Don't Dare Me...

The Sweetest Romance~

Minwoo's POV <3 ^_^


All of Boyfriend lounged on the living room furniture, except for me. "Hey, you guys.." I got sleepy grunts as my responses. "Yah! You guysss!" i whined. "Why don't we play a game? I'm bored!" Donghyun acknowledged my comment. "You know.." He yawned loudly. "You know, that's not a bad idea.." I smiled happily. "Of course it's not, Donghyunnie! Hey, hyungs! Get up! We're all gonna play a game!" Hyunseong waved me off. "If we absolutely HAVE to...why don't we play a game that doesn't require that we get up.." Jeongmin high-fived him. "Yeah! Genius! Let's do that!" My shoulders slumped. "That's not exactly what i meant.." Youngmin cut me off. "I know the perfect game! Don't worry, Minwoo! It's so much fun!" I furrowed my eyebrows. "What is it?" Youngmin paused for dramatic affect. "Dare!" I waved my hands around in the air. "Haha, that's ok. Let's just sit around all day.." Youngmin jumped up. "No, no! Let's do it! It's so much fun!" I grumbled, "I hate that game.." Youngmin shook his head in defiance. "You've never played it this way-" Donghyun cut him off. "Yeah, yeah..Isn't it known as TRUTH or DARE? Not just dare?" Youngmin nodded. "This is more fun. Too many people choose truth." Kwangmin piped up. "I'll only play it if there's truth." Kwangmin stood up from the couch and slyly strolled over to Youngmin, his chin seductively. "Truth is still fun, Youngminnie..You know that..." Youngmin let out a high-pitched squeal, then clapped his hands joyfully. "Ok, ok, Kwangminnie. I remember. That's fun!" Youngmin turned to the rest of the boys. "Ok. Truth or dare." I attempted to protest again, but Donghyun had grabbed me and pulled me onto the couch before i could react. "Who's going first?" Youngmin asked cheerfully. Donghyun raised his hand immediately. "I will!" Youngmin grinned madly. "Ok. Truth or dare?"

"No, no! You can't do this, hyungs!" I whined as i was pushed inside a closet with Donghyun. "Hehe..yes we can. Donghyun accepted the dare.." Youngmin grinned evily. I whimpered before the door closed firmly and the rest of the boys ran off, snickering. "Have fun!" I glanced over at Donghyun. He shrugged. "Sorry, Minwoo.." I whimpered. "Get it on, you guys!" Kwangmin yelled. "Yah! Kwangmin!" Youngmin scolded. "No, no. You guys don't have to do anything like that! All you have to do is..." Youngmin paused. "Just take off your clothes..accept for your boxers..and then.....just come out. I have a better idea." I gulped nervously. What did Youngmin have in mind? "Oh! Oh! Idea! Take the clothes off each other!" What?! "Uhh, uhh, Youngmin-ah..I don't think-" "Yes! You have to!" he cut me off. "O-ok.." I turned to Donghyun. "Uhh, I'll just.." He hesitantly reached for my shirt. "Are you ok with this?" My eyes widened. "N-no.." Youngmin chimed in. "You have to!..or we won't let you out of there!" I could hear the smirk in his voice. "Ok, ok!" Donghyun grabbed the hem of my shirt and started to pull it off. "Donghyun?" I stared up into his eyes. "We have to, Minwoo! You know i don't want to violate you on purpose!" I let him pull the shirt over my head. "Ok. Now, you." He said gently. My hands shaking, i slowly pulled the shirt off of him. Next, he reached for my pants. "Can i?" I blushed. Why was he asking? He had to whether i liked it or not. I nodded and glanced away shyly as he popped the button and ped the front. He slid the pants down my legs until they were completely off. I folded my legs in front of me, embarrassed. "It's ok. Don't be embarrassed," he said. "Now you have to take mine off.." I started shaking again. "I-i know.." I touched my fingers to the button, pulling back almost immediately. Donghyun grabbed my hand, kissing my palm. "It's ok. Just do it." I undid the button and ped the zipper. "Good. Go on," he urged me on. I managed to slip the pants off of him. I tried to avert my eyes. Oh God. I don't want him to think I'm trying not to stare. He'll automatically think that i was staring, liked what i saw, and tried to pretend like i didn't like it..What? I didn't like what i saw..I took a chance and looked over at Donghyun. Yelping, i swiftly twisted back around to face the other way. Donghyun grabbed my arm and pulled me up off the floor. He started banging on the closet door. "Ok. We're done. Let us out." Youngmin giggled. "Ok. Here i come!" He jerked open the door and gasped. "Whoah. I didn't think you'd really do it!" Donghyun grunted. "Yeah, whatever. You weren't gonna let us out." Youngmin contemplated this. "Yeah. You're right!" he said, giggling. "Ok, come here." He led us over to the couch as i tried my best to cover myself.


"What?? Y-you can't make us!" Kwangmin shoved me towards Donghyun. I caught myself before i fell on top of him. "Yes. We can. Now do it." Kwangmin insisted. "This is abuse!" i squeaked. "Oh, just do it." Jeongmin casually said."I-" Donghyun jumped on me before i could finish my sentence. He started kissing down my neck. Then, he started rubbing his hands up and down my sides while on my neck. "Ah- Donghyun-" i moaned. He kissed down my chest and stomach (tummy hehe ^_^ Minwoo has a tummy ^-^) until his lips reached the elastic of my boxers. I in an unstable breath. I thought maybe he would try to continue, but he didn't. I let air escape my lips in relief. Donghyun whispered in my ear, "You're too mistrusting. I wouldn't go that far right now...............................Your turn..."

