
A Collection of Onkey Fluff Drabbles/Oneshots

A/N: wrote this during the holidays, just didn't get to post it here! <3




They were cuddled warmly under the thick blankets infront of the fireplace. Lee Jinki sighs in content, pulling the younger boy closer to him as he sips the dark hot liquid, letting the warmth spread in his veins. The bitter taste of the coffee was heavenly.
"It's almost Christmas, Jinki."
"Mmmm. In about two minutes and forty-six seconds."
They were on a small week-end break, an improptu decision made by their Managers. It had been a busy month, with various fanmeets, performances, and Jinki himself was not able to celebrate his birthday with their fans this year seeing that they were booked for time.
"What's your Christmas wish this year?" Kibum asks, tugging on the long-sleeved edges of his oversized cardigan, huddling closer to Jinki's warmth. He takes a sip of the peppermint mocha in his favorite pink panther mug as Jinki slides his hands around his waist.
"Hmmm. I have everything I can ever wish for. The band is doing well, you guys are healthy, we have our fans and I have you."
Kibum couldn't help the warmth that suddenly spread in his cheeks. Damn these blushes.
Jinki notices of course and pokes his cheek and Kibum slaps his arms playfully while the older boy just laughs.
"You're cute when you blush, you know."
That's when the other boys come running in the room with their gifts in tow, happiness surrounding them as the clock officially strikes twelve.
Savouring the last few seconds of their time together, Kibum takes the older boy's face in his hands and kisses him gently, the taste of the peppermint mingling with the bitter taste of Jinki's americano.
"Merry Christmas, love."
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*drowns on the floor* Awww♥♥
StayStrong #2
Your oneshots are sooo cute^^... Read all of them and I loved every single one of them:)
Oooh... These oneshots are all so cute c:
I really love your writing, it's so detailed, like i'm in the story myself.
Really awesome <3
this is awesome!!
Awwww so cute >< they're my favorite couple <3
Nice stories ^^
Awwwww.so lovely!!!!!!
keybuttlicious #7
O.o omo omo... I felt dinosours on my stomach... "̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ "̮ this is so cute n lovely <3 yah right... I know wht bummie feel *sniff i miss jinki too ( -̩̩̩-͡_ --̩̩̩͡) so... Happy valentine'ڪ day -(‾▿‾)/ ONKEY \(‾▿‾)- n for you too beb... (˘̶̀ ▿ ˘̶́)9 hwaiting... I need more kekeke
kezia_onsooni #8
this is the best valentine OnKey story...
This is so beautiful and so sweet <3
thank u ^___________^
best valentine story. :D
keybuttlicious #10
I just start read this ... 1 to 5 i felt like ..."Omo omo there's somethink on my stomach... Oh dragon!" U know wht i mean? Kekeke i love this... Really... Joahe... Noumu joahe <3 next chap here i come... (ʃƪ˘˘ﻬ)~♥