Tales of His Past

The Sweetest Romance~

A/N: Hey guys! *waves* I was seriously considering deleting the last few chapters because I thought they were too disturbing…but after seeing all of your comments I thought maybe I shouldn’t because…you’re interested…right?? Or am I wrong? Well, anyways, I will just continue on with the story. These last two chapters have been a nightmarish twist and it’s seriously starting to creep me out…>_< So, thank you all for subscribing and commenting! You guys inspire me! *hugs* I’m serious guys! You make me so happy with all of your subscriptions and comments. ^^ aha… Actually, a lot of your comments make me giggle. ^^p Okay. I’ll shut up…Sorry…>_<



Donghyun POV


“Why can’t we find him?!” I sobbed. “My poor baby! He must be so scared, out there on his own!” I hugged my body and bit my lip in an attempt to suppress the tears that were threatening to spill over my lids. “It’ll be ok, Donghyun. Like I said, I’m sure he’s fine.” Jeongmin rubbed his hand against my back comfortingly. “But Minwoo isn’t the type of person to just disappear and not tell anyone! I’m quite sure that he’s not fine!” I shouted angrily. Jeongmin held up his hands defensively. “Ok, ok! I was just trying to make you feel better. What did you expect me to say? I couldn’t just tell you something really negative! Is that what you wanted?” I dropped my head. “Sorry. I’m just really flustered right now,” I explained, running a shaky hand through my hair. “It’s ok. I understand. None of us are exactly in the best condition right now, either.”

I glanced around at my friends. They all looked so exhausted. Dark bags were visible underneath each one’s sagging eyes. I was quite exhausted myself, as we searched for Minwoo through the night, and up into the morning. We hadn’t faltered in our search since we started yesterday, following the discovery by my band mates that Minwoo was missing. “We can rest if you guys want, you know.” All eyes were on me. “No!” came the answer. “We are not giving up until we find him! Do you understand? We care too much about him to do that, so you don’t have to worry about us!” Kwangmin spoke up fiercely. I widened my eyes in shock. Kwangmin had never spoken so fervently to anyone before, much less to us. “Ok. Then, let’s keep going,” Youngmin said, grabbing Kwangmin’s hand and squeezing it to calm him down. Kwangmin took a deep, composed breath, and we all forged ahead.


Minwoo POV


I cringed as Mishka laughed hysterically, spitting sour words in my face. She stepped closer and bent down to my level, staring intently at me. She lifted her hand, chuckling as I flinched. “You’re pathetic,” she chided. I focused my attention on the floor. “Hey. Look at me,” Mishka demanded. I kept my eyes to the floor, avoiding her harsh gaze. “You little…I said, look at me!” She grabbed my face roughly, forcing my eyes on her. I whimpered as her nails dug into my skin, which only made her smirk. “Oh, you’re so cute…,” she sighed, turning my head from side to side to examine my features. “You know, you would make a really good boyfriend.” She paused. “Of course, you had to go and be the girlfriend,” she mocked, scrunching up her nose in disgust. “I just don’t understand what could’ve corrupted your mind so seriously. It was that guy you kissed on stage, wasn’t it?”she asked sternly. When I didn’t answer, she slapped me across the face, causing a stinging sensation to bloom in my cheek. Tears began to well up in my eyes. “Answer me!” she commanded. “Y-yes…it was!” I managed to choke out. “So, it was him! He forced you to be with him, didn’t he? He is the one he corrupted you!” Mishka stated furiously. “N-no, he d-didn’t f-force me.”

Mishka narrowed her eyes. “So, you were always gay?” she asked incredulously. “Well…No…,” I answered nervously. Mishka scoffed at me. “You’re so stupid,” she spat. “Can’t you see that he’s just using you? Why would he want someone as soft as you? Why would anyone?”

