Day 6: Make Lots of Memories

100: How Long Will it Last?


Sooyoung was shocked upon hearing her voice.

"We need to talk." Shinhye said

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm already happy with whatever's happening." Sooyoung replied.

*sighs* " know that you're still my best friend, right? I'm sorry if I got mad at you."


Shinhye grinned, "Of course! So..are we okay already?"

"Yes! I missed you Shinhye!!" Sooyoung hugged her.

"Yeah...yeah...anyways...what's up with you and Seohyun hanging out together?"

"Oh well, it just happened like that."

Shinhye grabbed Sooyoung's hands and asked her, "Can you do a favor for me?"

"What favor?"

"Can you spy on Seohyun and Yonghwa? You know how I like Yonghwa and all but Seo..."

"I knew it would be like this." Sooyoung smiled after interrupting Shinhye.

"What?" Shinhye was unable to understand.

*laughs* "You think Sooyoung would be that gullible?"  A not-so-familiar voice to Shinhye was heard. 

Swiftly turning her back, Shinhye was so surprised upon seeing the person.

"Oh, why so surprised? Didin't think that Sooyoung will do this?" Tiffany teased Shinhye.

"Sooyoung..what's going on?" Shinhye was so confused.

Tiffany stopped Sooyoung from talking. "No, let me explain EVERYTHING." *smiles*

"So, it wasn't that hard for us to know your real intention. You and Sunny were so focused with what you guys were talking about that you didn't even notice that I was just at the other table, listening to your conversation."

Shinhye was shocked.

"Upon hearing your plan, I rushed to Sooyoung and told her your plan to use her. Of course, we wouldn't let you get away from it. We made a counter-attack and from the looks of it...we succeeded." Tiffany smiled. "Let's go Sooyoung, our mission here is now done."

Shinhye was unable to absorb everything she heard and walked unconsciously when suddenly..

"Miss! Look out!"

Shinhye wasn't listening.


She tripped and fell down from the stairs.

"Oh my, are you okay? Yonghwa, let's help her get up and go to the clinic."

It was none other than Seohyun, Yonghwa and Taeyeon who just finished their meeting about the musical.

"YOU!" Shinhye shouted.


"Shinhye!" Taeyeon tried to stop her.

"Stand up, let me help you go to the clinic." Yonghwa said.

Shinhye was unable to hold back her tears. "How can you have everything you want? Huh? Everything that's happening to you is always good. THAT'S NOT FAIR!" *cries*

"Because the only thing she does is doing good." Yonghwa replied."Even if you the only thing you do to her is to make her life miserable, she's still willing to help you. Look at're the mean one and yet you still have the guts to say those things to her. We already offered to help you, if you don't want then we'll go already. It's not like we're the one who's in need."

Shinhye didn't reply.

"I guess she really doesn't want us to help her. Let's go now."

Seohyun stopped him from walking, "B-b-bu-but..we should.."

"Seohyun, Yonghwa's right. We already tried. That's enough. You're being too good."

And the three of them left.

Crowded by the students, Shinhye was so mad.



"They texted me. Base on their texts, I believe all of them will come but maybe a little later since all of them will be doing theirs at school."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yes so..can we now make ours?" Seohyun smiled.

"Yes! Let's get ready!"


"Look at this one! Hihi. It looks good on you^^"

"Aiisssh >.<"

"Hihi. Just kidding. Anyways, what are we going to call ourselves?"

Yonghwa was confused, "Eh? what do you mean?"

Seohyun felt a bit shy, "You a group name for the people to call us...or something.."

"Couple name?" Yonghwa grinned.

"YA! That's not what I was try to say!" Seohyun was embarrassed.

"Rosy cheeks, huh? Hahaha. Just kidding. Let's just have YongSeo as our name. Yong for Yonghwa..Seo for Seohyun.."

"But it means forgiveness..why would we use that?" Seohyun asked.

"Cause there were people who somehow disapprove our friendship. We should also forgive them for judging us even if they really don't know what's happening."

" meaningful^^ Let's go  with that. By the way, I bought 2 pins for us. Write 'Yong' on yours and I'll write 'Seo' on mine^^"

"Do you have stuff toys there? Let's put it on the it will be like our children." Yonghwa suggested.

