Chapter 18

Playing With Danger

A/N: I'm baaaaacckkkkk ;DD had to put kiseop's famous blowfish face in the chapter image X3

-kiseop pov-

"get up babe we gotta leave now or we're going to miss our flight." i said as i shook ____ awake. "eo...?" ____ rubbed her eyes and stretched. "get dressed and make sure you look decent. we're leaving in 15 minutes, okay? i already packed everything we need." "nae~" she said. i rushed in and out of the house putting suitcase after suitcase into the trunk of my car. "ready yet?" i asked. "Yes~" she said as she came downstairs. "let's go!"

*in the plane*

"is this a connected flight?" ____ asked. "yeah. we go from seoul to paris, france. then from paris we'll get on a flight that goes to new york city." i answered. ____ sat by the window as i thought she would. the pane was very cramped; the seats were so close together. "did you tell any of the others we were leaving?" "yes..I did. they said they'll make sure no one else knows." "arraso." she said.

-your pov-

I looked out the window at the big white clouds and sighed. "are you worried?" kiseop asked. "a-a.. little year.." i said, looking down. he put a finger on my chin and tilted my head up to look at him. "as long as we are together, everything will be okay." he said sincerely, looking in my eyes. i nodded and held back tears as he hugged me tightly. he rubbed his hand softly up and down my back to help soothe and relax me. "we should rest. we have a very long flight ahead of us." he said. "nae.." i rested my head on his shoulder, and kiseop rested his on top of mine.


"we have a little less than 20 minutes until our next flight to new york city. are you hungry?" kiseop said as we walked through the airport in paris, dragging our mini carry-on suitcases behind us. my stomach growled and i giggled. "nae~ what is there to eat? i asked. kiseop stood on his tip toes to see what shops were available. "let's see... there's a fast food restaurant.. an ice cream shop.. and a sit-down restaurant. which one do you want to go to?" he said. "we don't have a lot of time so... let's get some ice cream!" i said with a smile. "arraso!" kiseop grabbed my hand as we walked over to the ice cream shop. "what flavor do you want yeobo?" i looked at the large variety of ice cream. there were lots of different crazy flavors and colors, but i wanted to stay classic. "I want strawberry~" i said. kiseop nodded and ordered a strawberry ice cream cone for me, and chocolate for himself. then we walked together over to our flight's waiting area as we ate our ice cream. we took a seat and set down our things. "oh... _____-ah..." kiseop said, looking at me. "huh-?" he leaned towards me and the side of my ice cream cone. "mianhae... it was going to drip and get on your clothes." he said. "oh.. it's okay." i said, blushing a little. he smiled and continued to his own ice cream. "5 minutes until departure, 5 minutes." the announcer said. "mm.. okay," kiseop said, "should we go now?" i nodded. we stood up and went to the checkpoint. after checking in we walked through to the airplane.


I woke up and looked out the plane window. it was pitch black outside. I looked over at kiseop next to me, who was reading a book. "kiseop-ah..." i said sleepily, "what's the local time? "ahh.. well we're almost in new york. the time there is 2:30 am." he said, closing his book. "2:30 am? aigoo... i said, closing my eyes. "aigoo don't go back to sleep, we'll be there really soon. do something with meee~" he said, pouting. i sighed. "like what?" i asked. "hmmm... i dont know. i just want you to stay awake with me" he said cutely. "fine~" i stuck my tongue out at him and leaned on his shoulder. "you're too cute!" he exclaimed, poking my cheek." I lightly bit his finger. "yah, ow, yeobo~ wae?" i stuck my tongue out at him again. "are you on strike? are you against being cute now?" he joked. "aniyo~" "so you admit you're cute?" i looked at him in the eyes and crossed my arms. "okay. fine." "yay! saranghae~" kiseop said. he cupped my face in his hands and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. i blushed a little and hid my face in my hands. "yah.. why are you hiding?" "because~" i said. "because why?" he asked. "because.. i was e-embarrassed..." i said, peeking at him through my fingers. kiseop took y hands away from my face and held them, interlocking our fingers. "but you shouldn't hide your pretty face. no more hiding your face, okay?" he said. "arraso.." i agreed. "we will be landing in 5 minutes. please make sure your seatbelts are fastened. thank you." the pilot announced. "new york, here we come!" kiseop exclaimed.


