Pretty Boy~

The Sweetest Romance~


Youngmin's POV


"Hey, you guys. We should all go somewhere fun today!" i told the boys enthusiastically. "Yeah! We totally should!" Kwangmin grabbed my arm in excitement. "Sure, but where do you wanna go?" I considered Jeongmin's comment, tapping my forehead. "Ah! We could go skating! You know, like, rollerskating?!" Kwangmin high-fived me. "Whoah, good idea, Youngmin!" The rest of the boys nodded their heads in approval, except for Minwoo. He just smiled nervously. Oh. I forgot he can't skate. "It's ok, Minwoo. We'll teach you how to skate. Don't worry." I smiled reassuringly. "Y-yeah, ok. I guess that's ok." He suddenly perked up. "It should be really fun!" I raised my eyebrows at him. I wonder what caused the sudden change of heart...



 Minwoo's POV



 We pulled up at the skating rink and piled out of the car. Everyone seemed so excited, but my fear was mounting as we entered the building and payed for our tickets. As if sensing this, Donghyun squeezed my shoulder. "Don't be so nervous." I smiled at him half-heartedly.

After i exchanged my sneakers for a pair of old, worn-out skates, i sat down on a bench to put them on. Seconds later, Donghyun walked over and plopped down next to me. He had his skates on in a matter of moments, waiting for me until i got mine on. Then, he easily stood up and held out a hand to me. I took it and tried to stand up as gracefully as he did, but instead i slid around on the wheels and waved my hands around in the air to keep my balance. When that didn't work, I unconciously hooked my arms around Donghyun's waist, resting my chin on his shoulder to keep myself upright. He managed to hold me up as i slumped in his arms, still very unbalanced.

Finally, i was able to steady myself and stand up straight. "Ok. Are you ok now?" Donghyun still held on to my waist, just in case i lost my balance again. "No. I'm not ok! We're standing on carpet! If i can't even stand on carpet, then how am i supposed to skate on a slick floor?!" Donghyun took my hand, sliding his fingers in between mine. "It's ok. I'll hold onto you. You don't have to worry." He winked at me then led me, stumbling, to the rink. I tried to hold onto the wall, but Donghyun pulled me away from it, gripping my hand tightly. I felt more stable with him holding onto me, but i still kept slipping and sliding around. Noticing this, he started skating backwards, holding onto my hands as he pulled me along. "Donghyun, don't do that! You might fall!" He chuckled at my remark. "Don't worry. I won't fall, and if i do, i promise i'll be ok." I gave him a skeptical look, but quickly forgot about my concern for him, as i almost fell again. Thankfully, Donghyun caught me. He wrinkled his nose at me. "How do i keep you from falling, huh? You're so unsteady.." Suddenly, he pulled me over to the wall, pushing me up against it. I winced at the cold that penetrated my shirt. He slid his arms around my waist, pulling my body against his. I stared at him, wide-eyed. "Donghyun, what are you doing? You can't do this here. People are gonna see, hyung.." He kissed me on the cheek, signifying that he didn't care. I tried to peek around his shoulder, to see if anyone was looking. Although, it turns out they weren't looking. They were STARING. Overcome with embarrassment, i shoved Donghyun, causing him to stumble backward, causing me to lose my balance and fall right in the floor. I rubbed my head, as i banged my head on the way down. Then, i remembered Donghyun. I looked up to see him standing a few feet away, looking hurt. "Donghyun.." I reached out to him, but he backed away (on his wheels), his bottom lip quivering. "I'm sorry.." i told him, but he turned and skated off, wiping at his eyes. "Donghyun!" I tried to stand up, but kept falling back down. "Donghyun-!" After struggling for several moments without success, i slumped against the wall and held my face in my hands. "I-i h-hurt D-Donghyun's f-feelings..H-how c-could i d-do that t-to him?" i said to myself in between sobs. After a few minutes of crying like that, somebody skated over and pulled me up off the ground. It was a girl around my age. "Are you ok? I noticed you were sitting over here crying for a while.." I sniffed. "Yeah. I'm f-fine.." i told her. She was really pretty. Most guys would dry up their tears fast in front of a girl like her, but i didn't care. Donghyun was the only one who mattered to me, especially right now. "Hey, come over here and sit down." The girl led me over to a bench, sitting me down. Once i was safely seated, she sat down, too. "What's wrong?" she asked me. "I-i just hurt someone's f-feelings, someone who i c-care about very much." I said, still trying to stifle my tears. "Oh. Well, then you should apologize to that person, if you feel this bad about it." "I don't know where he went.." She gave me a pitying smile and waited for me to calm down. When i finally had my emotions under control, she started to speak. "My name is Mishka." She held out her hand. "Uh, I'm Minwoo.." She looked relieved that i talked without my words breaking. "It's good to see you're feeling better now..Do you want me to help you find your friend?" I sighed. "Yes, that would be great. Thank you." I tried to smile at her, but it was hard. "Ok. What's his name?" I bit my lip. "His name is Donghyun. He-he's.." I tried to choke out what i so desperately needed to say, but my words wouldn't make it past my lips. The girl tilted her head in confusion, like she couldn't understand why i wouldn't just say what i needed to say. Although, she chose to ignore my lost comment. "Ok. Take off your skates. Then, we'll go look for him."

