it.

I accepted the fact that my love can never be seen and that he loves someone else. That's fine.

There was a buzz from my phone.

"You forgot to turn the lights off in your room." - Hayoung

Looking at the text, I chuckled softly. I just realised that this situation felt all so similar because I had texted Hayoung before, telling her that she forgot to turn off her lights. I wonder if these are normal things that happens between housemates.

"Ah.. sorry... you wouldn't penalize me for the wasted electric bill right?"

"I'll let you off this time. It must be tough for you at work."



"Nothing. You're sweet."


"I'll see you later. A bit busy now."

"See you then."

Looking back at my texts with Hayoung, I realised that most of our conversations were based 99% on text. We rarely talk much and are still in quite an awkward position. Is this the reality of how modern society communicate? I tried my best to be friendly and close to her, but I'm always getting the cold shoulder. I wonder if Hayoung is like that around strangers or is she just someone who doesn't reveal her heart easily? Well, not that it's wrong to be friends with my housemate, or rather my landlord. Right?

Glancing at the time, I had another meeting to attend. Gathering my things and heading into the room, I froze upon looking at Minjae who was seated right in front of me. I tried to avoid eye contact with him, but I know that will make it even more obvious. As much as I had tried to force myself to shut my feelings for him, it's still a big challenge. Absolutely game over when he smiles. Those perfectly shaped white teeth, accompanied with his sparkling eyes, gosh. No. Stop. I can't fall in love with him. It's the end.

"Alright. Let's start." announced Taeyeon unnie once everyone gathered around.

For some reason, the atmosphere seemed somewhat tensed. Did something happen?

"Namjoo-ya, listen carefully." said Tiffany unnie as she looked into my eyes, accompanied with a heavy sigh.

" something wrong?" I asked confused.

"The thing is Namjoo-ya...."

I gasped upon hearing what Taeyeon unnie said next.




Hayoung's POV




I know. I'm a girl who lacks expression. I don't smile a lot or laugh a lot. But there's one thing that can. That is, my favourite television shows that I spend hours just going through during my breaks. Breaks like now. We become our true selves when we are alone, a theory that is proven true.

Although in other cases, one would shed their shell when they are with someone that they feel comfortable with. Unfortunately, I have yet to find that someone. Unless, a someone can be my dog, Bbang. People find happiness in many ways based on their preferences, some are normal, others weird. It's up to you how you would want to percieve it as, but my kind of happiness is just home with Bbang on my lap and a good set of shows.

But this small freedom was short-lived.

I sighed at the sound of the doorbell. Who would visit my home at this hour? It's only 2pm. I walked over to the electronic screen that had a camera installed at the front entrance. Great timing. Great. My grandmother was here. As much as I would want to pretend that no one is home, I can't hide anything from her.

"What took you so long to open the door?" Her voice all felt too familiar. It had so much weight that sent bullets coming through.

"I was busy." I mumbled. It's a waste of breath to talk, because there's no point of me speaking. She never listens to what I have to say. Never.

"Yeah, right. Look at you. Watching these stupid cartoons at this age? You're already in your thirties Hayoung-ah!"

"I can do whatever I want."

"Gosh, looking at you makes me so frustrated." she sighed. "Here, I brought some kimchi. Share it with your new housemate."

"You knew?"

"Of course. I keep all my tabs on you. Just because you're thirty doesn't mean I don't care about you anymore."

"As if" I mumbled, while placing the boxes of fresh kimchi into the fridge.

Soon, we sat at the table. As usual, I gave her favourite hot tea while I just stared point-blank at the table. There was nothing to talk about. But she always has things to talk about, and they are always things that I don't want to hear.



"Do you have a boyfriend yet?"

I shook my head. I had already given up on wanting to use my throat.

"Hayoung-ah! When a lady like you arrives in their thirties, it will be very difficult for you to get married!"

"Not like I care..."

"Listen, do you want to live alone for all your life?"

"Yeah, do you have a problem with that grandmother?"

"Oh, you drive me crazy sometimes. As if you'll be able to manage at this age and attitude of yours!"

"I'm a fully grown adult. I can do whatever I want."

"I will never be able to live happily unless I see you get married."

"That's your dream. Not mine."

"Hayoung-ah!" she slammed her palms onto the table.

"I don't even have time to get married! I have so much debt, it's not worth the time to even invest falling in love!"