the flight landed and kiseop and i had gotten all of our things. "until we can afford it, we'll be living with my cousin Jaehyo. He owns a small bakery that he said i could work at, even though i can't speak english. he's gonna let me be a baker!" kiseop said. I laughed. "you're a good cook~! i said, "so.. is he picking us up then?" "nae he is. he should be here soon." he smiled. "where does he live?" "oohh... just on the outskirts of the city. he's got an extra bedroom in his apartment that we can stay in. until i start making enough money for our own place, that's where we'll stay." kiseop explained. "i see..." i said. "look! here he comes now." kiseop said, pointing to a little silver car that puled up next to the sidewalk. Jaehyo stepped out of the car and walked over to us. "ah kiseop! long itme now see!" he greeted kiseop in korean. "and _____, pleasure to meet you~" Jaehyo said to me in english. "nice to meet you too." i responded back. "shall we go?" he said, switching back to korean. "yeah.. ill get the suitcases in the trunk." kiseop said. I climbed into the back seat of the car and Jaehyo went back in to the drivers seat. once he finished kiseop came in and sat in the passenger's side up front. the ride to jaehyo's was amazing. new york city was filled with so many people. there were hundreds of towering buildings and streets lined with bright lights. I stared in awe out the window at the sight of the foreign place. "new york city is outstanding!" i exclaimed. jaehyo laughed. "msot people who've never been here or lived here think that." he said. "i think it's pretty cool too." kiseop said. "yeah~ its one of the largest and msot populated cities in america," jaehyo stated, "and... we're almost to my place!"

-kiseop pov-

Jaehyo gave us aa quick tour of his apartment after we unpakced everything. once he was done, ____ gravitated back towards our bedroom and ended up crashing on the bed. she must've been extremely tired from the long flight. i changed into my pajamas and laid in bed next to her. my mind wandered as it tried to wrap itself afround everything that was happening. i realized then, too, that i had only a little more than two months to get married, or my stubborn parents wouldn't support and help me anymore. i wasn't sure how i was going to do it, but i had to do it somehow. that was my goal. with that, i rested my head on my pillow and wrapped my arm around ______'s waist, falling asleep.

-eli pov-

they're gone. they're not at his house anymnore. disappeared. i called every one of the boys and they all said they didn't know where they were. but while i called my last hyung, soohyun, instead of asking where they were, i asked him to come over so i could talk to him.

Soohyun came and walked into my door soon after. i was sitting on the couch, playing around with a pocket knife. "hey.." i said. "hey.. what's up?" he said. i stood up and approached him. "nothing much, just lost complete and utter track of where kiseop and his little girlfriend went.." i said. "im sorry to hear that..." "yes, but i don't think i've completey lost them yet. i think you're all hiding something from me.." i said in a low voice. "l-like what?" "like~ where they are. so. where are they?"i suggested. i knew that they all know where they are. i just had to get it out of one of them. "h-how would i know?" soohyun stuttered. i slammed and pinned soohyun up against the wall and held my pocket knife to his next. "because you do know. now, let me ask again. where are they?" i said, getting impatient. "I-I don't--" "where are they?!?"i demanded. "n-new y-york c-city!" he exclaimed, scared to death. "thanks for the info." i said, dropping him. "you can leave now." soohyun scrambled to his feet and dashed out the door. "new york city, huh?"




I'M BAACCKK :D I feel like it's been a really long time. I'm sorry for not updated. I had writer's block for over a week. yesterday i couldnt write at all, then today.. BAM! it all came to me :D i was so happy.

did you guys like it? :3

by the way, if you didn't know, "yeobo" and "jagiya" are words that couples can call each other, and they both basically mean "honey" or "baby".

follow me on tumblr! --->


OH BY THE WAY did you guys listen to all of the songs on ukiss doradora mini album yet??? :DD i love doradora!!! and the song 'amazing'!! im waiting for the mv to be released!! but i think by the time all of you subscribers read this it'll probably already be released.. so.. yeah. IM EXCITEDDD <3

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Please read my blog post titled "Important!!" -maknaelove32


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Chapter 25: very nice story~I like it^^
please do more story about kiseop:)
Chapter 10: When I clicked on this chapter... Kiseop, he SCARED THE OUT OF ME !!! D: I immadietly backed away from my notebook ! xD but then I laughed over my own stupidness xD
Chapter 7: This ''Queenka''-girl is kinda high tempered ._. (idk how to write those words in english xD)
LeeHyeJung12 #4
Chapter 24: daebbak~ :)
Love this fanfic you did a great job :-)
Aw the ending was cute! Hehe but it's kind of strange how Hoon came back to life O.o hehe well, time to read Nightmare (Yes I'm a bit late)
Kyaa~ love the fic!! Made my day ^^ *wink* thanks for writing it ^^ hope there's a sequel for it ^^
jaeseopsanae #8
in South Korea there is a tower called Namsan Tower, also known as North Seoul Tower. There's lots of chain-link fence around the tower and thousands of people have taken locks and written their name and their boyfriends name on it and locked it to the fence. maybe as a symbol of saying their love is forever? not sure. but lots of people know about it and think it's cute :)