chapter twelve

calling all units! || detective applyfic || chapter fifteen and sixteen is up!

   left to go

 "What do you mean arrested?!"

The detectives sighed as they all sat in their office, Nami, Suhyun, and Haeun, had just returned;  Sohee stood out in the main hallway as other officers brought in Minseok and Baekhyun. Minseok focused his eyes straight ahead, avoiding her eyes. 

"I just spoke with the arresting officer." Jaewon said, standing beside Sohee as a man in a suit walked through the door, Junmyeon and Yixing beside him. "Charges of asualt and attempted murder. They are bringing Lee Chaerin and placingher in holding under our instruction but, we need evidence to tie her to this operation." Sohee looked unfazed as Jongdae walked in, walking to them nodding to the cameras, the two turning and following him into the back interrogation office.

"Kyungsoo, hacked the systems placing all of the evidence to at least pin another hitmen team on her main drive. Your guys will find it easily." Jongdae said, handing a thumb drive to Jaewon, whom took the hint and left the room. Jongdae pulling Sohee into a hug. "He's gonna get out of this. Lee Sooman just showed up, his lwayer will be here soon. " He reassured her.

" At the end of this, you all might end up in his position. Think about continuing with this, some more. I don't want to worry about all of you." Sohee said, as the interrogation door opened.

"Cheif wants to see us." Suhyun said, quickly giving Jongdae a hug. "

"Glad you're okay." Jngdae said, mostly to Suhyun but, looked to Sohee before heading out nodding to the others.

" Haesoo, Nami, dig through employee records of YG, there has to be a marker or something for WIN. Jaewon, Taeha get the thumbdrive dow to evidence when you are done copying it. Haeun, Yejin go look over the interrogations, they are connected to our case." Suhyun instructed, walking out the door with Sohee. 


"How the hell did they get caught?" Sehun asked as the guys rested back in their hide out, Jongin sighed opening a beer and passing it to Chanyeol.

"Lee Chaerin called the cops when Minseok and Yixing were in the elevator, they had no chance. Baekhyun and Minseok stayed behind, Yixing and Junmyeon got out in time. They were able to ditch their masks, and affliation with EXO." Kyungsoo explained, Sehun sighed as they all took a long sip of the beer. 


"I'm their gaurdian per say. " The man in a suit said, as Yejin and Haeun walked over to where they stood outside the main interrogation room.

"Oh,  what brings the Flower Detectives over to violent crimes?" The detective asked as Junmyeon and Yixing stayed watching everyone's movements. "Sorry, sir, these two can't go in with you. They aren't cleared."

"Nayeon! Get these two badges." Haeun ordered the young officer whom nodded and ran over with them handing them to Yixing and Junmyeon whom bowed politely.

"You look familiar." She said to Junmyeon whom smiled, kindly.

"He is Taeha's boyfriend." Haeun said, Taeha whom was talking to one of the detectives on the main floor choked on air.

"We wanted to keep it on the low." Junmyeon whispered to Nayeon whom nodded with a bright smile. He gave Haeun a look as the detective, and Lee Sooman went inside.

"Sorry, but it's not like you hide your crush on her very well." Haeun said as Yejin stepped inside the room, Baekhyun pouting at the other detective until Yejn walked in, the pout turning to a smile.


"Any further leads on this whole EXO fiasco?" Cheif Park  asked, eating his lunch as Sohee and Suhyun sat infront of him. 

"EXO has actually been unactive for the last six months. We have to reason to believe YG is running a team of hitmen and Dongwook has hired three serial killer wannabes to due his dirty work." Suhyun explained all of the new information that came to light in just the past five hours. 

"And what about those two brought in with you?" He asked, mentioning Minseok and Baekhyun, as there was a knock on the door.

"Sir, I believe the Flower Detectives should be taken off the case." A detective said, his eyes widening as he noticed Suhyun and Sohee in the office. 

"And why is that....what's your name again?" The Cheif asked, not being able to put a name to his face.

"Min Yoongi, sir. One of the men that was brought in is Detective Sohee's boyfriend." He said, Sohee sighed, before standing to face the younger detective.

"We aren't on the case, we are gathering any information they might have. If you want to suggest that our team be taken off something, make sure you know what your talking about." Sohee said, glaring at him, he stammered and bowed in apology closing the door.

"Regardless, I don't want you near the interrogation room." The Chief said, SOhee nodded. "Now want all those three groups brought in." 


"Night!" The officers said, as they all headed home, the detectives all staying in their office.

"We are getting nowhere." Taeha said, leaning back in her chair as Junmyeon walked in, she slowly slid out of her chair and onto the floor as Sehun followed in after. Yejin choked on her coffee as the two were dressed casually but still somehow looked like models. Suhyun shut her laptop in frustration, Sohee jolting in her chair at the noise.

"We thought you all could use a break." Junmyeon said as Chanyeol and Jongin walked in with bags filled with food. Suhyun looked at the cameras seeing them turned away towards the far wall, she scoffed before walking towards the table where the three were pulling out food.