Seohyun smiled, "Okay^^ Let's start filming afterwards."


"Okay Let's try it!" Yonghwa was excited.

"How about we greet in different languages then we introduce each other?"

"Sure, let's try that" Yonghwa agreed. "Then, we should just follow everything that we planned, okay?"

"Yes! Let's start!"


"AIIIISHH..I can't get that correctly!" Yonghwa exclaimed.

*laughs* "It's was our first try only^^ Let's do it again.."

After 3 takes..

"I keep forgetting that part!!"

"It's okay. Just look at the paper if you forgot."







After so many takes...

"Wooooo~! We did it!" Yonghwa was so happy that he unknowingly hugged seohyun.

Seohyun was shocked by Yonghwa's action but she didn't reject Yonghwa's hug. They were idle there for a minute or two. Yonghwa gradually let go of her and the both smiled shyly. 

"Sorry if I hugged you." Yonghwa apologized.

"There's nothing to be sorry about." Seohyun smiled at him. "Anyways, shall we watch it?"

-After watching-

"'s really embarrassing >.<" Seohyun said.

"We did really well! For a first-timer in this kind of thing." Yonghwa cheered her up.

*knock* *knock*

"Who could that be?" Yonghwa asked.

"I doubt that it's Tiffany and the others...they said they'll text me before going here. And it's not Yuri unnie either. She still have classes to teach at this time."

"Let's go check it." Yonghwa said.


Seohyun was surprised seeing her.

"Ya! Why didn't you say you were coming! I should have prepared something.." Seohyun exclaimed.

"I wanted to surprise you! Hahaha!"

"Yonghwa, this is YoonA, my bestfriend...and YoonA, this is Yonghwa." Seohyun introduced them to each other.

"Oh, Annyeonghaseyo!" YoonA greeted.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" Yonghwa greeted back.

"Let's go inside!" Seohyun said.

YoonA grabbed Seohyun's arms."Ya...Yonghwa's pretty handsome, huh? And why is he here? What are the two of you doing?" she whispered to Seohyun.

"We're doing a project, okay? And pssssh! He might hear you..." Seohyun whispered back.

"Whatever you saaay~"

After the three of them were seated...

"Yonghwa, Tiffany texted me saying that they'll arrive soon."

"Oh...that's great!"

"Who coming?" YoonA, who was confused, asked Seohyun.

"Oh, just some friends."

"My timing's great! I'll be able to meet your friends here in Seoul."

"I know!" Seohyun exclaimed.

*knock* *knock*

Seohyun stood, "I'll go check on it..maybe it's already them~"

After Seohyun left, YoonA quickly looked at Yonghwa.

"Yonghwa~ssi..can I ask you something?"

"Oh sure...what is it?"

YoonA suddenly became serious. "It's just that...I think there's something going on between you and Seohyun...I just wanna ask if you actually have feelings for her?"

Yonghwa was about to answer when...

"They're here!" Seohyun shouted.

Both Yonghwa and YoonA were surprised.

Seohyun looked at the two of them "Why are you two so frozen like that? Have you seen a ghost or something?" *laughs*

"We were just shocked by your loud voice, that's why.." YoonA said.

"It's troublesome for me to introduce her to all of you one by one so...everyone...this is YoonA my bestfriend^^"

"Annyeonghaseyo! I'm YoonA"

"Aiish...why so formal? You're Seohyun's friend anyway." Yoona smiled after hearing that from Tiffany.

"Hope you guys get along well^^" Seohyun happily said to all of them.

After awhile...

"Seohyun always talked about was nice that we finally met personally!" Tiffany said to YoonA.

"Really? Well Seohyun talks about you too when we're talking on the phone." *laughs*


"How are you guys doing? Oh! YOONAAA!!" Yuri hurriedly went to YoonA and hugged her.

"Oh, Yuri unnie! It's been a long time! I missed you!"

"Me too! You're a bit different now, huh? You've become prettier..and slimmer! Are you eating well?"

"Of course! Maybe it's because you haven't seen me in a while." YoonA said.

"Anyways, everyone! Let's eat! I bought ramyun and tteokboki!" Yuri shouted.

-While they were eating-

"Why are you so quiet?" Yuri asked Jonghyun who was shocked by the sudden question.

"Ah..." He wasn't able to give a reply.

