What was that for?

A Collection of Onkey Fluff Drabbles/Oneshots


He didn't know how he hasn't noticed it before. It was in all the little things that added up, the small details here and there.  How could he be so dense?
It's not as if he was the type in the first place. If there was one thing, Kibum was known to be intuitive and sharp when it came to these things.
The nagging feeling that his adorable sangtae-proned leader was possibly in love with him was the only thought in his mind as of late.
It was from the way he acted towards him, something that was considerably different from how he would treat the other members. It was all in the little things: how he would help him out with the chores in the dorm, making sure he ate properly, heating his food when it was cold, times he would wake up with blankets mysteriously tucked around him appearing out of the blue. 
However it all became obvious one Saturday night. They were both alone in the dorm when he noticed the uncharacteristic nervousness apparent in his leader.
Lee Jinki was a lot of things: adorable, sangtae-proned, kind, courteous, child-like, sweet, y (although Kibum would never voice that thought outright) and hilarious to boot, but he has never seen him act this way before, especially around him. 
So there he was, head bent, poring over something, a book of some sort he wasn't sure what, when he approaches him asking what he'd like to eat for dinner. 
Jinki's head shoots up, and smiles wobbly at his direction, closing the book abruptly. 
"Anything's fine with me." 
Kibum moves towards the table, sitting on the chair across from him. 
"Okay. So umm... what are you reading hyung?" 
Jinki laughs nervously and looks away. 
"Nothing. Shouldn't... shouldn't you be starting on that dinner now?" 
Kibum watches him carefully, noticing the way he was fidgeting. 
"I will. Umm, hyung?" 
"What's in that book?" 
Jinki laughs nervously. "It's nothing." 
Kibum looks at him, skepticism evident in his expression, but he decides to let it go. With a nonchalant shrug, he gets up, heading to the kitchen. Before he could move another inch though, Jinki suddenly grabs his arm, startling him. 
"Jinki? What?" 
"Did you--did you need some help?" 
"Sure. I'd love that. If you don't mind?" 
"Of course I don't." 
Jinki's been helping him out a lot in the kitchen these days and it was a great help considering it was no easy feat cooking for a household of four other boys. 
"Okay then. We better start on that dinner." 
About an hour later, those thoughts were back, troubling Kibum even more. 
He especially noticed Jinki doing more of the cooking than him tonight. Besides having to slice the cabbage for their kimchi and rolling the kimbap, Jinki pretty much did most of the work. 
Now they were sitting on the couch watching some TV. He didn't miss the way Jinki's eyes would stray in his direction from time to time, or how during dinner he'd catch him staring from the corner of his eyes. 
Much like what he was doing now. 
He decides to ignore it though, thinking it was probably all in his mind, although his gut and his heart were telling him otherwise. 
The room starts to get chilly and he shivers without thought, pulling the sleeves of his oversized sweater to keep warm. Jinki, of course notices this, and reaches for the blanket that Taemin usually leaves on the couch. 
Without asking, he wraps the blanket around Kibum and moves closer to wrap one arm around his shoulder. 
Kibum's heart beat erratically in his chest. The weight of Jinki's arm and the soft smell of sandalwood and mint wafted through his senses. He couldn't help but move closer and huddle against Jinki's warmth, resting his head tentatively on his shoulder. 
The movie was soon forgotten, and Jinki kisses his forehead gently. Kibum closes his eyes, reveling in the sensation. They stay quiet, then a few minutes later, he whispers: "Hyung? What was that for?" 
Instead of responding, Jinki gently disentangles himself from him and gets up to pause the movie. 
Kibum watches him, dazed. "Why did you stop the movie?" 
Jinki sits back down beside him and takes his hands, twining their fingers together. Then he looks up and Kibum's breath catches, seeing the expression in Jinki's eyes. If there was any doubt lingering in his mind about Jinki's feelings for him they were banished right there in an instant. 
The love shining in those eyes almost brings Kibum to his knees. 
"I--need to tell you something, Kibum-ah... I--" 
But whatever he was going to say was silenced for Kibum bridged the small space separating them with his lips.
Jinki was shocked, too surprised to react at first but he soon closes his eyes and wraps his arms around Kibum's frame, deepening the kiss. 
When they eventually pull away a little while later, Kibum lays his head on the juncture of Jinki's warm neck, happy and content. 
"I know hyung, you don't have to say it. I know." 
The older one sighs, playing with the blonde strands on Kibum's neck. 
Kibum suddenly looks up. 
"Wait-- what was in that book you were reading earlier though?" 
Jinki laughs, his eyes softening, and the skin beneath Kibum's eyes. 
"It was just a book I picked up. You see, when I realized I was in love with you, I needed a bit of coaching on how to go about telling you how I felt. I didn't want to simply tell you without showing you first and foremost just how much I cared about you. So you can say that book was pretty much my love coach." 
Kibum giggles and slaps his chest playfully. "Well, whatever that book taught you it worked." 
Jinki smiles and pulls Kibum close. 
"You do know that I care about you right? Book or no book, nothing changes the fact that I love you." 
Kibum blushes, the words finally being said outright. 
"Sometimes actions speak louder than words, you know." 
He nods and wraps his arms around Jinki's waist, laying his head on Jinki's chest while listening to the steady beat of his heart. 
"They do.. and you must know I feel the same." 
Jinki tightens his arms around him and closes his eyes with a sigh.
"I love you Jinki."
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*drowns on the floor* Awww♥♥
StayStrong #2
Your oneshots are sooo cute^^... Read all of them and I loved every single one of them:)
Oooh... These oneshots are all so cute c:
I really love your writing, it's so detailed, like i'm in the story myself.
Really awesome <3
this is awesome!!
Awwww so cute >< they're my favorite couple <3
Nice stories ^^
Awwwww.so lovely!!!!!!
keybuttlicious #7
O.o omo omo... I felt dinosours on my stomach... "̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ "̮ this is so cute n lovely <3 yah right... I know wht bummie feel *sniff i miss jinki too ( -̩̩̩-͡_ --̩̩̩͡) so... Happy valentine'ڪ day -(‾▿‾)/ ONKEY \(‾▿‾)- n for you too beb... (˘̶̀ ▿ ˘̶́)9 hwaiting... I need more kekeke
kezia_onsooni #8
this is the best valentine OnKey story...
This is so beautiful and so sweet <3
thank u ^___________^
best valentine story. :D
keybuttlicious #10
I just start read this ... 1 to 5 i felt like ..."Omo omo there's somethink on my stomach... Oh dragon!" U know wht i mean? Kekeke i love this... Really... Joahe... Noumu joahe <3 next chap here i come... (ʃƪ˘˘ﻬ)~♥