After i was back in my sneakers, and walking instead of rolling, Mishka took my hand and led me to the exit. We busted through the door and out into the cold night. I pulled my hand away from Mishka's grip and ran around the side of the building, while she ran the opposite direction. Minutes later, we met back where we started. Mishka raised her hands, as if she was showing me that Donghyun wasn't hidden in her hands. "He couldn't have gone far. His car is still here.." Suddenly, an idea struck me. "He's probably in the car!" I sprinted around to the front of the building, Mishka following close behind. I jerked open the back door of the car and peered inside. Donghyun lay scrunched up across the seat, sleeping peacefully. He came out here and lay in the car all alone? I feel terrible!

"Is he sleeping?" Mishka's voice interrupted my thoughts. Hm. I forgot she was there. "Oh, yeah. He is." Mishka tapped me on the shoulder, as i still hadn't fully acknowledged her presence. "Are you going to wake him up? Do you mind telling me what happened? Of course, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.."

For some reason i felt a burst of bravery. "He wanted to hug me, but i pushed him away because people were staring." She looked confused "Why..would......?" I understood why she was confused. "He-he's my boyfriend." Mishka's eyes widened. She uttered a single word, "Oh."

"He really means a lot to me. I couldn't tell him that, but i need him more than anything else in this world. I think..I might be falling in love with him..," i told her, blushing a bit from that big confession.

"I know this is awkward for you, but..i just thought you should know, since you've been so nice, and since you helped me find my, ah, boyfriend.." She overcame her shock and smiled. "No, no. It's not awkward at all! It's really sweet. I've always wanted to see such a sweet relationship happen!" I almost expected her to squeal. She was that excited about me and Donghyun's *ahem* gay relationship...

"Oh, and you're both so pretty, especially YOU! You're such a pretty boy!" I stepped back a little. This girl is creeping me out.."Umm, thanks..?" She laughed. "Oh, it's a compliment. Don't worry." She smiled and turned to leave. "Hey. He's really lucky to have you," she said as she rounded the corner of the skating rink. I had a feeling that i would see her again..

I turned back to the car, and got pulled in by my shirt collar. "What the-!" i exclaimed as i fell on top of Donghyun. "Thanks for saying all those sweet things, Woowoo...Are you really falling in love with me?" I tried to sit up, but he held me firmly in place. "Well, i..i don't know..." Donghyun kissed me passionately, snaking his tongue into my mouth. He's trying to seduce me! The sad thing is, i think it's working..

I was slowly being hypnotized by his smooth lips, by his hot tongue sliding against mine. Something inside me started to tingle. It started at my core and radiated heat throughout me. I felt a warm place inside my heart. This was everything i had ever wanted. I had always dreamed of a perfect relationship like this. I had always dreamed of falling in love. Now, i guess i really am.

I stopped the kiss to stare into Donghyun's eyes. "I'm so glad i have you, hyung." He smiled happily at this. "I'm glad i have you, too." He leaned close and whispered in my ear. "I love you." I blinked. "Wh-what?" He my hair lovingly. "You heard me. I love you." I saw in his eyes that he would love me even if i didn't. Still, i felt that i should tell him that i love him, too. "I-i-i l-lo.." Donghyun pressed a finger to my lips. "You're not ready, my love. Don't push yourself." I nodded, his finger still pressed to my lips. His voice captivated me. He was so inticing. Part of me wanted to pounce on him, give myself to him completely. Then, there's always that part of me that refuses to let anything happen, to let anything go too far. That is the responsible part of me, but most of all, the very innocent part of me. I don't know anything about 'stuff' like it scares me to think that he wants that. What if i don't do it right? What if i dissapoint him?..but what if i really don't want that to happen? Right now, i just want things to stay just the way they are now. I hope he knows that.....


Suddenly, the doors opened. "Whoah! Get a room, you guys! Seriously? If you wanna make out and lay all over each other, then go somewhere private! Now, move over and let me in." Kwangmin shoved us aside and got in the car. The rest of the boys laughed at his anger. "You're so dramatic, Kwangmin!" Youngmin punched him softly in the shoulder. "Look who's talking! You've got the shortest temper of all of us!" Youngmin wrinkled his nose at his twin. "Yeah, whatever..," he muttered under his breath.

"You guys! We weren't doing anything bad! I swear! Just kissing!" I pleaded with them. "Yeah, and rubbing your-" Youngmin pinched Kwangmin on the arm. "Ow! What was that for?!" "Don't say things like that to them! They weren't doing anything like that," Youngmin scolded Kwangmin.

I had to laugh. I have such great friends, such hilarious friends. That, on top of the fact that i have the best boyfriend in the world, is enough to make me feel like a..KING! hehe ^_^

Hopefully, this happiness will last forever....



Hello happy readers! (hopefully you're happy ^^)

I really tried to make this chappie a good one..

I don't have school today because it snowed! ^_^ <3..or something like that..? Not at my house, though...

But, anywho, that is the reason i was able to update today!

Please comment and subscribe! It always makes me so happy ^^

Thanks for reading! <3

<3 <3 <3



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It seems like you all hate Mishka..haha I do too >_< It's irritating to just write about her heheh :p


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Chapter 6: LOL minwoo has a tummy!^-^
Chapter 5: idkk why, but i imagine donghyun saying love in a british accent. like u know how british ppl say ello love~ and btw im reading this again. its that good!!!!!
this was sweet! i really enjoyed it, thanks! <3
It was a really sweet fic!
I am going to miss it but I love the ending cause then chapter was sweet and funny!
A good way to end it!
plopkpop #6
Please update,

it´s really interesting ;D
kyssthedark #7
wow love this really good <3 <3
i love dongwoo# couple
boyfriend daebak
update soon! pyongg!