
Take Care of My Girlfriend

I sense many Haehae shippers here. But we'll see how it goes :) HAHAHAHA


Days went by just like that and I had stayed in Donghae’s house for about a month. I was getting used to the town and knew almost everybody there. Everybody knew me as the girl from the city since my reflexes and my walking speed was considered abnormally fast. They just thought that I was Donghae’s close friend and had completely no idea the real reason why I was here in the first place. Soobin, Taeri and Hyun-na call once in awhile to ask how I’m coping and whether we could meet up. But I turned them down. Mainly because it was hard to get to the city without a car and my stomach was getting a little bigger.

The morning sickness had gotten regular and every morning; Donghae would come into my room to find my head in the toilet bowl, hurling whatever that was in my stomach. And since Donghae and I were housemates now, we had gotten closer and were really comfortable with each other. Things were better in the day where I was preoccupied with helping out at the daycare centre. But when night fall and Donghae and I both retreated to our bedrooms, I was enveloped by silence and loneliness. I usually sat on my bed, looking at my phone, wishing for a message or a call but it never came. As I looked through our photos together or his messages to me, my tears fell on its own accord and I had to try hard to suppress my sobs so Donghae wouldn’t hear it next door. The aching feeling in my heart grew night by night and soon, it turned into a habit. I began to cry every night. I wish I had the courage to just tell him off for doing this to me.

I was able to convince myself to scold him and rant to him when he appears for a visit but whenever he finally turn up, I would look into his eyes and would be unable to tell him how I truly feel. My heart softened whenever he apologized. I chose to follow my heart and believe that he was feeling as terrible as I did. The voice in my head had begun to ‘talk’ more frequently but I chose to ignore it. Deep down inside, I know the voice was probably right. This wasn’t the way he should be treating me but my heart just couldn’t take the pain that came with scolding my oppa. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. So, the traumatic cycle continued like this. Every single night, I cry myself to sleep when there was no message or calls. Every day, I would think about standing up for myself but once he visits, everything flies out of the window. I forget my pain momentarily. I forget what I want. I only know that I love him and all that I’m going through didn’t matter for now. At the back of my mind, the voice keeps whispering, asking me to stop.

I’m warning you. You’re going to get hurt.

And my heart would whisper back.

What do you know? Hyukjae oppa loves me. I don’t mind being in pain for him.

Today wasn’t just a normal Friday. It was the day that I was supposed to go for my medical check-up at the hospital. And since Hyukjae oppa would be at work, Donghae was responsible for watching over me and reporting to him whatever the doctor has said about the baby. And because of the hospital check-up, Donghae had passed the key to Sungmin sshi the day before when we locked up so that the childcare centre could still open without him. Sungmin sshi, upon receiving the key, had looked at Donghae with a strange look. I’m assuming that Donghae never lets anyone else open the childcare centre.

So, after breakfast, Donghae and I headed off towards the hospital. Along the way, we greeted the people we knew. Although we were still quite frightened of what was ahead of us. What would the town say if they found out that I was pregnant? After all, this wasn’t the city and everyone here had a traditional way of thinking. I’ll bet they shun me when they find out and I sighed.

“Something bothering you?”Donghae turned to ask.

I shook my head, not wanting to bother him with my worry. But unlike Hyukjae oppa who would turn back to his work or phone after asking, Donghae wouldn’t let me go.

“Tell me. You might feel better,”Donghae smiled.

I looked at him and decided that maybe he should know so that he could be prepared for gossips. As I told him, he kept glancing at me and nodding in intervals to assure me that he was listening.

“Oh, so this is what is bothering you?”Donghae asked while grinning.

I nodded my head as we stepped into the hospital.

“Don’t worry then. The people here are really nice. They would perfectly understand your situation,”Donghae patted my back.

“Are you sure?”I asked as we got onto the elevator.

“Well, I can’t help it if they talk bad about us. At least, we have each other and are not alone,”Donghae just shrugged.

With that, my level of respect for Donghae rose. He was putting his reputation on the line for his friendship with me and I was deeply moved by that. Moreover, we hadn’t known each other for that long for him to do that much for me.

“Good morning, how can I help you?”the receptionist behind the counter asked when we approached her.

“We’re here for an appointment. Under the name, Kim Haemin,”Donghae flashed his best smile.

“Sure. Give me a minute,”she smiled as she looked at her computer.

Donghae and I stuck around the counter for awhile until she looked back at us.

“Okay, I’ve registered you. Please take a seat. Here are some brochures for you to prepare you for your visit. And here’s one for you too, sir,”she passed the brochures over.