Suddenly, Mishka pounced on me, hugging me tightly. “Minwoo, I really like you. I have since the day I met you,” she mumbled into my neck. “I’m the one who made you feel better that day at the skating rink. I helped you find your ‘precious’ Donghyun. Minwoo, if you were with me you’d be so much happier. You could have a normal relationship!” she said hopefully. I slightly pushed her away from me and frowned. “I don’t think I could be happier with anyone else in this world. Donghyun means everything to me.” I bit my lip anxiously.

Just then, Mishka stood up coolly and walked to the door. Before she walked out, she turned back to me and sneered evilly. “You will regret that…The next time we meet will be even worse than this time.” With that, she flicked off the lights and exited the room, slamming the door behind her. I cringed as the slam echoed throughout the room, ringing in my ears. I could hear quick, feverish footsteps as Lee made his way to the door, banging on it furiously with his fists. “Mishka! Mishka! Come back here! You promised that if I did ‘that’ to Minwoo that you would let us both go!” he screamed irately. “Whoops! I lied.” I heard Mishka laugh deviously from the other side of the thick iron door. “Don’t always trust what other people tell you, dear Lee,” she laughed. Lee continued to yell heated insults through the door, but slumped to the floor when Mishka’s responses ceased. I could hear him let out a shaky breath from across the room. “…Lee? Are you okay?” I asked hesitantly. “Yeah. I’m fine,” he sighed.



“Can you turn on the lights?” I questioned. “Um…yeah. Hold on.” There was a pause, and then I heard Lee exhale noisily. “I can’t find the switch. Come here. Help me find it.” I grunted in response, before attempting to stand up. I yelped in pain, collapsing to the floor. “L-Lee. It hurts to stand up,” I whimpered. “Does it hurt to crawl?” he asked.

I got on my hands and knees and began to slowly inch forward. “Lee, am I going the right way?”

“Yeah. Just keep coming towards my voice,” he answered. “O-Ok.” With Lee’s help, I managed to crawl over to where he was sitting. “Ok, now help me find the switch,” he commanded. I ran my hands up and down the wall frantically, but couldn’t seem to locate the switch. Lee had the same luck. Eventually, we both just gave up, slouching against each other on the floor. “Will we ever escape, Lee?” Lee groaned. “I don’t know. I’ve been her ‘pet’ for nearly two years now. He said the word pet distastefully, as if he had a bitter taste in his mouth.

“You know, when I first met her, she was very nice to me, very caring, as she was with you. I would hang out with her occasionally, and we always had so much fun together. I can’t remember a time when we didn’t have fun.”

“Anyways, we had been friends for several months when my parents died in a brutal car crash, leaving me with nowhere to go, no one to turn to. After all, the only family I had left was my grandparents, and they couldn’t possibly be bothered with taking care of a teenage boy at their age. It would’ve been too hard on them…” Lee trailed off and took a deep breath, and I realized how painful it must’ve been for him to have no one he could turn to. I had always had someone to take care of me. I couldn’t imagine how it would feel to be left without anyone to care for you in all of humanity. I couldn’t imagine the throbbing pain of losing both of your parents at the same time. It seemed so horrifyingly cruel. Wasn’t there someone looking out for him?

I waited patiently for him to continue, not wanting to rush him on this tender subject. Eventually, he took a deep breath and began again. “Having no one to care for me, Mishka kindly offered to let me live with her and her parents. I jumped at the chance. It was perfect. Mishka and I were already great friends, so I knew that I wouldn’t feel out of place, and, I mean, it was a place to live. I thought that maybe my life would start looking up once I moved in with Mishka and her family. However, that wasn’t the case.”

After another short pause, Lee continued. Meanwhile, I was rocking back and forth with my hands trapped between the chilly floor and my thighs. I bit my lower lip anxiously. “First of all, Mishka didn’t live with her family. She lived by herself, although I didn’t realize that until weeks after I moved in. Mishka was terrific at telling lies, you know.” I thought, ‘Yeah. I know that well.’ Mishka is still terrific at telling lies. It’s like a talent of hers.

