"Brotherly" Love

The Sweetest Romance~

"Donghyunnie!" Minwoo slipped onto my lap and laced his arms around my neck. "You should come out with us today!" He looked at me with adorable puppy eyes that i absolutely could never in my life resist.."No," i told him bluntly. "B-but whyyy, Donghyun hyung?" Minwoo made a pouty face. I really didn't want to say no to him, but..this was so weird. "Yahh, get off me, Minwoo! It's weird to sit on your hyung's lap like that!" He narrowed his eyes at me. "No it isn't, hyung." "It is. In absolutely every way," i said, sighing. "Fine. I'll go with you, but no "brotherly" love, okay?" "Okay, hyung!" Minwoo tried to jump on me, but i walked away, so he landed in the floor.

Minwoo sat across from me at the table. He grinned madly while eating his strawberry icecream, and kept glancing over at me to see if i was having fun, too. I wasn't. He reached across the table and tried to tickle my nose, but i veered away from his touch and started talking to Jeongmin. I could see him scrunch up his nose out of the corner of my eye. Awwhh, how cute, i thought. What? I didn't think that...

We were all standing inside of a little street-side shop. Spotting a pair of sunglasses i liked, i walked over to the rack they were on and picked them up. I was examining the glasses, rotating them in my hand, when Minwoo walked up and wrapped his arm around my waist. My eyes widened in shock. I tried to shake Minwoo off, but he just wrapped his other arm around me, pulling me into a tight hug. I stood completely still and stiff, allowing him to hug me. My gosh..What is this..? What's this feeling? What's wrong with me? Why do i feel this way when Minwoo only touches me? He's just my friend........right?


I sat on the couch inside Boyfriend's apartment, sipping on some kind of fruity drink i picked up on the way home. Kwangmin and Youngmin sat beside me, whispering to each other. I heard Youngmin giggle "Okay, dongsaeng..," he giggled before Kwangmin grabbed his hand and dragged him off the couch. Youngmin giggled more as they both hurried to their shared room. "Where are you two going?" i asked, smirking. "Uhhh, we're going to..play..computer games..?" Youngmin seemed to be asking me what they were going to do. "Yeah, whatever..Have fun," I chuckled as both their faces grew red from embarrassment.

I felt something soft graze my face as i woke up from a very nice nap. "Hmmm..?" i mumbled as i stretched and squinted open my eyes. Minwoo sat on my lap, with his head tilted and his eyes big adorable bubbles. I flinched away from him. "Wh-what are you doing, Minwoo?!" He just stared at me with those big eyes. "What?! What are you staring at me like that for?!" His eyes had a glazed over look, like he was in a trance. "S-stop it, Minwoo..," i said in an unsure voice. His lips moved slightly and he blinked several times. "What you said, hyung...," he whispered, still dazed. Suddenly he jumped up from my lap and ran out of the room, leaving me to shout after him, "What?! What did i say?!"

I woke up, squinting my eyes at the fierce sunlight filtering in through the curtains. Suddenly, i saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Minwoo cracked open the door and peeked in my room. "Ummm, hyung, can i.. umm.. talk to you..?" he said as he made circles on the floor with his toe. "I knitted my eyebrows. "Umm, sure..?" Minwoo walked slowly over to my bed and gingerly sat down next to me. There was an awkward pause for several minutes. Then, suddenly, Minwoo burst out with, "You said you loved me yesterday. Is it true?" I was taken aback. "Well, i-i.." i stammered. "Do you? Is that why you have been acting weird?" "What? No, no! Of course not!" i assured him. "Oh." he looked dissapointed. No. Heartbroken, like he'd just been slapped. I cringed at this, but i didn't understand it, so i just ignored it. "When did i say that, Minwoo?" i asked him, still beyond confused. His head shot up. "So you were asleep?!" "Well.., i guess so.." Ok..still confused... "You said something else, too.." Minwoo glanced away shyly as he said this. I widened my eyes in surprise. I said something else? I wonder what it was.....? "What exactly DID i say?" I asked impatiently Minwoo moistened his lips. "Well, you said....."



"My gosh! I said THAT?!!" i cried out. "Yes.." Minwoo grinned sheepishly. "Do you really want that, Donghyun?" he asked me, searching my face for the truth. I turned away from him, but he grabbed my face with his feather-light fingers and turned me back to him. I still averted my gaze. He knew the truth even if i didn't. "Donghyun..," Minwoo whispered. I turned away still. "Donghyun..," he persisted. "Look at me, Donghyun." I turned to him, and got lost in his eyes. They were so warm and full of love, so caring...Slowly, he leaned towards me. I could feel his breath dancing on my cheeks, causing warmth to well up inside of me.