I climbed on top of Donghyun, vaguely aware of the other boys' constant staring. I nervously ran my hands along his skin like he did to me. Although, my hands were shaky, so i was sure he wouldn't feel nearly the same thing as i did with his hands on my skin. Surprisingly, i felt him shiver. "Your hands are so soft..You're so..seductive...Minwoo..." I blushed. "I-i....thanks.." I felt the boys staring at me, so i continued. I kissed his neck. I didn't want to kiss any farther down...I didn't feel comfortable with that. I'm glad the boys didn't try to make me. They seemed to sense how uncomfortable i felt because they stopped me altogether. "Ok, ok. That's enough." Kwangmin said, pulling me off of Donghyun. He threw my clothes at me. "I'm sorry, Minwoo...I didn't realize that you guys didn't do it yet.." Youngmin punched Kwangmin on the shoulder, then turned his attention to us. "Yeah. I didn't realize that either..I'm sorry." I gave him a forgiving nod. After Donghyun and i were fully clothed once again, we all sat back down on the couch again. (Wow. That dare went on for a long time >_<..sorry...i didn't mean to write so much about that one dare 'cause there are definitely more ^^....ohhhh who will it be????)








Jeongmin's POV


"Who will go next?" Youngmin asked. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me up. "You!" He grinned. "You will go next! Truth or dare?" I wobbled on my feet, as i wasn't quite balanced yet. "Uhh, i don't- i don't know....umm, i guess..truth..?" i said uncertainly. "Ok! Would you kiss Hyunseong?" he asked boldly. My eyes went wide. "Well, uhh, i don't know....I never really thought about it...." Youngmin sat up. "Yes or no?" I hesitated. I can't lie...

"Ok. Yes. I guess...i would..." I wrung my hands and stared intently at my lap. When nobody said anything, i glanced up. Youngmin's eyes glistened. "Wow. I never thought you would say yes!" I looked at Hyunseong. He stared open-mouthed at me in utter shock. "Ok. Hyunseong. Truth..or dare?" Youngmin said mysteriously. "Uh, uh, dare, i guess..," he answered, still in shock. "Kiss Jeongmin." Hyunseong's eyes grew wide. "Uhh, umm, ok...i guess..." I was surprised that he actually agreed so easily. He came over to me and sat down in front of me. We sat and stared at each other for a minute, each of us too afraid to make the first move. "Um, are you ready?" Hyunseong asked me. "Oh, uh, yeah." i said, and we both leaned toward each other.

Our lips met gently. I melted into the kiss. His lips were so soft and smooth and inviting that i pressed my lips harder against his. We kissed once, then twice, then we kept giving each other kiss after kiss. I softly pushed him down onto the couch and wrapped my arms around him.

Suddenly, i was tapped on the shoulder. "What?!" i yelled angrily. "Oh. Sorry." I cleared my throat, embarrassed, as i realized that Hyunseong and i had just gotten really passionate in front of everybody...AND i got mad when they tried to stop us. I never saw Hyunseong as more than a friend, but now...all i want to do is keep kissing him.....what's wrong with me? I'm not i?

Seriously?! Is EVERYONE in Boyfriend gay?! This is so weird! What is wrong with us?!

Are we freaks?

..........................................................................Am i a freak?


I pushed that thought out of my head. No. We're not freaks. We are what we are.

Whatever...maybe that kiss was nothing.............


Thanks for reading! I'm so glad more people are subscribing! ^-^

Oh, you all make me so happy! I hope I'm doing a good job!

So, i didn't accidently erase anything this time! Yayyy! hehe ^.^

Please subscribe and nice comments make me super happy ^^

Oh, and if you didn't read all of last chapter, i added on more...Just make sure you didn't miss any of that! ^^

Also, sorry about last chapter and Donghyun's unrealistic emotionalness (is that a word?)

I realize it didn't really fit him, but he's in love...He couldn't just shake off Minwoo's rejection...That would've been majorly least i think so...if it's true love....?

hehe ^.^ Hope it's okay anyway.

Please support me and my fanfiction. Like i said, support makes me SUPER happy! teehee ^_^

Well, look forward to next chappie *-* It's gonna be good! (Actually, i don't know what it's gonna be about..I'm just winging it!)


Love you all!~

Chu~ <3

<3 <3

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It seems like you all hate Mishka..haha I do too >_< It's irritating to just write about her heheh :p


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Chapter 6: LOL minwoo has a tummy!^-^
Chapter 5: idkk why, but i imagine donghyun saying love in a british accent. like u know how british ppl say ello love~ and btw im reading this again. its that good!!!!!
this was sweet! i really enjoyed it, thanks! <3
It was a really sweet fic!
I am going to miss it but I love the ending cause then chapter was sweet and funny!
A good way to end it!
plopkpop #6
Please update,

it´s really interesting ;D
kyssthedark #7
wow love this really good <3 <3
i love dongwoo# couple
boyfriend daebak
update soon! pyongg!