"If you get married, you don't even need to worry about your debt!" she shouted.

Wait, what? I paused, looking at her. What nonsense is she talking about now?

"What do you mean grandmother?" I asked, slowly.

"I've talked to your grandfather about this. You know how he owns a company and it does financially well. If you get married, he has agreed to pay off every single debt that you owe."

"He....he did?"

"That's why, I've set you up on a blind date with one of your grandfather's friend's grandsons."


"It's today. That's why I'm here."


"No buts! Come on, I need to have you all dressed up!" she said, standing up and forcing me into my room.

This is nightmare. I wish this would end immediately. But I could not fight against my strong 75-year old grandmother. I hate this. Watching how she applied makeup over my face, smudging lipstick on my lips and taking out a dress that she had bought earlier. Oh god. Why.

If I had a choice, I will choose anything. Anything but going on blind dates.

I hate blind dates so much that I would rather die. Please no.

I hate you, grandmother. So, so much.




Author's POV




"We have to scrap all of the episodes that you have written Namjoo-ya." said Taeyeon with a straight expression, followed by a long silence.

The junior writer, Kim Namjoo who had been working under her for the past three years, was in a frozen state. As if trying to process the information she had heard or to wonder if she was dreaming, it was just impossible.

"But unnie....why..?" The girl was utterly confused and perplexed. All of her hardwork, days and weeks of no sleep just washed down the drain just by one statement.

"The director called us and they wanted to change the whole plot. The entire concept of the drama."

"But unnie, I worked every day and night and you're telling me to pretend as if I never wrote any of these?!" said Namjoo, her tone turning annoyed as she placed her thick sheet of paper on the table.

"Noona, calm down..." said Minjae, trying his best to cool off Namjoo's heated anger.

"The director said it is too cliche and predictable." said Taeyeon.

"I understand that you're mad. I'm mad too. Us as the main writers, our hardwork is also wasted by such a decision. But we can't say no. They are our bosses and we have to obey their words." said Tiffany.

"But that's just unfair!"

"Namjoo-ya, these are the experiences that junior writers like you have to go through. You have to understand that sometimes, not everything will go your way." said Taeyeon as she sighed.

"You're still young and naive. There's a lot out there that you don't know, about the big world Namjoo-ya. Please try to understand." said Tiffany.

Namjoo let out a sigh as she crossed her arms. She was completely infuriated.

"If that's how the world is going to be, then I don't see the point of all this anymore. What was the point anyway?" said Namjoo as she suddenly stood up.



The girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I quit!" she shouted before storming off, slamming the door behind.




Hayoung's POV




I sighed upon returning safely back home. Immediately, I headed straight to the bathroom to wash my face off all this disgusting makeup. Disposed the "expensive" dress my grandmother had bought and tucked myself comfortably in an oversized shirt and pajama pants, at least that's taken care of. I still cringed at the thought of the horrible blind date my grandmother had set up about three hours ago. I couldn't handle this "pretend game" anymore. I hate faking smiles and acting nice, it just didn't seem real at all. Not like I was interested in that man anyway.

Sluggishly, I headed to the fridge and took out a can of beer. Hearing the refreshing fizz as I gulped down, tossing my body back onto the couch as Bbang headed over to my lap, no place feels better than home. Home sweet home. I had a lot to think about. The blind date, that man and my grandmother's words. Eyeing the many bags I had thrown in the corner, it's a waste of resources to even think about it. All these unnecessary gifts that man had to buy, just to impress someone. The normal routine and concepts of what a blind date it, because often the man would try his best to show his values to the girl. A natural habitat of evolution, but I refuse to take in any of these nonsense. He could've saved the money for something useful.

The man that my grandmother had introduced to me during the blind date, was called Yoo Seung Ho. He is the grandson of one of the top companies in Korea, wow my grandfather sure has connections. Of course, any man would be interested in a woman simply for the desire of lust. Nothing more. The thought of that, is just disgusting. But I just had to keep up with this facade as long as I can.


"Allow me to buy that for you, Miss Hayoung-nim."

"Oh no, let me hold the door for you."

"A pretty woman like you shouldn't be out here doing things like that."

"I'll be your prince. Don't worry."


He probably practiced his lines beforehand. But, certainly very cringy. 

I shivered, just imagining his face in my head. I don't know how I'm supposed to talk to him because my grandmother had to give him my contact number. Great job, grandmother.