Minwoo's soft, smooth lips carressed mine gently. They felt like wind against my own lips, barely even there. He pulled away, taking my face into his palms. "Is that what you wanted, hyung?" Before i could respond, he was gone, like a gentle breath of air himself.




"Breakfast, anyone?" Hyunseong asked as he sat plates and plates of freshly cooked food down on the table. Everyone else grabbed for the food, but i just sat slumped over in my chair. "Donghyun? What's going on with you? You act like you've seen a ghost." Hyunseong said. Kwangmin sneered. "It looks more like he's in love to me. Do you SEE the look of lust oh so visible on his face?" Kwangmin gestured to me. "Yahh, i'm not in love! Who would i fall in love with, anyway??" my cheeks flared red. I could tell because my face felt extremely hot. I glanced over at Minwoo very discreetly. He had a biscuit held halfway up to his mouth."Umm, you guys.." Minwoo suddenly spoke up, clearing his throat. "You are all failing to realize that Donghyun isn't exactly a ladies' man, unless he somehow just turned into a hot, irresistible charisma overnight." I frowned at this, but the rest of the boys seemed to accept it. "Hmm, guess it wasn't lust after all." Kwangmin resumed nibbling on a piece of bacon.


The rest of the band left the apartment and went out to a restaurant, except for Minwoo and i. Before the other boys left, he whispered in my ear, "I need to talk to you, hyung." His sweet, gentle breathe still lingered on my ear. I sighed a perfect sigh and plopped down on the couch. Minwoo decided to go out with the boys, then fake being sick so that he could be alone with me. If he just stayed home with me then the others would suspect something, so we were forced to take evasive measures.


The door burst open, and in ran Minwoo, slamming the door energetically behind him. I sat up straighter. "I thought you were going with them." Minwoo grinned. "It turns out i didn't have to. They told me to stay and figure out what's wrong with you." He winked and i felt myself blush.

"I..didn't mean what i said, about you not being hot or irresistible.." Minwoo looked away shyly. "Uhh, it's ok..," i said, scratching the back of my head awkwardly. "So..how do you feel about me, hyung? Kwangmin said you looked in love..Is it true..?" Minwoo stared deep into my eyes. Why does he even ask? He knows the truth. I'm not very good at hiding my feelings...


I was silent for several minutes before i said anything. How can he be so patient..?

"I-i..I like you, Minwoo. I guess for awhile now...I just never realized it...because i didn't believe my feelings were real.." I had been looking down at my lap this whole time. When Minwoo didn't answer, i slowly lifted my head up. Why isn't he answering..?

Suddenly, Minwoo's lips connected with mine. His arms s around my neck and held me there, as if i might try to escape, so he should hold me close. I didn't try to escape. I wrapped my arms around his small waist and pulled him closer to me. He almost lost his balance, so he pressed one hand lightly against my chest before scooting closer and wrapping his arms around my neck once again.

I kissed him sweetly, again and again. They were completely innocent kisses, but still they made my heart flutter.

Minwoo pulled away and looked deep into my eyes. He was so cute, so sweet and endearing. I couldn't help but love him, couldn't help but plant a soft kiss on his precious nose. I rested my forehead lightly against his. Then, i gently took his chin in my hand and tilted his face up towards mine. He looked at me curiously as i bent my face towards his. I opened his mouth slightly with my fingers, and he didn't object as i slipped my tongue inside his mouth.

Even this kiss was so innocent with him. He was so inexperienced. I had to guide him through our kiss as he gently opened and closed his mouth. I was gentle, too. I didn't devour him hungrily like some lovers do. Those rough kisses don't seem like sweet, heartfelt love at all.............

I like innocent love like this. This is the most perfect kiss I've ever experienced. <3





Sooo....did you like it? I hope so..

I think it came out really good ^^ but maybe that's just my pride..?

Well, please comment and subscribe..That would mean the world to me ;_; ahh *tears*


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It seems like you all hate Mishka..haha I do too >_< It's irritating to just write about her heheh :p


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Chapter 6: LOL minwoo has a tummy!^-^
Chapter 5: idkk why, but i imagine donghyun saying love in a british accent. like u know how british ppl say ello love~ and btw im reading this again. its that good!!!!!
this was sweet! i really enjoyed it, thanks! <3
It was a really sweet fic!
I am going to miss it but I love the ending cause then chapter was sweet and funny!
A good way to end it!
plopkpop #6
Please update,

it´s really interesting ;D
kyssthedark #7
wow love this really good <3 <3
i love dongwoo# couple
boyfriend daebak
update soon! pyongg!