Day 2: The Queen Must Have What She Wants

100: How Long Will it Last?

"Yuri unnie! It's great to see you here!" Tiffany said.

Second day of classes and Yuri is now a professor at Dongguk University. Seohyun's friends gave her a warm welcome since it's not the first time they met.

"So, unnie, you're still going to teach Math?" Jessica asked.

"Yes. Same subject." Yuri replied

"Are you going to be our professor?" Kyuhyun wondered.

Yuri smiled and said, "That, you will find out during your Math class. Anyway, you guys should get going. I need to go to the office now. See you later, okay? Bye!"

"BYE!" All of them shouted.

"I think we should get to our classes now. See you later at the cafeteria! Bye!" Jessica said in a hurry.

"Bye unnie!" Said Tiffany.

"Wetz go wu aw cwas now." Kyuhyun said while having his mouth full of sandwich.

Seohyun and Tiffany stared at him and together said, "What?"

Kyuhyun tried to finish eating and then finally said, "I said let's go to our class now!"

Seohyun & Tiffany laughed. "LOL. You can do better than that" said Tiffany.

While they were on their way to their classroom, Tiffany remembered something.

"Hey, Jessica unnie told me that Taeyeon wants us to audition for Glee Club. Wanna join?" she asked them.

"Uhm, I don't know. I don't have time for such things." Seohyun replied.

"Me too." Kyuhyun agreed with Seohyun's response.

"Guys, having some extra activities besides academics is not bad as long as you balance it. Tell me, why are the both of you busy?" Tiffany questioned both of them. Tiffany knows that Seohyun and Kyuhyun aeren't involve in anything inside or outside the school.

Seohyun & Kyuhyun weren't able to answer her.

"See? Please! Let's just try this one time. I mean, we're not even sure if we're going to make it." Tiffany pleaded the both of them.

"Uhm...I don't know..." Seohyun hesitated.

"I'll take that as yes!" Tiffany exclaimed. "The audition will be tomorrow afternoon so be ready." she added.

"WHAT? It's tomorrow already! But how can we practice?!" Kyuhyun asked, still in doubt.

"I haven't practiced too but I know that we can do it!" Tiffany positively said to them.

Later did they realize they're already at the front of the room. They entered the room and unlike the first day, no one really cares.

"Seohyun-ah, can we exchange seats? I can't see some things here." Tiffany requested. Her eye sight is not that good anymore thanks to her addiction in video games.

"Yeah, sure." Seohyun agreed.

"B-but!" Kyuhyun wants to disagree. He wants Seohyun to sit beside him but since Tiffany has a problem with her eye sight, he has no choice but to deal with it.

The seat was the same like yesterday, except for Seohyun & Tiffany exchanging...and Shinhye adding another chair next to her.

"I feel embarassed to see him. He cleaned and paid my parents!" Shinhye said. She thought that Yonghwa was there the whole time when her parents asked her guests to clean and pay.

Just then, Yonghwa entered the room and this time, not even trying to close the door.

"Go, ask him to sit there!" Hyoyeon told Shinhye.

"Should I?" Shinhye asked.

"YES!" Sooyoung & Hyoyeon replied.

"Yonghwa! Annyeong! I saved a seat for you, come here!" Shinhye invited him like nothing happened yesterday...well at least in her mind.

"I'm fine here." Yonghwa said, sitting beside Seohyun.

Yonghwa stared at his left side and was shocked to see Seohyun sitting beside him. Seohyun, who was reading a book, didn't notice him. Kyuhyun saw him look at her and was frustrated. Shinhye saw him too and is starting to hate on Seohyun.

"That girl, what's her name?" Shinhye asked.

"Seohyun. Kwon Seohyun" Sooyoung answered her.

"Oh. So that's Seohyun. Well Seohyun, you better leave Yonghwa alone." Shinhye whispered.

The professor enters and as soon as Yonghwa saw him, he frowned.

"Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Professor Jung Minho and I'll be your teacher in Music."

"That's Yonghwa's brother, right?" Hyoyeon asked, clarifying.

"I think so." Sooyoung answered. 


"So, I'll randomly pick a partner for you guys for the assignment next week." Professor Jung said while holding the class records.

"So...uhm..let see...uhuh...Hwang Tiffany, you'll be partners with Kang Minhyuk." The professor announced.

"Tiffany-ah! Over here!" Minhyuk waved.

"Oh. Annyeonghaseyo!" Tiffany greeted back.

The professor continued, "Park Shinhye, your partner is..."

Shinhye whispers, "Please let it be Yonghwa...Please...Please...."

"Leeteuk. Park Leeteuk."

Shinhye, closed her notebook, feeling disappointed.

The professor continues to announce the partners..Kyuhyun to Sooyoung, Jonghyun to Hyoyeon, Jungshin to Sunny..etc. 

"Lastly, Kwon Seohyun, you're paired up with Jung Yonghwa." The professor said.

Yonghwa was shocked, and so was Seohyun. 

The professor gave them 10 minutes to talk to their partners.

Seohyun bowed to Yonghwa to greet him. Yonghwa, who wasn't able to absorb it, unknowingly bowed back to Seohyun.

Seohyun smiled and told him, "We should finish it before friday next week. Is it okay with you?" she asked him.

Yonghwa, still looking at her said, "Yeah, sure...before...friday.."

"Okay!" Seohyun replied. "But I can't do it today, I have to practice for an audition. Let's just to it on Thursday..or next week."

