Melody 34

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I watch as he closes the door behind him. I-m clutching my hand to my chest, terrified to read what he wrote.

I saw the look in his eyes.

I saw the heartache, the regret, the fear…the love.

I keep my hand clutched tightly to my chest without reading it. I refuse to accept that whatever words are written on my palm will obliterate what little hope I had for our maybe someday.




My body flinches, and my eyes flick open.

I don’t know what just woke me up, but I was in the middle of a dead sleep. It’s dark. I sit up on the bed and press my hand to my forehead, wincing from the pain. I don’t feel nauseated anymore, but I’ve never in my life been this thirsty. I need water.

I stand up and stretch my arms above my head, then glance down to the alarm clock: 2:45 AM. Thank God. I could still use about three more days of sleep to recover from this hangover.

I’m walking toward Jimin’s bathroom when an unfamiliar feeling washes over me. I pause before reaching the door. I’m not sure why I pause, but I suddenly feel out of place.

It feels strange, walking toward this bathroom right now. It’ doesn’t feel as if I’m walking toward my bathroom. It doesn’t feel as if it belongs to me at all, unlike how my bathroom felt in my last apartment. That bathroom felt like my bathroom. As if it belonged partly to me. That apartment felt like my apartment. All the furniture in it felt like my furniture.

Nothing about this place feels like me. Other than the belongings that were contained in the two suitcases I brought with me that first night, nothing else here feels even remotely like mine.

The dresser? Borrowed.

The bed? Borrowed.

Thursday-night TV? Borrowed.

The kitchen, the living room, my entire bedroom. They all belong to other people. I feel as if I’m just borrowing this life until I find a better one of my own. I’ve felt as if I’ve been borrowing everything since the day I moved in here.

Hell, I’m even borrowing boyfriends. Jimin isn’t mine. He’ll never be mine. As much as that hurts to accept, I’m so sick of this constant, ongoing battle with my heart. I can’t take this anymore. I don’t deserve this kind of self-torture.

In fact, I think I need to move out.

I do.

Moving out is the only thing that can start the healing, because I can’t be around Jimin anymore. Not with what his presence does to me.

You hear that, heart? We’re even now.

I smile at the realization that I’m finally about to experience life on my own. I’m consumed with a sense of accomplishment. I open the bathroom door and flip on the light…then immediately fall to my knees.

Oh, God.

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no, no!

I grab him by the shoulders and turn him over, but his whole body is limp. His eyes rolled back in his head, and his face is pale.

Oh, my god! “Jimin!” I crawl over him and reach for the door to his bedroom. I’m screaming his name so loudly my throat feels as if it’s ripping apart. I attempt to turn the doorknob several times, but my hand keeps slipping.

He begins to convulse, so I lunge over him and lift his head, then drop my ear to his mouth to make sure he’s breathing. I’m sobbing, screaming his name over and over. I know he can’t hear me, but I’m scared to let go of his head.

“Yoongi!” I cry.

What am I doing? I don’t know what to do.

Do something, Jungkook.

I lower his head carefully back to the floor and spin around. I grip the doorknob more firmly and pull myself to my feet. I swing his bedroom door open and rush toward the bed, then jump on it and climb over to where he’s lying.

“Jimin!” I scream, shaking his shoulder. He lifts an elbow in defense as he rolls over, then lowers it when he sees me hovering over him.

“Yoongi!” I yell hysterically, pointing to the bathroom. His eyes flash to the empty spot on his bed, and his knees in seconds. Before I even make it back to the bathroom, he’s got his head cradled in his arms, and he’s pulling him onto his lap.

He turns his head to look at me and signs something. I shake my head as the tears continue to flow down my cheeks. I have no idea what he’s trying to say to me. He signs again and points toward his bed. I look at the bed, then look back at him helplessly. His expression is growing more frustrated by the second.

“Jimin, I don’t know what you’re asking me!”

He slams his fist against the bathroom cabinet out of frustration, then holds his hand up to his ear as if he’s holding a phone.

He needs his phone.

I rush to the bed and search for it, my hands flying frantically over the bed, the covers, the nightstand. I finally find it under his pillow and run it back to him. He enters his password to unlock it, then hands it back to me. I dial 911, put the phone to my ear, and wait for it to ring while I drop to my knees next to them.

His eyes are full of fear as he continues to hold his head against his chest. He’s watching me, nervously w

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Axel13 #1
Chapter 58: Thank you for sharing this story but i must say i was really disappointed with the end it was short and everything happened too fast like it was rushed a little bit but still thank you :)
Nekoyomen #2
Chapter 59: Thank you for the wonderful journey. As i waited with anticipation for the last and final chap, i couldnt help but be disappointed at it being so short. I WANT MORE!!!!! LOL
Chapter 59: Thank you so much for the update author-nim.. so happy happy ending..
Kfrees #4
Chapter 58: Such a beautiful chapter
Chapter 57: Finally :(
They're together now
2 chapters left ? Really ? ;(
Chapter 51: I am getting confused with 2 ffs.. with the same name.. so sometimes, when I get a new chapters update I think this one as that one and that one...
Chapter 50: Good decision jungkook. Yes, jimin's heart belong to jungkook now but jimin also said that his loyalty to yoongi still there. Whats gonna happen if sudde ly yoongi regret his choice and want jimin to comeback then?
Chapter 50: Someone help me... I don't want to wait for new chapters....
Axel13 #9
I hope you update soon