“Why would I need this?”Donghae whispered as we sat down.

I laughed a little as I saw that in his hands was a brochure with the words, ‘First Time Fathers’. I reached out to get it from him but he just gave me a weird look.

“No harm looking through it. I need to know what’s going to happen so that I can report to Hyukjae tonight,”Donghae said as he started reading the brochure.

I smiled as I read through my own brochures. Both of us were so absorbed in reading that we didn’t even realize the nurse was calling out for me till she came up towards us.

“Excuse me, are you Kim Haemin?”the nurse asked.

“Oh yes yes,”I hurriedly stood up and shoved the brochures into my bag.

Donghae followed us into the room. The doctor smiled and gestured for us to take a seat.

“Good morning, I’m Doctor Baek. I’ll be your doctor throughout the whole of your pregnancy. Nice meeting you, Mrs…Lee,”she greeted as she looked at the papers.

She turned towards Donghae and smiled at him.

“So, you must be Mr Lee Hyukjae?”Doctor Baek asked him.

I looked at Donghae who raised an eyebrow. The nurse couldn’t hold back her smile and immediately bent down to mumble into the doctor’s ears. The doctor’s eyes widened.

“Oh, I’m so sorry for my mistake. I’m actually new in town,”Doctor Baek tried to bow in her seat.

“It’s okay. No need to apologise,”Donghae gave her a charming smile.

“But if you’re Mr Lee Donghae, that means you aren’t the father of this child. May I know where’s Mr Lee Hyukjae?”Doctor Baek asked.

“Oh, he’s in the city, working. He can’t make it,”I forced out a smile.

“I see. So, he knows about the baby, right?”Doctor Baek asked as he eyed Donghae.

“Yes. Donghae’s only here to accompany me under his orders,”I said firmly, a little upset that she was doubting Hyukjae oppa’s competence as a father.

“I’m sorry for asking you such an offensive question. But I need to know your background since I will be with you through this journey,”Doctor Baek smiled apologetically.

At that moment, Donghae patted my hand with his and gave me reassuring smile, asking me to trust her.  I nodded my head and smiled at the doctor.

“Shall we proceed with the basic check up?”Doctor Baek asked.

“Sure,”I smiled.

End of Chapter


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Rinwook #1
Chapter 57: OHMYCAWD SO pELFect ... the best story *-*
CrystalQing #2
Chapter 56: i finished reading this in one go. i like how you portray eunhyuk here, less the workaholic attitude. a sweet,loyal bf to his love even though they've been together for so long. thanks for this story. it made me giddy how eunhyuk acts as a loving bf here. <3
Chapter 57: Yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
sparklingjewels #5
Chapter 56: Oh my God I can't believe when I saw the updated story list, this story is marked as 'completed'. I mean, I've been missing too many chapters! I'm sorry that I haven't been reading and commenting the last few chapters, (I haven't been reading and commenting my other subscriptions either) but now that I've finished reading in one and half an hour... OMG I'm definitely gonna miss this story so, so much! I'm gonna miss the way you expressed Hyukjae's sweetness, gentleness... And I've been smiling like an idiot when I caught up with the story. The proposal was really cute! Ahhh Lee Hyukjae can I have you instead?
Hihihi, and the two boys, OMG I can totally imagine them. Milky complexion, gummy and cheeky smiles, little versions of Lee Hyukjae! Ahhh he'll definitely be a great daddy (as well as in the real world, I think).
Aw but this story's ended, like I said, I'm going to miss this so much. Thankyou for putting so much effort for this, authornim. It's a wonderful story, really. The ending is beautiful, too.
Okay since this comment is getting too long, I'll end it here haha. Thanks again for the wonderful story. Now I'm off to the new story! :D
Chapter 56: awwww..... such a sweet happy family.... :) author-nim,congratulations to the success of your story!!! :) most of readers loves the epilogue part!! kkk ^u^ you're a daebak writer ^^
careun #7
Chapter 56: HAPPY ENDING!!!!!!!!!! :)))))
evewon #8
Chapter 56: Yayyyy happy ending ^-^
Chapter 56: GOSH!!! I SUPER LOVE THIS FIC!!!! I discovered this just last week and got hooked to it easily. Did you know I stayed up until 5 am just to finish reading this author-nim?? Hahaha~~~~~ I love everything about your fic.... KEEP IT UP AUTHOR -NIM. Hyukjae is my number 1 bias and I think I love him even more~~~AHAHAHA
Chapter 56: <3<3<3 love tHE ENDING