"Unnie, he's really like that." Tiffany explained.

"Oh, is that so? Well you should talk's not like we're in a classroom. Talk to me like an older friend." Yuri said.

All of them laughed, even Jonghyun..well..awkwardly.

"How does it taste? I'm sorry I was supposed to cook for you guys but we had a meeting so..."

"It's okay's actually delicious!" Minhyuk said.

"Yeah, where did you buy this?" Kyuhyun added.

"You don't need to compliment me. I know it tastes like the usual ones." Yuri rejected their compliment. "Anyways, are you done with your assignment in Music already?"

"Well, me and Seohyun are already done filming...I don't know about them.." Yonghwa said.

"How about the others?" Yuri asked.

"Well, me and Minhyuk haven't made our video yet but we already decided on what to do." Tiffany answered.

Yuri looked at Kyuhyun. "What about you and Sooyoung?"

"Oh, we're already done...all we need to do is to upload it."

"Hyoyeon had a great idea so we'll stick to it and maybe we can film next week..right Hyoyeon?"

"Yes, of course." Hyoyeon happily said.

"Waaa..I envy you guys. Sunny's not even talking to me about that. When I approach her, she just give me this feeling that she doesn't wanna talk about it." Jungshin said, feeling disappointed.

"Same here. Shinhye's kinda cold to me. It's hard for me to speak to her." Leeteuk said.

Hyoyeon interrupted them, "If you want I can talk to Sunny & Shinhye about this matter. It'll be troublesome for you guys if you don't start working on it."

"Thanks, Hyoyeon. You're the best!" Jungshin and Leeteuk said in unison.

After a lot of chit-chatting and laughter, they didn't notice that it was about 10pm already.

"Omooo~ look at the time. It's already late." Jessica was shocked upon seeing the time.

"Oh, you're right. It's kinda late...should we all go home now?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Yeah...Seohyun~ah..we should go home now..." Taeyeon said

"Of course...thanks for being here guys. We should do this again some other time!" Seohyun exclaimed.

Jessica agreed. "Yeah, next time, we should go to our house...and then to another house after that." *laughs*

"Yeah..let's invite them to our house." Tiffany said.

"Anyways, we should get going. Thanks for everything Seohyun~ah, Yuri noona!" Yonghwa thanked them.

Yuri smiled, "No problem...I hope you guys had a great time."

All of them answered, "We did!"

And after that, all of them were about to leave...

"Thanks again. This has been a great day. " Yonghwa said to Seohyun. "Oh, and answer to your question is yes."

"What was that about?" Seohyun was confused.

And all of them left...except for YoonA who was planning to sleep at Kwon's residence.

"What was that about?" Seohyun asked.

YoonA and Seohyun are both getting ready for bed.

"What do you mean?" Yoona asked back.

"Yonghwa said his answer was a yes...what was that about? And what the question anyway?"

"Oh, it's nothing important." Yoona said, making excuses.

"If you say so~ Anyway, what are you doing tomorrow? Let's go out tomorrow!"

"Sure! You should also invite Tiffany and Kyuhyun..they're your closest friends, right? You should invite them, okay?" YoonA insisted.

"Yeah..haha. I'll text them but for now, let's sleep...okay? Chalja~!"


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cnsdGirl #1
ahhh~ I really excited when they say 'LOVE' thing to each other~!!
ahahahahha *happy*

Update soon~!! ^^
hooh!! excited for your update.
cnsdGirl #3
Aigoo~ Kyuhyun..sorry~! But, I realy LIKE YongSeo..
Ahhh~ There someone else LOVE you, you know.~!
Update soon~!
I really like your story!!! XD So sad for Kyuhyun... But I really like YonSeo :d! Update Soon!
I feel bad for kyuhyun but I want to end up seohyun to yonghwa....
SeoKyu please :)
cnsdGirl #7
awwww~~ they already become couple, so sweet~~
and..Kyuhyun, don't sad, okay? I know there will have someone else~
Update soon~~
Yee seriously seohyun seriously ?!!
Poor Yonghwa >< My heart is bleeding for him T_T
Kamsa authornim for writing such ff and plz update soo ^^
theperfectcatch #9
Thank you guys for liking my story^^ Hope you read it until it's complete^^
Love this story :)