That's when there was a buzz on my phone.

"Did you get home safely? ^^ "

Perfect timing. I'm disgusted at the way he texted.

"Yes. Thank you."

Hoping that he would not continue the conversation, I placed my phone down and gulped down another sip of beer.

I had said earlier, that I am a girl who lacks expression. But today, I felt the most emotions today. No, not good ones. Negative emotions. Frustrations, anger, confusion. I don't know anymore. This is more stress that I have experienced from work. Yet, I cannot shake off the words my grandmother had said earlier.


"If you get married, he has agreed to pay off every single debt that you owe."


Can I trust her words?

If I become debt-free, it enables more possibilites for me to pursue other things. I am a calculative person and I had already predicted that as long as I am still debted, I will live in this house for the next 40 years. Including the amount of my monthly salary after deducting various costs, it will take roughly half of my life to pay off everything. To think that an easier route was out there, do I take it? But to concern about self-values, I believe that marrying someone will not justify my happiness. However, marriage is no longer about marrying for love. I have to consider the needs and wants currently.


This is driving me crazy.




Namjoo's POV




Have I ever done anything wrong in life? Why does this only happen to me? Leaving my office with my things, I didn't know where I was going. I kept walking along the pathway, eventually leading me to an endless row of shops and restaurants filled with crowds. The perfect place for me to hide and camouflage myself. My family abandoned me, my heart has been broken and now, my career is over. Everything that I had built for three years, all crashing down. Isn't it funny how it takes so much effort to create something only to have it all destroyed with just one word?

I had decided to eat dinner by myself, at the corner of a cafe. In times like these, food is my only companion. Stuffing my cheeks full and gulping down a few pints of beer, it was great for a short while. Only when my phone started to ring, that's when I returned back to reality. The caller, was Minjae. As much as I know that he would be the best source of support, hearing his voice will hurt me more. I decided to turn my phone over and continued binging.

It was only when I realised, I was crying. Tears flowed down while I ate. Because I was seated in the far, dark corner, no one would've noticed me. Today is a really rough day, or rather, this whole week has been really tough. I honestly wanted to call someone to rant my worries and vent my frustrations. As I scrolled through my contact list, I stared at Chorong unnie and Naeun unnie's name. No. I'll not disturb them. After all, they are also busy with their own lives too. I feel like I would only be a burden to them. And then, my fingers stopped at the name "Hayoung". No. I'm not even close with her. If I call her now, she'll think like I'm having emotional issues or something.

Maybe the world hates me. No matter how long I keep walking, I can never find the light at the end of this tunnel of life. Not wanting myself to delve deeper in my thoughts, I paid for the bill and headed home. Home. I don't really have anywhere to go. My family doesn't need me, my friends are too busy and I don't have a boyfriend to go for comfort. Life . I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I found myself in front of the door. Keying in the password and opening it, I stood still as I saw Hayoung staring at me with a straight expression. Sitting on the sofa, a cold beer in her hand while the other was petting Bbang on her lap, she looked so comfortable.

We stared at each other for a good minute. I don't know. There was just something mesmerizing about her deep brown orbs.

"Are you coming in?" Hayoung asked.

"Mm. I am." I mumbled as I took off my shoes. I felt embarrassed. Maybe she thought I was weird. Were my swollen eyes too obvious? Whatever, I just want to hide somewhere.

I headed to my door, ready to bust through and cover myself under my blankets. But a voice stopped my movements. A calm, gentle voice. A voice that I needed, after all of the struggles I've went through this past week.

"Do you want a drink?" Hayoung asked as she looked at me with these eyes, that spelled of concern. Worry.

Maybe there is still good in this world.

With a bitter smile, I nodded.





Author's POV




9pm. At this apartment room, was an awkward silence while the sound of the television filled the air. Two girls sat on the sofa, each on one side allowing a space in between as they sipped their beer quietly. Although it looked like housemates who just weren't close yet, but the two had a long day. There were a lot on their minds and were each, hesitating to talk about their problems. After all, they weren't really friends yet. Nor strangers either. It was a complicated relationship.

"You-" Before Hayoung could even say anything else, Namjoo beat her to it.

"I know. I look horrible right?"

Hayoung nodded.

"I cried. Again."

"Did something happen?"

"Many things."

"I see." said Hayoung as she drank another sip.