"Anything new on your end?" Jaewon asked as he yawned, hitting Haesoo's chopsticks to grab the last piece of chicken. 

"Nothing worth mentioning." Chanyeol said, as he sat down beside him, pulling out a paper out of his pocket and handing it to him.

"We have found nothing in the files about WIN." Nami said, as Haeun returned with Baekhyun behind her.

"He was cleared of any charges no one can point him out nor was he seen at all." Haeun said, as Sohee sighed going back to her desk and grabbing her bag along with her coat, leaving the office.

Jaewon and Suhyun following after her, bowing to the hitmen before chasing after the older girl. Nami slid away from her computer as something came to her mind, Yejin choked on her water as Sehun pushed his hair out of his face as Junmyeon spoke about the current state of YG and Dongwoon's club.

"Suhyun's dad worked on a serial case, but never caught the guy. The ametuers are targeting us through the families." Nami said, Haesoo stared at her motioning her to continue as Taeha's head popped out from behind her desk. "Thats what we know. Dongwoon said that they are after the people that took their father away.Us. What if we put him away a few years back? He could have been the serial killer her dad was after than was put away for something small, and passed while inside." Haeun nodded, Haesoo looked to Yejin whom nodded as well.

"Lets check all arrest reports corresponding to inside deaths with childern." Yejin said, the five sitting at their desks typing away.

"Narrow it down to possible childern left in foster care, or runaways." Taeha said, the three guys looked at each other than began cleaning up the empty food containers.


"Sohee!" Suhyun called as Jaewon called her again, the two looking around the streets as they walked. "Where the hell did she go?" Suhyun asked, Jaewon groaning in annoyance as she didnt pick up.

"I'm not going to do anything stupid." Sohee said from behind him, the two sighed in relief.

"You never, you could get the urge." Jaewon said, Sohee sighed and shock her head looking around.

"I needed to get out of there." She mumbled, looking or something to occupy her attention."I can't focus knowing Minseok is in the same building but, I can't even be near him." She said, Jaewon looked at his feet sighing.

"I know about what happened to your mom. I took the file out of the archives. My father passed in the same place and night. I thought it was strange. Chanyeol and I with assitance from Kyungsoo, have been digging deep into it." Jaewon said, pulling out the folded paper. "Kyungsoo was able to hack into Cloud 9 years ago when secruity was low. He found the CCTV of both of the accidents near time of impact, Chanyeol just gave me the screenshot and ID match." He handed her the paper SUhyun looked between them in confusion having no idea they both shared a similar background.

The next morning an arrest was made, one no one saw coming.

And five people went missing.


author's note.  let me know what you guys think! ANother chapter!

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EPILOUGE IS UP! I will post the link to the new applyfic when I post it on here!


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Chapter 30: omgg i'm so sorry for not commenting sooner or when chapters were first posted, but thank you so much for writing this story!!
everything was so awesome! thank you again! haha
Chapter 30: This story was so good and I was always excited to see how things would be next and to see how everyone's relationship would grow and change. It was so good and I look forward to the other story! Thanks for having Haesoo along for the ride.
Chapter 30: Awww love the epilogue!!!!
And that cliffhanger but lead up to your next apply fic is super cool!!
Seriously can't wait to see how it goes and major good luck.
Thanks so much for the ride and having Taeha a part of your story!
Chapter 29: It is a beautiful chapter and glad everything worked out in the end!!! The couples are adorable and omg that proposal was sly and loved it!!! Thank you for this wonderful journey and can't believe it's almost over. An epilogue would be pretty cool and cant wait. Thanks again!!!
Chapter 28: Glad you're alive and glad everyone is safe!!
Wonder where baekhyun was this whole time though.
Another great chapter!!!
Chapter 27: Somehow I missed this updates and the others. O.o
Anyways dang they caught one finally.
Curious who the woman is as she could be anyone. Lol
Chapter 27: Nice one! Glad they caught one of the guys xD
Lets hope the rescue goes well!
I can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 26: oofies! How does sehun know the guys name??? does he have a history with him?!?!???
do the other members of EXO have a past with the kidnappersss?? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!
This was a very thrilling chapter! XD I can't wait to see what unfolds next!!
Chapter 26: It's an amazing chapter and got me all hyped again. I love the interactions the two groups have for one another while also trying to save their partners despite all that is going on. The suspense is killing me but glad to read an update for this. Hope all is well with you!!!
Chapter 26: Okay, now I'm caught up with everything again! First off though, welcome back from the small break - I also returned from a small hiatus so I'm glad we're both getting back into the flow of things! Second, this latest update was so full of action and it's so suspenseful dkfjdkfd it's scary to think of what'll happen to them, especially to the detectives if word gets out about their collaboration with EXO. Kyungsoo is also so smart to have set up an emergency device LOL, it seems like something all the members should have with their lives always being unpredictable and dangerous

Overall, great chapter! I'm excited to see what's next, and I hope the gang gang rescue the rest of the crew safe and soon !!