Day 1 - Morning

100: How Long Will it Last?

"We're now in Room 143!" Tiffany exclaimed.

Seohyun, who is nervous, said, "First of the days that I hate the most."

"Why? First day of classes is fun! You get to have new classmates, know new people and many others! And besides, there are no lessons!" Tiffany said, getting excited by just thinking about it.

"But all of your classmates will look at you like you're going for an audition!" Seohyun argued.

Tiffany laughed. "Audition? Haha! Seohyun, don't be afraid. Just be yourself and it will be alright."

Seohyun sighed. "As if I have a choice."

"Let's go inside!" Tiffany said.


The two walked inside, everyone looked at them for the noise they caused when they opened the door. Then suddenly...

"Seohyun-ah! Tiffany-ah!" Kyuhyun called them.

"Kyuhyun! Annyeong!" Tiffany cheerfully called back.

"I saved two seats for you guys. Come here!" Kyuhyun said.


After Seohyun and Tiffany seated, Kyuhyun asked, "You didn't know I'm your classmate, right?"

"Yeah, you're right." Tiffany answered.

"I saw your name on the different section, how come you're in this class?" Seohyun wondered for she was so sure that she saw Kyuhyun's name on the other section. 

"Ah..." Kyuhyun explains, "I asked them to transfer me here. It's hard to be in a class where you don't have close friends."

"Is that the real reason?" Tiffany questions, smiling to Kyuhyun.

"Huh? WHAT?! Is there any other reasons?" Kyuhyun said, getting embarassed by what Tiffany said.

"Oh, you know...there can be other reasons..." Tiffany teased Kyuhyun who's blushing already.

"Like what?" Seohyun, butts in.

"Huh? No. Nothing! Tiffany's just joking!" Kyuhyun said, tapping Tiffany.

"Yeah, I'm just kidding." Tiffany laughed. "Hey, Seohyun, Jessica unnie asked me to come with her later. Can she come with us?" she asked.

Seohyun thinked twice, then answered, "Uhm, actually, I need to go somewhere later. Yuri unnie told me to buy her some stuff." 

"Oh, okay, but you're just going by yourself? Should we just come with you?" Tiffany asked.

Seohyun replied, "No, I can just..." then suddenly, Kyuhyun offered, "Seohyun, can I come with you? I need to buy some things that I still don't have."

Seohyun, smiled and said, "Sure!"

Tiffany exclaimed, "Aigooo~ I think Jessica unnie did a great thing about asking me to come with her."


After a while, they heard a banging of the door. 

"What's that?" Seohyun asked.

"More like who's that." Tiffany said.

Everyone looked to know who it was. As soon as they recognized them, the girls started to chit-chat with their friends.

"It's Yonghwa!!!!" Shinhye said to her friends.

"Aigooo~ He's really handsome!" Sooyoung replied.

"Yeah, you're right!" Said Hyoyeon.


"So, Yonghwa's our classmate? Cool~" Tiffany said to herself.

"What's so cool about that?" Seohyun asked, not actually interested on him.

Kyuhyun agreed, "Yeah, what's so cool about that? He's just an average student for me."

Tiffany stared at the both of them. "You guys are a match. You both don't know what's so cool about having him in our class. You know how there is an annual class competition, right? Where we have to compete with the other class through music."

Seohyun & Kyuhyun nodded.

"Well, Jung Yonghwa is the most popular guy in the school. Even statistics can prove that. Besides that, he's a great singer and guitarist. Many said that he can play most of the instruments well. With his popularity and talent, we have a high chance of winning the competition. And mind the both of you, there will be an additional grade if we'll win." Tiffany explained.

"But I never saw him perform during the past competitions." Seohyun, said.

"Yeah, I actually don't know why he doesn't perform. But if we can make him perform, we'll be a sure winner!" Tiffany exclaimed.


Yonghwa looked for a vacant chair. He saw one and quickly go over there.

"Aish! We should've saved a seat for him!" Shinhye said, getting disappointed.

"Well, we didn't even know he was our classmate." Hyoyeon said.


"Is this chair taken?" Yonghwa asked.

"No, it's vacant. You can sit there." Tiffany, who was shocked, calmly answered.

"Thanks." Yonghwa said in a cold way.

Yonghwa brought his ipod and earphones out to listen to music.

"It's really true." Tiffany whispered to Seohyun and Kyuhyun

"What's true?" Seohyun asked.

"He's really arrogant." Tiffany whispered again.

"Ya~ don't judge him after talking to him once." Seohyun said.

"But still!" Tiffany was about to say something when suddenly... "Class! Sorry for being late!" The professor said after opening the door. "I lost my schedule so I asked for another copy at the office. Anyway..."


Class started and everyone's paying attention to him...except for one.

"Mr. Jung Yonghwa. I believe that you should listen to me." The professor looked at him.

Yonghwa removed his earphones and said, "Happy?"

The professor didn't reply and resumed talking.


After he dismissed them, Yonghwa quickly stood up to get out of the class. He was walking so fast that he didn't see he was about to bump on someone...

"Ya!" Yonghwa shouted. "Use your eyes!" The books that the girl was holding fell on the floor.

Seohyun, who was in complete shock, said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Look at what you..." Yonghwa was so mad but when he saw Seohyun's face, who really felt sorry, he suddenly stopped.

"I'm really sorry. I was grabbing a book on the floor and I didn't see you coming." Seohyun explained.

Yonghwa stared at her for a while and quickly left without saying a word. Tiffany & Kyuhyun who both went out to go to the washroom rushed to Seohyun.

"What happened? Why are all your books on the floor? Tiffany asked while helping her pick up the books.

"No,'s just that I accidentally bumped into Yonghwa." Seohyun replied.

"WHAT? You bumped into him? What did he say?" Tiffany asked, worried about her.

"At first he was so mad then suddenly he left." Seohyun reminisced that weird moment.

"Did he say sorry to you?" Kyuhyun asked.

"What a question! Of course he wouldn't!" Tiffany said.

Seohyun sighed, "What's with you guys? It's not like he did something so bad to me. Kyuhyun, let's hurry up and go to the store."

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cnsdGirl #1
ahhh~ I really excited when they say 'LOVE' thing to each other~!!
ahahahahha *happy*

Update soon~!! ^^
hooh!! excited for your update.
cnsdGirl #3
Aigoo~ Kyuhyun..sorry~! But, I realy LIKE YongSeo..
Ahhh~ There someone else LOVE you, you know.~!
Update soon~!
I really like your story!!! XD So sad for Kyuhyun... But I really like YonSeo :d! Update Soon!
I feel bad for kyuhyun but I want to end up seohyun to yonghwa....
SeoKyu please :)
cnsdGirl #7
awwww~~ they already become couple, so sweet~~
and..Kyuhyun, don't sad, okay? I know there will have someone else~
Update soon~~
Yee seriously seohyun seriously ?!!
Poor Yonghwa >< My heart is bleeding for him T_T
Kamsa authornim for writing such ff and plz update soo ^^
theperfectcatch #9
Thank you guys for liking my story^^ Hope you read it until it's complete^^
Love this story :)