Caramel Macchiato

A Collection of Onkey Fluff Drabbles/Oneshots


I woke up knowing that today was going to be a good day. 
Then again it always is when you come in and make my day brighter everytime you smile that smile of yours that never fails to make my heart beat faster.
I waited for you as always. I wondered if you noticed it but I always made sure I was the one taking your order and making your usual coffee in the morning: one shot espresso mixed with lactose-free milk and a hint of vanilla.
I called it the special vanilla latte made every morning for the boy with the infectious smile.
I look at the clock, knowing you'd be coming soon as my co-workers look at me with a smirk. They all know about my infatuation with a certain boy they dubbed as Kibum's "Mr. Sunny Smiles."
I heard the ding of the door, signaling your arrival as I prepared myself for the usual tingle of butterflies in my stomach and the quick beating of my heart.
As expected that smile of yours is intact. It blinded me, filling my heart with happiness.
"Hello," you say as you come closer towards me and I try hard not to fidget. "Good morning."
"Hi." I say as I smile back in return. "Ready to order your usual?" 
"Yes, I'm ready to order. But today I think I'll be ordering something different."
I try hard not to show my surprise. "Really? What's the special occasion?"
You look at me and put your hands in your pockets. "Nothing. I just felt like changing things up this morning. What would you recommend?"
I didn't know what to say and as I was about to offer our special of the day, you suddenly say, "What's your favorite drink? I think I'll have that."
I couldn't help but blush and stammer, "Really? Well my favorite happens to be a caramel macchiato with extra foam."
You nod and smile. "I'll have that then."
I smile back in return and would have tripped on my feet from the heavy thudding of my heart if it wasn't for the knowledge that you were there and the fact that I didn't want to seem too eager and happy.
I look in dismay at the ingredients I already prepared in advance for the usual drink you always ordered. The lactose-free milk already steamed and the vanilla flavoured syrup ready to stir in with the espresso. Then I realized that the ingredients were the same for the caramel macchiato I usually make for myself. Well except for the lactose-free milk. All that was really missing was the caramel syrup to drizzle on top.
So I start to make your drink, but I couldn't help the heat rising in my cheeks and I touch my heated face with the back of my hand.
Today was definitely a different morning, I thought, the slight trembling of my hands evident as I poured in the espresso.
When I finally finished making the drink, I head back your way, the steaming cup of caramel macchiato wafting through my senses.
"Here you go." I say and I watch as you take hold of the mug. 
"Thank you." you say, inhaling the warm concoction. "It smells and looks good."
I grinned. "But of course. It's not my favourite drink for no reason you know." 
You laugh and I smile when that cute dimple appeared in your left cheek tying my stomach into knots.
"I'll let you know what I think after I drink it..." you say with a bit of twinkle in your adorable eyes as you head to the small table by the window.
And that was when it hit me. 
I was spinning headway fast. I was falling for you and I didn't even know what your name was.
I watched you from time to time, discreetly of course, and gauging from your reactions it looked like you did enjoy your drink.
It was becoming a habit, this watching you business. I was able to tell when something was bothering you because you'd get this crinkle between your eyebrows. Or how you have this weird habit of shaking your knees as you scratch your face while you read your morning paper.
I found it adorable. In fact anything you did is amazing in my eyes. I was so far in with my head with this one, wasn't I?
After awhile, I knew you were about to head out. You were finishing your drink and folding the newspaper. Then when you glance up to look straight in my eyes, I was lost.
You stood up with a bit of a shy grin and wave at me.
I come towards your table, wiping my damp hands on my apron.
"How was your macchiato?" I ask with a wobbly smile when I reached your table.
"It was delicious." you say as I watched you place the paper underneath your arm.
"Well I'll be heading out. Thank you. I just wanted to say have a nice day... and that I'll be seeing you tomorrow?" 
The question threw me off guard. "Yes. Of course."
Then with one last smile, you head towards the door with a wave.
I felt my heart sink with your leaving. With a sigh I take the used empty mug when a piece of paper suddenly falls out and lands on my feet.
With shaking fingers, I pick it up and read it:
My name is Lee Jinki and your macchiato was delicious. Care to make it for me again tomorrow?
My heart made somersaults in my chest as a wild blush erupted in my cheeks.
It was indeed a good day after all.
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*drowns on the floor* Awww♥♥
StayStrong #2
Your oneshots are sooo cute^^... Read all of them and I loved every single one of them:)
Oooh... These oneshots are all so cute c:
I really love your writing, it's so detailed, like i'm in the story myself.
Really awesome <3
this is awesome!!
Awwww so cute >< they're my favorite couple <3
Nice stories ^^
#6 lovely!!!!!!
keybuttlicious #7
O.o omo omo... I felt dinosours on my stomach... "̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ "̮ this is so cute n lovely <3 yah right... I know wht bummie feel *sniff i miss jinki too ( -̩̩̩-͡_ --̩̩̩͡) so... Happy valentine'ڪ day -(‾▿‾)/ ONKEY \(‾▿‾)- n for you too beb... (˘̶̀ ▿ ˘̶́)9 hwaiting... I need more kekeke
kezia_onsooni #8
this is the best valentine OnKey story...
This is so beautiful and so sweet <3
thank u ^___________^
best valentine story. :D
keybuttlicious #10
I just start read this ... 1 to 5 i felt like ..."Omo omo there's somethink on my stomach... Oh dragon!" U know wht i mean? Kekeke i love this... Really... Joahe... Noumu joahe <3 next chap here i come... (ʃƪ˘˘ﻬ)~♥