“Actually, about a week after I moved in she began showing signs of insanity, of her true personality. I would often catch her spying on me, and every time I was near her I felt extremely uncomfortable. I could always tell that she was staring at me. I began blacking out a lot, which I would later discover was because Mishka drugged my food and drinks. In time, she locked me up in her basement, sending her thugs to abuse and me while she looked on in amusement.

I was barred up in that hell-hole for little less than a year, and after that Mishka started to use me to do her dirty work.” Lee furrowed huffed in annoyance. “They broke me. They really did. I’ve lived a miserable two years of my youth, two years I will never get back.” That comment made me question what Lee’s true age was. I had assumed him to be in his twenties, at least, but I was beginning to speculate whether he was still just in his teens, considering the information he’d given me. “Lee…not to completely change the subject, but exactly how old are you?” I wondered. He chuckled slightly. “I think I’m around eighteen years old,” he answered uncertainly. “Do you happen to know the date?” I gladly enlightened him, but immediately became concerned when he cursed under his breath. “What?” I questioned innocently. “It’s been longer than I thought…”

I cocked my head to the side in confusion. “How long has it been, then?” The wall shivered as he presumably banged his head roughly against it. “I was sixteen when Mishka locked me away. From the date you’ve given me, that makes me twenty now.” I was taken aback by this revelation. “So, that would mean that you’ve been under Mishka’s control for…,” I ticked off the years on my fingers. “…four years?” From the sound of it, Lee was rather shocked himself. I listened as his breathing became ragged, blindly feeling around for his hand. When I found it I grasped it tightly. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry about what has happened to you. I can’t even imagine…,” I spoke in a soft, consoling tone.

 I gasped as I felt Lee’s lips on mine and his hand gently my cheek, and attempted to weakly pull away, but realizing that he was undoubtedly devastated right now, I allowed him to kiss me. Once he finally detached his lips from mine, he whispered in a voice that was barely audible, “I think I love you…I will never leave your side…” My mouth stood agape while I processed what he said.  Before I could utter a word he spoke again. “I know you are already in love, so I promise I won’t interfere with your relationship, but I hope you will at least be my friend.” The way Lee said this made it obvious that he felt embarrassed, so I muttered a simple, “Of course” while I ran my fingers through his silky hair lovingly. I could already tell that we would be close friends, probably even best friends. That thought caused a small smile to creep onto my face as I day-dreamed about all of the exciting, fun times we could share when we escaped…and yes, I did say when.


A/N: I’m so sorry I haven’t updated in so long, but hopefully this extra long update makes up for it just a little teeny bit? Wow. I’ve really drawn out this whole kidnapping thing, haven’t I? Well, real kidnappings don’t happen in a short amount of time, so…yeah. Anyways, I feel like this chapter is sort of…boring? Don’t despair! The next chapter will be much, much more interesting. I just thought a chapter explaining why Lee is in this situation with Minwoo would be a good idea. I noticed that one of my amazing commenters wanted to know more about Lee’s past, so I guess this is it…I hope it’s satisfactory. ^__^ Oh gosh…I’m rambling on. Well, bye bye my sweet readers, subscribers, and commenters! ^.^

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It seems like you all hate Mishka..haha I do too >_< It's irritating to just write about her heheh :p


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Chapter 6: LOL minwoo has a tummy!^-^
Chapter 5: idkk why, but i imagine donghyun saying love in a british accent. like u know how british ppl say ello love~ and btw im reading this again. its that good!!!!!
this was sweet! i really enjoyed it, thanks! <3
It was a really sweet fic!
I am going to miss it but I love the ending cause then chapter was sweet and funny!
A good way to end it!
plopkpop #6
Please update,

it´s really interesting ;D
kyssthedark #7
wow love this really good <3 <3
i love dongwoo# couple
boyfriend daebak
update soon! pyongg!