Chapter 12

Playing With Danger

-your pov-

i glared at kiseop waiting for an answer. he rolled over on the bed, sat up, and wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled me down on the bed next to him. "simply this.  Eli is going to come soon, so we have to leave korea. is that okay with you?" he said calmly. "well, yeah, i guess i have to be.." i said. kiseop frowned. "you dont wanna be with me and go live together in new york?" he said sadly. "no, no thats not what i meant. i meant that ill have to be okay with anything we have to do to stay away from Eli." kiseop sighed in relief, now knowing that i did want to be with him. he pulled me up close to him against his body. "so, now that we have all of this figured out.." he started. kiseop's breath was warm on my neck as he spoke. "_____, would you please be my girlfriend?" he said softly in my ear. i was shocked that the question came up at this time, but i guess it's better now than never. "n-ne.." i said. hearing my response, kiseop hugged me tightly. "thank you so much. for accepting. i really like you. i'm glad you actually like me. and still like me, after all of the things ive kept hidden from you. i hope you can forgive me, ____." I flipped over on the bed and faced him, looking him in the eyes. "of course i forgive you~" i said. kiseop leaned in over me and kissed my forehead. "thank you, again," he said, "now. it's late, we should both sleep..." i nodded and started to get up to go back to my room. kiseop grabbed my wrist and held it tightly. "ani... stay in here with me." he said, making a cute face. "ahh arraso~ ill sleep with you." i said, crawling back into bed with him. kiseop lay on his back with his arm around my shoulder. i lifted my head up and rested it on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. my heart was beating so fast i wondered if kiseop could hear it beating.


"Kiseop! i'm going out for a walk to get some fresh air, I'll be back within half an hour!" i yelled as i put on my black converse shoes. "Arraso! be safe please! and dont get lost!" he yelled back. After i finished tying my shoes, i stepped out of the front door and made my way down the driveway and down the street. i walked down the road for a while, humming a song as i did so. it was sunny out this afternoon, with barely any clouds in the sky. the slight wind felt good on my skin. i had on a fitted white t-shirt and tan khaki capris. it was good to get some fresh air in the peaceful outdoors. but then.. i stopped walking when i thought i heard footsteps behind me. "k..kiseop? i called out nervously. no answer. cautiously, i kept walking, but something still didnt feel right. suddenly there was a hand thrown over my mouth, eyes blindfolded, and i was being pulled away somewhere by a muscular man.