"Oh...okay..." Yonghwa's day dreaming suddenly stopped, "Wait, you're auditioning? For what?"

"Oh..." Seohyun explained, "For the Glee Club. Tiffany invited me to audition."

And then, the professor spoke...

"So, that's all for today. I'm expecting all of you to submit it next next week. See you around." Professor Jung picked up his things and left.

"So, I'll just tell you tomorrow about what we'll do, okay? Don't worry, I'll do the reaserching^^" Seohyun said and then rapidly looking at Kyuhyun and Tiffany. "Guys, we should go now, Jessica unnie is waiting at the cafeteria." she said.

And the three left.

Shinhye then approached Yonghwa and asked, "Yonghwa, do you want to eat somewhere?"

"Cafeteria." Yonghwa replied. "Let's eat there."


The cafeteria was crowded as usual. Students from all levels come to eat here.

"Aish, how can we find Jessica unnie here? This was a stupid idea in the first place." Tiffany said, getting irritated.

"There are many students here but the cafeteria isn't that big. And besides, Jessica unnie will stand out 'cause of her blonde hair. Only few students have one." Seohyun said, trying to lift Tiffany's mood.

And after Seohyun said that, Jessica shouted "Fany-ah! Over here!"

"See? Seohyun's right^^" Kyuhyun teased Tiffany.

The three of them walked towards Jessica when somebody...

"Hey Kyuhyun! What's up?" Leeteuk grabbed Kyuhyun's uniform. The girls continued to walk for they weren't able to notice it.

"YA! What's your problem?" Kyuhyun removed Leeteuk's hand. "I thought you were coming here next week? Why are you already in Korea?" Kyuhyun wondered.

"Pretty boring nothing to do. I'd rather be here." Leeteuk replied and then asked, "Hey, do you think I can come with you?"

"Yeah, sure. I don't think Seohyun will mind." Kyuhyun answered.

Both of them went to the table where Seohyun and the others were seated. Leeteuk saw Taeyeon, and thought she was charming.

"Uhm, guys, this is Leeteuk." Kyuhyun introduced him to the other girls who doesn't know him.

"Annyeong! " They replied back.

"Hey, both of you, sit there." Tiffany said while pointing at the 2 vacant chairs. 

Leeteuk went over to the vacant chair beside Taeyeon and Kyuhyun went to the chair beside Seohyun. The two of them smiled at each other.

"So I was saying..." Taeyeon continues her discussion. "I was hoping you guys can be part of the musical. If you don't want to perform onstage, then I'd be glad to see you helping at the backstage." she stopped and continued, "So first, who will audition?"

"I'll try but I don't want to be the lead." Tiffany said.

"How about you, Seohyun?" Taeyeon asked.

"Uhm...yeah..sure. I'll audition" Seohyun, who can never say no, accepted.

"GGRRRREAAAT!" Taeyeon exclaimed and then looked at the boys, "Are you planning to join too?"

Leeteuk, who wants to be close to Taeyeon, said, "Yeah, me and Kyuhyun will audition..if we don't make it, we'll help in the production."

Kyuhyun was shocked, not knowing that Leeteuk has an interest in such matters.

"Well good!" Taeyeon smiled. "Anyway, I need to go now, see you around!" and she hurriedly left.

"Ah...Kyuhyun, I forgot that I need something to buy...I'll just got ahead, bye!" and he also left.

The ones left thought it was absurd.

"Can I get your number?" Yonghwa approached Seohyun who was eating. "I need it so that I can contact you." He added.

Seohyun, who just remembered that he was his partner, said, "Ah! For the homework? Sure! Here!" Seohyun gave her a card.

Yonghwa took it and just like before, he left without saying a word.

After he left, Shinhye and her friends approached Seohyun.

"Hey, I don't know you but can you please move away from my guy?" Shinhye blurted.

"And since when did he became your guy?" Tiffany answered, causing Shinhye to get mad.

"Hey, Jessica. Tell your sister to shut and stop butting in. I'm not talking to her." Shinhye said, getting more furious.

Seohyun calmly replied, "We need to talk about the homework, nothing else. Just please leave us alone."

"I got my eye on you." Shinhye warned her and walked outside the cafeteria.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so going to slap that girl!" Tiffany exclaimed.

"Don't mind her. I don't really care." Seohyun said, making Tiffany feel better.

"Seohyun-ah, Shinhye will do everything she wants." Jessica said, worrying about Seohyun.

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cnsdGirl #1
ahhh~ I really excited when they say 'LOVE' thing to each other~!!
ahahahahha *happy*

Update soon~!! ^^
hooh!! excited for your update.
cnsdGirl #3
Aigoo~ Kyuhyun..sorry~! But, I realy LIKE YongSeo..
Ahhh~ There someone else LOVE you, you know.~!
Update soon~!
I really like your story!!! XD So sad for Kyuhyun... But I really like YonSeo :d! Update Soon!
I feel bad for kyuhyun but I want to end up seohyun to yonghwa....
SeoKyu please :)
cnsdGirl #7
awwww~~ they already become couple, so sweet~~
and..Kyuhyun, don't sad, okay? I know there will have someone else~
Update soon~~
Yee seriously seohyun seriously ?!!
Poor Yonghwa >< My heart is bleeding for him T_T
Kamsa authornim for writing such ff and plz update soo ^^
theperfectcatch #9
Thank you guys for liking my story^^ Hope you read it until it's complete^^
Love this story :)