"You know, I've been working so hard as a junior writer for three years. And all I've ever gotten in return, is to have my works trashed? It makes me so angry and frustrated because there's nothing I can do. In a world where we live based on hierarchy, I cannot express my opinions fairly." said Namjoo as she began her outburst. "And I feel like I'm always one step behind y'know? There's a guy I really like in my department, he's cute, kind, has all the qualities a girl would want. I had wanted to confess to him, many times but I was scared. Scared of rejection. After three years, I had mustered my courage but instead, he told me that he is getting married. I know. It sounds like a story made for a drama. But it happened. I can't believe the world hates me so much." Namjoo ranted.

Hayoung listened quietly, while sipping her can of beer. For about two hours, she listened to her stories. She began to understand a little more about her housemate, whom she never had the time to know her better. She could sympathize in a way and relate to her feelings.

"....and yeah, that's why I'm like this." said Namjoo, as finally stopped running. " must've thought that I was annoying or something..." mumbled the girl.

"No. I don't mind." said Hayoung as she placed her now, empty can of beer on the table. "I believe this is the process we call as life. Life is unpredictable. Sometimes, it brings us happiness. In other times, we get sad, frustrated and angry. We always find ourselves struggling to swim in a vast ocean. Everyone is trying to swim to a certain point but we have to face many obstacles in order to get what we want. It's the same case as yours. If you were to push yourself to the limits and break that boundary, maybe, you could change something." she continued before leaning back onto the sofa.

It gave Namjoo something to think about. She had no idea, a girl like her would give such comforting advice. Or rather, someone younger than her would give such mature advice.

"Namjoo.....unnie....." said Hayoung after much hesitation.

"Yes?" asked Namjoo as she turned her head to look at her.

"If..." The younger girl was still hesitating.

Namjoo raised her eyebrows in confusion.


"If you have time, would you marry me?"






A/N: Wow Hayoung, what a random question to ask your own housemate. Namjoo who quit her job and Hayoung who struggles with blind dates, it appears that seems to be the most plausible reason to solve their problems? Marriage? Do share your thoughts on what will happen next! Thank you for reading and subscribing, I will update soon~ ^^



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cbennh_tjsthysys #1
Chapter 20: i love this so much
Ydvvfjkch #2
APINK ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 1: I enjoyed every bit of hajoo moments in this story, however felt like the plot was rushed. I can't really grasp the characters development. The characters and their relationship with each other is alright, but one thing i dont understand is that the term of endearment or like pet names that they used to call each other was 'unnie' and eg: 'hayoung-ah'. I like the plot and storyline but it never really clicked for me as i could never feel their affection and intimacy towards each other. Regardless of the shortcomings, you did a great job writing this story. Looking forward to your following masterpiece. Thank you for writing this story. <3
lightningmeiqueen #4
Chapter 20: So another one of your fics that I finished, Out of all the ships in APink, I srsly love HaJoo the most, They're really cute and precious jfc I kent even, Btw, Im loving Sehun rn, Even tho he aint my bias, I'm more of a Tao girl or Luhan girl or Chen girl, But Sehun is so damn adorable and cool here wtf, Thank you for this, Author-nim!~
lightningmeiqueen #5
Chapter 20: So another one of your fics that I finished, Out of all the ships in APink, I srsly love HaJoo the most, They're really cute and precious jfc I kent even, Btw, Im loving Sehun rn, Even tho he aint my bias, I'm more of a Tao girl or Luhan girl or Chen girl, But Sehun is so damn adorable and cool here wtf, Thank you for this, Author-nim!~
lightningmeiqueen #6
Chapter 18: jEsUS cHrISt wHy whats even happening damn my heart is breaking we got like three or two episodes left here and yall doin this kinda whyyyyy
Chapter 8: Didn't I tell you the one night stand Naeun had with a girl was with Eunji! So I was right after all.
Our robot is showing more of her emotions now, great improvement. The ending though, what has the mom come to do? Arghh!

Overall, it was a great chapter. Take care ^^
Chapter 20: this was great! As always, your ff are the best!
I'll keep waiting for more!~ LUV ya~
cheee5 #9
Chapter 20: WOW. A great story again. Thank you, author-nim. ^_^
Chapter 19: Eunji unnie is still the boss. Bomi unnie is still a dumb. Chorong unnie is still her mother.
Somehow I felt angry with Namjoo... I mean, leave like that, she better do it right.