i was in a car, rather a van from the sounds of it, bouncing around helplessly in the back without a seatbelt on. where this person was taking me, i dont know. i didnt even know who this person was. we took a few turns on the road and drove for a while before we came to a stop. the driver got out and got me out from the back of the car. then i was being carried into somewhere, from the sounds the place seemed very empty.  the man dropped me into a chair and tied my hands behind it. i was starting to freak out inside when my blindfold was taekn off. peering around, i noticed the place was abandoned. there was me, sitting all tied up in a chair, under the single lightbulb still burning in the lamp above me. then there were 8 figures all standing in the shadows. one took a step out into the light. "how've you been? i noticed you aren't living in your own apartent anymore. what a shame, i liked it there. it was cozy." he said. "eli what do you want from me? Eli let out a sly grin. "First, I'd like to know something. Where aer you living now?" he demanded. I didn't answer. "Answer me." he said. Not a word came out of my mouth. Eli scoffed as he pulled out a pistol. He cocked it and pointed it at me. "I'd like an answer please." he said mockingly. "K...K-Kiseop's house...." i said stuttering. "Oh, really? I can't believe i never thought of that...Ive been looking all around Seoul for you two..." he said. He looked back at the figures behind him. "You guys can come out you know." he said. All of them stepped forward but one. I recognized the faces of Kibum, Dongho, Kevin, Xander, AJ, and Soohyun. "Hoon, I said you can come out." Eli said impatiently. Hoon stepped out from the shadows with his head hanging down. "There. Now, you have three options dear. One, you can choose to love me. Two, you can choose to die. Three, you could choose that Kiseop dies. Take your pick." he said with a smirk. i looked straight into his devilish eyes and glared at him. "i wont do any of them" i said firmly. Eli threw his head back and laughed. "are you sure about that _____?" when he said my name, i felt shivers go down my spine. "yes." Eli grinned and kept his gun pointed at me. his finger slowly pushed down on te trigger, and i heard the bang. but i felt no pain. i peeked my eyes open to the scene in front of me. on the floor betwen my and eli layed hoon. there was a bulllet short in his shoulder near his heart. "HOON!" i screamed. blood stained his t-shirt and he began breathing heavily. Eli yelled in rage. "HOON YOU IDIOT! YOU FREAKING IDIOT!" i managed to wriggle my thin wrists out from what tied them around the back of the chair. i rushed onto the ground next to hoon, getting teary eyed. With my hand over where his heart was, i could feel its beat become slower. " hoon dont die please no..." i said crying. "what does hoon matter to you?" eli asked. without looking up at him i answered. "hes a lot nicer, and if i had to id rather love him than you!" a hard slap in the face was what i got in return. "i cant belie-. how dare you!" eli cocked his pistol again and pressed the end of the barrel to my forehead. there wasnt anything that anyone could do now. "kiseop..." i whispered to myself, "lee kiseop please.. plesae come save me..." "Any last words, dear?" eli said. I remained silent. "Look's like it's settled. tell your dear kiseop and your life goodb-" " i dont think she'll be needing to do that" a voice said. a man came in throught the dark doorway, holding out his own gun in front of him. "remove the gun from her forehead and no one gets hurt." he said. "damn that kiseop.." eli muttered. "and, killing your own hyung? just to get revenge? you've got to be kidding me." eli growled and moved the gun off me to aim at kiseop. in the darkness i locked eyes iwth kiseop; his eyes were telling me not to worry, so i tried as hard as i could not to. Eli spoke up again. "You think you can beat me? hah! let's do this in a manly matter. drop the guns, let's fight this out. then we'll see who's still living"




OKAYY. Since AFF crashed or whatever happened~ it was so frustrating to me because I couldnt read any fanfics that were updated i was about to go crazy!! I probably needed a break from being addicted to my subs...yeah.

but anyways... i lost 3 subscribers because the site says it could only recall data from March 9.. not good. so i have to RETYPE chapter 13 up and post it again. i had to do the same with 12 here, but thankfully i had copied it onto a word doc with all of my other chapters. i just somehow managed to forget to get 13 on there too =_____=

Well, im sick right now, overtired, and just overall not feeling well. its my spring break and normally i woulve updated a lot but i just havent had the energy and motivation to. mianhaeyoooo. ill try and get back at writing next week. i need rest this week, ugh :P sorry to make you guys wait. my hope is that we can get everything back, and then i wont have to type up chapter 13 again. aigoo.

well... enough from me. thats all i can think of to say right now. stay tuned in and ill try to update next week ^^


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Please read my blog post titled "Important!!" -maknaelove32


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Chapter 25: very nice story~I like it^^
please do more story about kiseop:)
Chapter 10: When I clicked on this chapter... Kiseop, he SCARED THE OUT OF ME !!! D: I immadietly backed away from my notebook ! xD but then I laughed over my own stupidness xD
Chapter 7: This ''Queenka''-girl is kinda high tempered ._. (idk how to write those words in english xD)
LeeHyeJung12 #4
Chapter 24: daebbak~ :)
Love this fanfic you did a great job :-)
Aw the ending was cute! Hehe but it's kind of strange how Hoon came back to life O.o hehe well, time to read Nightmare (Yes I'm a bit late)
Kyaa~ love the fic!! Made my day ^^ *wink* thanks for writing it ^^ hope there's a sequel for it ^^
jaeseopsanae #8
in South Korea there is a tower called Namsan Tower, also known as North Seoul Tower. There's lots of chain-link fence around the tower and thousands of people have taken locks and written their name and their boyfriends name on it and locked it to the fence. maybe as a symbol of saying their love is forever? not sure. but lots of people know about it and think it's cute :)